"Okay, let's stop here today!" Ye Qing clapped his hands, sitting a little numb!

Today's talk about dry goods is a bit much, and the time is also long.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong got up and bowed, "We will leave first, sir will not send it!"

"Norizo to see off guests, remember to bolt the door. Ye Qing ordered.

After seeing off Cao Cao and the others, Ye Qing walked to the bathing room, and the mink cicada put water in the pool for Ye Qing, and then retreated.

This is Ye Qingming's newly built bathing pool.

Large drums are troublesome and unpleasant to wash.

So Ye Qing asked Cao Ang and others to help get a bathing pool.

The hot water is directly connected to the kitchen, and when cooking on the fire, you can directly use the residual temperature to boil water, so that hot water is available 24 hours a day in winter.

If the temperature is not enough, there is also a boiling iron bucket that passes the door, only need to pour the hot water in the bucket into the hot pool, and then Ye Qing turns on the switch here, and the hot water flows from the kitchen to the bathhouse.

"Comfortable, it is only comfortable to bubble like this on a cold day!" Ye Qing enjoyed soaking in, groaned comfortably a few times, and then immediately heard today's harvest in his mind!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for teaching the students what it is called: The little bully angrily beheaded Yuji, and the blue-eyed child sat in the lead of Jiangdong! The war official Du Benchu lost his first victory, robbed Wuchao Mengde and burned grain! Cao Cao Cangting broke the original and captured the internal strife of the Yuan clan in Jizhou! Cao Pi took advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the Zhen clan's Guo Jia's widow to determine Liaodong!"

"Ding, specially reward the power of the host four tigers; pumpkin, peanuts, sunflowers, peppers, tomato seeds 10,000 catties each; movable type printing template 100 sets, the opposite sex attraction charm value 100 points!"

Four more rewards, issued!

The battle of Guandu, the north is dingding, it is really a lot of rewards!

The power of the four tigers, now I have the power of ten bulls and ten tigers, I don't know if I can kill the cow through the wall!

The strength was so strong that it was invincible, and Ye Qing was not very interested.

Then look at the second reward.

Pumpkin, peanuts, sunflowers, peppers, tomato seeds.

"It seems that Caojia Village does not have these things, it seems that it can be planted for the villagers of the Cao family, develop a variety of operations, and then the export of organic agricultural and sideline products will have a fall, after all, this is a systematic export, whether it is output or taste is not available in those seed companies in the world!"

One hundred sets of movable type printing templates!

Well, this is also good, it can be used in the village, so that they do not have to bother to buy a printer.

The original is a little more original, but the victory is available, much better than before!

"The attraction of the opposite sex is worth a hundred points, this... It seems to be a good thing!" The corners of Ye Qing's mouth suddenly rose slightly.

This is a weapon to get rid of the single, but I don't know what the degree of charm of a hundred points is.

Ye Qing immediately clicked to use, except for a warm current passing through the whole body, it took only a second, and then it was gone.

As for the effect, it seems that I can't feel it.

"One hundred points, maybe very low!"

Ye Qing thought like this, continued to take a bath, and after half an hour, he was reluctant, mainly because the water temperature dropped quickly, and it was cold after soaking for a long time.

Wash and dry and change into clothes.

Ye Qing came out from inside.

The mink cicada heard the movement and immediately came in, and the next moment her eyes were shining.

I couldn't help but say: "Sir is so handsome today!

"What, little cicada, what do you say?" Ye Qing was stunned!

Usually mink cicadas are not like this!

"Sir, I like you, the little cicada can't live without you!"

After speaking, the mink cicada hugged Ye Qing fiercely.

Holding on to it desperately, he didn't let Ye Qing break free.

She looks like an infatuated wronged woman.

Ye Qing was stunned for a while, instinctively struggling, but the mink cicada hugged too dead.


Ye Qing couldn't cry or laugh, this is probably the scourge of charm plus a little!

Otherwise, how could this little cicada girl say such things to herself for no reason.

And to die and live.

"Little cicada don't do this!"

"You are still young, you don't understand what love is, let alone the affairs of men and women..."

"Little cicada, you are just lost in your mind for a while now, obediently, go back to take a bath and get some sleep..."

The mink cicada raised its head sharply, and its obsessive eyes shone even brighter.

"Okay, I'll sleep with you, sir!"


What a thing. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Ye Qing was really choked.

I told you to rest, I was trying to sleep with me!

"Sir, you are so good, I can finally wash with you in the future..."

The mink cicada became even more excited, hugged it more delicately, and put his hands together on Ye Qing's neck.

"Don't, little cicada, don't do this, I will make mistakes if you do this!"

"Let go of me, I'm the glorious Mr. People, I can't..."

The mink cicada didn't care what Ye Qing said, and buried his head in Ye Qing's chest.

"Even if it is a mistake, following Mr. is a beautiful mistake!"


Ye Qing was directly speechless, when did the little cicada say so.

This is a fallacy of who taught.

Also beautiful mistake.

"Xu Ba, come quickly, pull the little cicada away for me!"

Helplessly, Ye Qing had to let two people in, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it is better than making mistakes.

Outside the hospital!

Xu Chu wanted to go in when he heard this.

At this time, Dian Wei pulled him: "'Don't go in!'"

"Sir called us, how can we not go in?" Xu Chu looked puzzled, and Dian Wei held Xu Chu's hand deadly:

"Really don't go in, listen to me, or you will wash your eyes!"

"What?" Xu Chu was stunned.

Wash my eyes, my eyes are good, and I am not blind like my husband!

"If you don't wash your eyes, you will be like Sir, and your eyes will not be saved!" warned Dian Wei again.


Now Xu Chu was a little afraid.

"You said too much, is it so serious, Sir won't kill us!" Xu Chuhu looked at Dian Wei suspiciously.

Dian Wei shook his head: "Sir will not, but you will yourself!"

"If you see something you shouldn't, do you think you can forget it?"

Xu Chu shook his head.

Dian Wei then said, "Since you can't forget, don't gouge your eyes!"

"Are you going to tell me what happened inside (so good), as for how serious it was?"

Dian Wei then attached to Xu Chu's ear and whispered: "There are two people in the room, Sable Cicada and Mr. Cicada, dry firewood!"


I see.

Xu Chu understood now.

That scene is really not something you can watch.

"Diansan, Xu Ba, where are you two dead, come quickly, pull the little cicada out!"

Ye Qing's shouting came from the room again.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu looked at each other tacitly.

Then tiptoe back.

None of them entered the courtyard tonight.

Killing will not admit to hearing Ye Xian's cry for help!

"Hey, sir, no one will hear you even if you break your throat today!"

"Yes, I have long seen that the mink girl has coveted Mr. Cicada's beauty for a long time, and this time she finally got her way!"

"Adult beauty!"

"Adult beauty!".

Người mua: sabmado

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