Ye Qing couldn't cry or laugh!

Add 100 charm points, and the effect is too strong!

If you go out, will it cause a disaster?

"This fan attraction effect is too powerful, it's like a star leaving the airport, and he is being coaxed and welcomed by countless brainless fans!"

"Ye Qing, Ye Qing, you are not a scumbag, don't think about that kind of good thing, what doesn't exist, what doesn't exist!"

Ye Qing wants to be calm and calm now, facing it for the first time in his life, he really can't fix it!

Now he just wants to weaken this attraction value of the opposite sex!


Zhendong General's Mansion!

Guo Jia was called to Cao Cao early~.

"Lord, I heard that you are looking for me?" Guo Jia finished saluting, and then found a place, leaning back.

Cao Cao stared at Guo Jiahao and took a closer look, and he couldn't wait to take a magnified realm and take a closer look.

"Lord, do I have flowers on my face?" Guo Jia touched the right side of his face, and there was no trace of the rouge gouache of the emerald flowers!

Cao Cao retracted his gaze, and then said, "Fengxiao, your face... Isn't it too white!"

"What does this mean, my lord?" Guo Jia said:

"Is there anything wrong with a white face? I'm not a general, I run to the school field every day to practice martial arts!"

"No, Fengxiao, tell me honestly whether you sucked five stones!" Cao Cao asked directly.

Going around the bend with Guo Jia, I can dizzy myself.

Guo Jia was stunned

looked at Cao Cao in surprise.

How did the lord know about this?

"It seems that Fengxiao, you really took Wang Shisan!" Cao Cao's face suddenly darkened.

Guo Jia said: "Lord, you also know Wushi San, so you also use it to boost your strength!"

Guo Jia thought that he had found a bosom friend, and Lao Cao was also in this way.

As a result, Cao Cao almost didn't lose his breath after hearing this.

Who's in the middle of the road with you!

I don't need to!

"Ahem, Feng Xiao, real men don't need such evil things!" Cao Cao's face turned pale, and he criticized harshly:

"From now on, you are not allowed to take it. "

"This thing is a poisonous taste, the first dose can make people hallucinate, like a fairy, make people happy, but he will kill people, if you continue to take it,"

"I don't want you to die in a few years, I don't want you to settle in the earth early! I still want to work with you to unify the world and return the people to a peaceful world!"


Guo Jia's eyes widened!

Five stone scatter is poisonous!

Will die violently!

Guo Jia was suddenly a little scared.

To live, who wants to die early!

"Lord, don't scare me, I've never heard that this thing can kill people violently?" Guo Jia was a little suspicious, the lord wouldn't be deceiving me!

The problem is, there's no good in lying to me!

Cao Cao snorted coldly and said, "You don't just eat five stone powder, you also refine pills, yes and no!"

Guo Jia immediately sat up straight.

The lord is a little scary, he must be spying on me!

How do you know that I am an alchemist.

No, no, I haven't been in Yanzhou for a long time, and the guys who used to make pills haven't brought them here.

How did the lord know?

I didn't mention this to Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai and others!

"Lord, did you already know about me, that's why you recruited me by Wen Ruo's hand!"

I think it's only this one case.

Cao Cao said: "Don't fork the topic, the pills you refine are also poisonous, and eating them will accelerate the violent death!"

"In the past, Qin Shi Huang also invited the immortal master to refine the pill, what was the result, he killed the sand dunes violently, and caused the second Qin Dynasty to die!"

"If Qin Shi Huang doesn't take the poison pill, he can live at least ten more years, and there will be Gao Zu and others at that time!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Pills are also poisonous!

No, no!

Everything I eat is poisonous.

Guo Jia wanted to cry.

I just want to be chic and happy, how to eat all the poisonous stuff.

"Lord, where did you hear that these strange things are poisonous?" Guo Jia still didn't give up.

The wonderful use of Wushisan can not be experienced by ordinary people.

Not to mention other elixirs, they are really good things that make people happy.

Cao Cao said: "I have a strange person here, he guessed the five stone powder and poison pill you took, let me advise you not to prepare to take it! Otherwise, it will be three years if it is slow, and half a year if it is fast, you will die violently!"

"In addition to your long-term drinking and lustful dogs, your body is in great deficit, and it will accelerate the speed of your death!"

Cao Cao was afraid that Guo Jia would not believe it and said: "Do you remember Zhicai? He is similar to you, he also died early, and now after the abstinence of alcohol, his body has recovered well, and in a year or two, he will be able to recover, and then he can eat and drink as many beauties as he wants!"

Xi Zhicai is true, Guo Jia has heard about it a long time ago, and he also made fun of Zhicai for being timid and afraid of death, but he didn't expect it to be true.

For the sake of Zhicai's health, Cao Cao issued a ban on him from drinking.

"Lord, don't you want to ban my five stone powder and pills!" Guo Jia asked bitterly.

It's a really wonderful feeling to be fluttering.

I can't break it

It can't be broken!

Cao Cao walked down from above.

Then under Guo Jia's surprised gaze, Cao Cao stretched out his hands, grabbed Guo Jia's arms, and then slowly lifted them.

"I not only want to ban your five stone powder and pills, but also ban you from drinking alcohol for a year, and you are not allowed to indulge in lust!"

"No, lord, I just have this little happiness, you can't deprive it of it!" Guo Jia cried out:

"The lord let me down, I know you are brave, you don't need five stones, but I need it!"

Cao Cao didn't let go, but slowly lifted it up.

Lift Guo Jia into the air.

"Promise me, quit these things, I want you to live, I want you to live a long time!"

"I want you to join me in witnessing the unification of the mountains and rivers, seeing the world return to stability, and watching me become richer and stronger. "

Guo Jia was afraid, he was afraid that Cao Cao would run out of strength and fall him down.

"I promise, I promise, my lord let me down quickly!"

Seeing that Guo Jia had softened, Cao Cao showed a sincere smile.

Feng Xiao, I'm also for your good!

You can't die before me.

"I'm scared to death!" Guo Jia patted his chest for a while, and then said:

"Lord, let me quit Wushi San and the pill, you have to tell me, find out who my sick person is!"

"I'm going to have a good reason with him, why does he dare to conclude that I will die violently and young!"

Smart people have always been conceited and proud.

People like Guo Jia are even more so.

Cao Cao stared at Guo Jia for a long time, and then pointed his nose and temple brain with the index finger of his right hand and said, "Don't be unconvinced, this person has an eye disease, he didn't see it, but... You know that!".

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