It is not seen, it is smelled, analyzed with the brain.


The other party is a demon!

But why don't I remember such a person passing by my side?

Something must I have overlooked?

It shouldn't be, none of the eyes that pass through my Guo Jia can be left behind.

Who in Zhencheng can escape my eyes!

"Master, I want to see him, but I can't see him, I still don't agree!" Guo Jia pleaded stubbornly.

Cao Cao is a little difficult!

Take Guo Jia to meet Ye Qing.

Is it suitable?

Among the strategists, only he had followed his earliest Chen Palace, and the others were three martial generals.

"Master, is there any difficulty!" Guo Jia's eyes suddenly lit up, and an address appeared in his mind.

"Master, could it be that the place where you don't let "One Four Zero" supervise has that strange man living in it?"

Everything figured it out.

It turned out that the changes in Yanzhou were not brought about by Chen Gong, and it had long been said that people like Chen Gong would not be able to come up with all kinds of new tricks.

After all, Chen Gong is rigid and lacks flexibility.

Seeing that Guo Jia guessed it, Cao Cao had to say: "Fengxiao, since you understand, don't ask anymore!"

And really!

Who was that man, who could be so protected by the lord.

In the whole city, it is estimated that few people know!

"Master, although I know that I will be jealous, I still want to contact him, otherwise... I'd rather die violently than quit drinking!"

Looking at Guo Jia's stubborn eyes, Cao Cao knew that Guo Jia was not joking.

Five stones scatter and poisonous pills are easy to handle, and Guo Jia's incoming and outgoing goods can be broken.

However, the color of wine is involuntary and extremely difficult to control.

If it goes out, it may be criticized and make jokes.

"Okay, I'll take you next time!" Cao Cao agreed through gritted teeth, after all, Mr. Ye Qing said that Guo Jianai was his diehard supporter, and he was helping him plan to death.

It can be seen that Guo Jia's loyalty.

Such a person, Cao Cao did not want to chill his heart, let alone create a gap with him.

"However, before that, you must first fast five stone scatter, you can no longer refine elixirs, you must abstain from drinking, if you can do a good job, I will take you there, otherwise the discussion will be suspended!"

Guo Jiadao: "Yes, but the time cannot exceed two months, if the master does not take me after two months, he will not be allowed to ban me from taking five stones in the future, let alone quit my wine!"

"No problem!" agreed Cao Cao cheerfully.

No show is impossible!

After talking about business, Guo Jia retreated.

When I went out, I happened to run into Chen Gong who was waiting outside!

"Why is Gongtai waiting outside!" Guo Jia couldn't help but wonder when he saw that Chen Gong didn't go in.

Chen Gong was Cao Cao's chief strategist and was regarded as the number one person.

I waited for my own business before entering.

Chen Gong said with a smile: "Fengxiao should take good care of your body, and your body is a dashing capital." "

After saying that, Chen Gong walked straight in.

Guo Jia's eyebrows pressed slightly, and he stared at Chen Gong's back for a long time. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


"Master, this is a list of Jiangdong talents in Mr. Ye's story that I compiled after I went back last night!" Chen Gong handed over the four sheets of paper.

Cao Cao saw that it was listed: (Wen) Zhou Yu (Lujiang Shu County), Zhang Zhao (Pengcheng), Zhang Xi (Guangling), Lu Su (Guangling), Zhuge Jin (Langxi), Yu Tuan, Qin Song, Chen Duan, Buqi (Guangling), Gu Yong (Wu County, Wu County).

(Wu) Zhou Tai (Jiujiang Xia Cai), Jiang Qin (Jiujiang Shouchun), Chen Wu, Xu Sheng (Langxi Ju County), Dong Zheng, Ling Tong (son of Ling Cao), Pan Zhang (Dongjun Fagan), Ding Feng(Lujiang Anfeng), He Qi, Song Qian, Deng Dang, Zhou Shan (family general), Lü Fan (Runan), Lü Dai (Guangling). Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zhu Zhi, Ling Cao.

(Beauty): Da Qiao (Sun Ce's concubine), Xiao Qiao (Zhou Yu's concubine), Sun Shangxiang (Sun Jiannu).

Understand at a glance.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and pointed down, "Gongtai, what does this mean?"

Doesn't it mean good talent?

What are the whole three women doing, but these three women also have special skills.

How I don't remember myself.

Chen Gong said: "Lord, when I listened to the story last night, when I heard my husband talk about Xiaoqiao, I was quite angry with the second daughter, such a beauty was actually robbed by Sun Ce and Zhou Yu as a concubine.

It can be seen that Mr. is extremely sympathetic and sorry for the second daughter's experience, and does not want the second daughter to be plundered by Sun Ce and others0..."

Cao Cao listened and suddenly realized.

So it was, yes, Sun Ce died early, and Da Qiao did not want to keep him a widow, and his identity was only a concubine.

Beautiful looks will be tolerated by the original wife, without Sun Ce's protection, the second half of his life can only be described as desolate.

"You mean to save these two daughters and get them to my city!" Cao Cao suddenly looked at Chen Gong and felt that Chen Gong was becoming more and more intimate, and couldn't stop laughing:

"It's still Gongtai who understands my thoughts, so I thank Gongtai a lot, and this second daughter will find her and send it to the house!"

After speaking, Cao Cao was looking at Chen Gong and found that Chen Gong's eyes were strange, as if he wanted to bite himself.

There is a sense of hatred that iron is not steel.

"Lord, if you win a great victory in the southern expedition, kill Sun Ce, obtain his concubines, and take the palace, I won't say a word, but not now!" Chen Gong warned in a commanding voice:

"These two daughters are still young at this time, and they are not human women, and the only one who can protect them in the world is Mr. , so they should be a maid to Mr.


Cao Cao wanted to say something, but couldn't.

It's not for me, it's for Ye Qing.

Cao Cao's old face was a little hot.

I thought that Chen Gong had changed his sex, but I didn't expect that it was not such a thing at all, I thought too much!

"That... Give it to the gentleman, give it to the gentleman!"

Cao Cao had no choice but to agree, anyone can rob it, but Ye Qing's can't! 2.7

That's it, anyway, Big and Little Joe is not the one he likes!

"By the way, shouldn't we take Lü Bu's wife and daughter from Chang'an and send them to Mr. Mansion!" Cao Cao crossed the topic, degrading the awkward atmosphere.

Chen Gong thought for a while and said, "The time is almost right, now transfer Lü Bu's wife and daughter out of Guanzhong, and they will not be discovered by Li Wei and Guo Qiang!"

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to Fengxiao, pick up Lü Bu's wife and daughter, and next year we can start subduing this fierce tiger!" Cao Cao then pointed to the list on the paper:

"These people, I will ask Fengxiao to send someone to find out as soon as possible, and those who can be recruited will be recruited, and those who can't will find a way to prevent them from going to Sun Ce! "。

Người mua: sabmado

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