"Master, for Yecheng, we should also make plans early!"

"Although we learned from Mr. Ye that in the end, the main guild defeated Yuan Shao in Guandu, and swung the northern lord to defeat the three Yuan brothers, and took Ji, Qing, You, and the four prefectures!"

"But the process is a little long, the soldiers and horses on both sides and the people have suffered relatively heavily, it can be said that after several tosses, the rich and solid Hebei has also become full of holes, and the people have withered!"

"So we can't let this happen again, I thought we had to unify the north in a different way and settle the Central Plains!"

The battles between Cao Cao and the Yuan family lasted for several years, attacking back and forth.

It's too draining of the vitality of the north.

This was not the result they wanted to see, nor was it what Ye Qing wanted to see.

Chen Gong wanted to reformulate a solution to Hebei.

Cao Cao said: "What Gongtai said is reasonable, if you have any ideas, you can say it first, and we will discuss it!"

Chen Gong said: "I thought that we can't let Yuan Shao attack Gongsun Zhan, let alone let him get 06 to get Qingzhou, otherwise when we enter, the Yuan family's power is too huge, there are too many soldiers and horses, even if we can win, it will only be a miserable victory, and we can't swallow Jizhou quickly!"

The size of Jizhou is there, and it is simply a behemoth in the other three states.

Otherwise, Cao Cao would not need to toss back and forth when attacking Yuan Shao.

"Don't let Yecheng attack Gongsun Zhan!" said Cao Cao after a moment's silence:

"This is indeed an idea, but to do this, first, we must speed up the merger and unification of the Central Plains; second, we must accumulate a large enough military strength, and third, we must accelerate Yuan Shao's death, disintegrate the Yecheng staff think tank, and amplify the internal contradictions of the Yuan family!"

Chen Gong nodded and agreed with Cao Cao's grand strategy: "I think that this matter can allow Wen Ruo and them to participate in the discussion and formulate a long-term and medium-term plan." "

"Feasible, in terms of planning, the two of us will focus on the general direction guidance, and the specific details will be handed over to Fengxiao, Zhicai, Wen Ruo, Gongda, and Zhongde?"

"You are also in charge of the chief supervisor of the new factory and new ordnance, and the novelty of my city should not be exposed at this stage. "




"Why is the eldest brother worried, long sigh!" Zhang Fei held a pot of wine in one hand and a few quickly cooked pork in the other!

After coming in, he naturally sat down: "Come on, big brother, today our three brothers are eating and drinking happily, this is the Yanzhou hero drunk that I spent a lot of money on!

Before Zhang Fei followed Liu Bei to start the army, he was the son of a family in Zhuo County, and his family was solid, he wanted fields and fields, grain and grain, shops, and often could eat meat.

It can be said that no meat and no wine are not happy.

After following Liu Bei, the hard life was not interrupted for a day, and there was no chance to enjoy it well.

It's not easy to get some good wine, and then he came to Liu Bei to share it with Guan Yu with his own meat.

Liu Bei saw that Zhang Fei's hero was drunk, but he became even more worried.

Guan Yun said, "Third brother, you really don't open which pot, and you can't use this wine to make your eldest brother!"

Zhang Fei was dumbfounded, and his eyes widened like copper bells.

"Big brother, I really don't know, if you want this hero to be drunk, I threw it out and smashed it!" Zhang Fei said recklessly, and he threw out the good wine in his hand.

Liu Bei hurriedly shouted: "Third brother doesn't have to be like this, and sit down, you should drink this wine!"

"Yanzhou's affairs have nothing to do with you, wine costs money, how can it be wasted!"

"Hahaha, it's still big brother enlightened!" Zhang Fei smiled proudly, and then immediately poured two bowls of wine for Liu Bei and Guan Yu.

Liu Bei looked at the wine in the bowl and raised it to his chest and said, "In the past, I waited to fight against Dong Zhuo, but only Cao Cao was like me and the others who were rootless and sent people under the fence.

I don't want to rush for a year and a half, he has already laid down a huge family business, sitting on the land of two states, and there are 100,000 armored people!"

Don't envy, it's fake! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Say no jealousy, that's pretend!

Zhang Fei said: "Big brother, why should I grow other people's morale and destroy my own prestige, if I and the others also have a county territory like him, in less than a year, I can also conquer the land of two states, and the eldest brother will also have 100,000 soldiers!"

Guan Yu brushed his beard, and his jujube-red face turned even more red because he drank this spirit.

"Third brother, the eldest brother is not worried about the territory, now the plain is also our habitat, but if you want to suffer from Yuan Shao's onslaught, not only the consumption of soldiers and horses is serious, but there is not much money and food left in the county, and it will not grow and develop in the long run!"

Guan Yu knew very well that Liu Bei was panicked when he saw why the hero was chasing.

Because this wine was a major source of wealth for Cao Cao when he started his fortune in Dongjun.

It still brings Cao Cao a rich source of wealth and can arm the army.

When Zhang Fei heard this, he understood, and immediately stood up and said, "Big brother, you wait, I will go back to Zhuo County and sell the old house and the rest of the fields, and this time I will not leave anything behind!"

When Liu Bei heard this, his heart moved, and he didn't stop it.

If Zhang Fei could really sell all his ancestral properties, he could indeed raise a sum of money for himself to relieve his urgent needs.

Guan Yu saw that Liu Bei did not persuade, nor did he act as an evil person, but Danfeng's eyes narrowed more like a line.

Before Zhang Fei could get out, he bumped into Jian Yong who walked in.

Jian Yong directly fell backwards.

"Oh!" 267 Zhang Fei hurriedly stepped forward to help Jian Yong: "Xianhe, why are you so hairy that you don't look at it when you walk!"

Jian Yong smiled bitterly, who walked without looking at the point, bumping into each other.

Zhang Fei is Liu Bei's brother, and he has the courage of ten thousand enemies, Jian Yong is a small strategist, how dare he refute it.

So he said, "Don't fight tightly, don't fight tightly!"

"What's the matter with the third general, so anxious!"

"I went back to Zhuo County to sell my ancestral business and raise money and food for my eldest brother. Zhang Fei explained, but did not leave in a hurry as usual.

When Jian Yong heard this, he looked admiring, and then pulled Zhang Fei: "Third General Gao Yi, Jian Yong admires!"

"However, there is no need for the third general to go back to his hometown at the moment, I have something to report, maybe we will have money and food soon!"

Zhang Fei still has a wife and children at home, and they need to live.

There are also so many people in the Zhang family, they also need to cultivate these lands to feed their families, and if they sell it, they will farm for others to work, and it is not easy to pay the land tax all year round, and how to survive.

You can not sell your ancestral business, of course Zhang Fei does not want to sell it out.

He can be selfless, but real life cannot!

So Zhang Fei quickly invited Jian Yong to his seat: "Xianhe quickly talk about what kind of method can make us rich and rich!"

Người mua: sabmado

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