Liu Bei also had a look of expectation, and his heart was more anxious than anyone.

However, his face is not a landscape, and he looks indifferent.

Jian Yong replied, "The third general knows that Cao Cao Yanzhou has plenty of grain and grass!"

Zhang Fei shook his head, and then said:

"I don't care if he has food, and he won't lend it to me!"

After speaking, Zhang Fei sat directly next to him, and no longer mentioned the matter of going home to sell his ancestral business.

Liu Bei said: "Xianhe, if you have something to say, just say it, go around the corner with the third brother, he is impatient!"

"That's it, if you have a fart, let it go!" Zhang Fei glared at Jian Yong coldly.

However, in his heart, he was very grateful to Jian Yong, and his ancestral business was saved.

The dozens of people in the family will not go hungry.

Jian Yong collected his mind before continuing: "Even if Cao Cao did not take Yuzhou, he basically did not lack food, I heard that Cao Cao accepted countless yellow turbans and placed them in Yanzhou, using the borderless land for military camps. "

"There is a particularly high-yield agricultural product grown in its military tun, which is two seasons a year, and the yield is said to reach forty or fifty stone!"

What the?

Liu Bei was stunned!

Guan Yu Danfeng Eye also became Grape Eye.

Zhang Fei opened his mouth wide, and then slapped Jian Yong heavily: "Xianhe, what are you bragging about, where in this world is there a forty or fifty stone agricultural material per acre, you can't harvest so much if you grow grass!"

Liu Bei also showed a suspicious look when he heard this.

If it's ten stones and eight stones, then it's still believable.

Forty or fifty stones, this is a bit too much.

Jian Yong said, "This matter may be false, but I prefer the truth, because Cao Cao relies on this kind of fetish, so that the army under his rule is not short of food!"

"In this way, we can feed an army of 100,000 people, confront Yuan Shu, and finally win!"

These words broadened Liu Bei's thinking.

Whether true or not, at least it shows that Cao Cao has a high yield of agricultural materials, at least double the original output.

Liu Bei was moved.

He was one of the princes in the world who cared most about farming and the lives of the people.

After all, he started from the end and knew the people below best.

It is also clearer about the following situation.

"Xianhe wants to introduce this fetish!" Liu Bei stroked a handful of beard, his eyes deepened, but with a hint of worry:

"I'm afraid Cao Cao won't sell this fetish to others, and he will definitely control it strictly!"

Jian Yong said: "Lord, in the past, when you were crusading against Dong Zhuo, you had a good relationship with Cao Cao, but he helped you, why don't you write a letter now and borrow some high-yield divine objects from Cao Cao, with this thing, we can also cultivate, and then there will be no shortage of grain!"

"If Cao Cao doesn't agree, we are buying good seeds from the Yanzhou family, I don't believe Cao Cao dares not give it to the Yanzhou family!"

"Hahaha, there is still a way for Xianhe, just do it, borrow grain from Cao Cao, he doesn't dare not give it!" Zhang Fei patted Jian Yong again heavily:

"If Cao Cao doesn't borrow it, he just doesn't miss the old love, hypocrisy, let's tell the people of the world, make his reputation stink, and see who will associate with him in the future!"

"If this is the case or not, we will lead troops to attack Jibei County and rob him!"

Guan Yudan's phoenix eyes narrowed into a line again, silent, neither approving nor opposing.

Liu Bei was moved, but he said on his lips: "With Meng De's bold loyalty and loyalty, he will definitely borrow grain from us!"

"However, we borrowed good seeds, but we had nowhere to plant them?

Cao Cao had hundreds of thousands of yellow turbans who could settle fields on a large scale, and Yanzhou passed through the yellow turban scourge, and many families were cleared out, leaving large areas of ownerless wasteland.

I don't take up both.

How to emulate Cao Cao.

Jian Yong said, "Lord, there is no plain, there is no in Qingzhou!"


When Liu Bei heard this, his body shook.

Although the plain also belongs to Qingzhou, there are still many families in a large county like the plain, and it is often attacked by Yuan Shao, and there is no suitable for reclamation.

In addition, the people and horses were all used to resist Yuan Shao, and there was no extra strength to settle for themselves.

Third, the plain still nominally belongs to Gongsun Zhan. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

If this good seed is known by Gongsun Zhan, I am afraid that all the income from his own farm production will be taken away by Gongsun Zhan.

Yes, although the plain belongs to Qingzhou, it cannot be cultivated here.

Zhang Fei said, "Xianhe, are you sick, isn't our plain Qingzhou?"

"Third General, the plain belongs to Qingzhou, but this is the frontier of the battlefield, if we stay here, we will only be consumed endlessly by Yuan Shao, and General Gongsun will not give us any benefits and help!"

"I heard that Mr. Kong Rong of Beihai has always been benevolent, and he is the queen of Kong Sheng, if he is in difficulty, we will help him also for the sake of the great man!"

Jian Yong stopped talking about the extra words.

Because he knew what Liu Bei was thinking.

Liu Bei had long wanted to leave the plain.

It was like leaving the city where Gongsun Zan of Youzhou was stationed and came to the plain.

Liu Bei never thought of serving Gongsun Zhan, let alone any prince.

"Kong Rong, isn't he in the hinterland of Qingzhou, when will he be in danger?"

"'Why would he need our help?'

"There are yellow turbans in Qingzhou, and although a large number of them entered Yanzhou and were surrendered by Cao Cao, the yellow turbans in Qingzhou have not been broken!"

"If these yellow turbans threaten Beihai, Kong Wenju must need someone to help him solve the siege!"

Guan Yu, who had been silent at this time, said, "When will the Qingzhou Yellow Turban surround Kong Beihai?"

This is not a casual question.

Liu Bei and Jian Yong looked at each other.

They all found the answers they were looking for.

"This matter ... It's not something I can control! I don't want to!" Liu Bei crossed the topic and said:

"Let's write to Cao Mengde first to ask for some good seeds!"

"Also, Xianhe urged Tian Kai, the plain is out of food, if Yuan Shao's soldiers come to attack, I may not be able to hold it!"

Jian Yong hugged his fist and said, "It's the master, I will catch these two things!"

So Liu Bei immediately wrote three letters, one to Tian Kai and one to Gongsun Zhan.

There was also a letter personally carried by Jian Yong to Yanzhou Zhencheng!


Soon Jian Yong came to Zhencheng.

At this time, although the winter is cold, the city is still lively, and there are many business travelers.

There are also many people shopping in the city, and there are many shops.

There is a lot of shouting in the streets.

"Yancheng is so prosperous, there are still so many merchants at this time, it seems that Yanzhou is really developed, the people are not short of food, and there is surplus money to buy other items!" muttered Jian Yong enviously.

Then the group came to the Zhendong General's Mansion and handed over the post!

Quickly went in to deliver the post out: "You can enter the house at noon tomorrow!"

Cao Cao promised to believe that this was a good thing!

It shows that he read the lord and father-in-law to fight Dong Zhuo together.

Jian Yong was overjoyed, hugged his fist and thanked him back, then rested for a while, and the next day he came back to the Zhendong General's Mansion!

"Come with me, the lord is waiting for you in the hall!" The waiter took Jian Yong all the way around the courtyard corridor and arch to the door of the hall! .

Người mua: sabmado

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