"Youzhou Jianyong meets Cao Gong!"

After Jian Yong came in, he bowed to the superior Cao Cao.

Yu Guang skimmed over, and Jian Yong found that there were still several scribes sitting on the left and right of the hall.

These should be Cao Cao's henchmen!

"Mr. Kenkazu is exempt!" Cao Cao said:

"I haven't seen it for many years, and Xianhe is getting younger and younger!"

Jian Yong said: "Cao Gong said and laughed, Jian Yong followed me to the lawsuit, the whole head was white, how dare I say little."

To the time that Cao Gong is now proud, breaking through Yuzhou, sitting in two places, he is actually the first hegemon in the world, so that Jian Yong and my lord are admired and admired! "

Cao Cao listened and laughed.

Who doesn't want to be praised, and besides, it's still true.

"I have long heard that Youzhou Jian Xian and can speak well, and it is really worthy of the name at first sight today!" Guo Jia said while lying half.

His expression was lazy, but his eyes were sharp.

Jian Yong looked towards Guo Jia when he heard this, and couldn't help frowning slightly, but the identity of the lobbyist made him dare not be angry, and only asked: "Dare to ask Your Excellency!" "

"Nameless junior!" Guo Jiadao:

"Mr. Xianhe, let's talk about the purpose of coming to Zhencheng, my lord doesn't like to listen to nonsense, and if it is delayed for a long time, it is also unfavorable to Pingyuan Liu Fujun!"

Jian Yong was stunned, but Guo Jia's words came here, if he was going around the corner, he would look down on Cao Cao and the 157 advisers of Yanzhou.

So he said, "My lord said that in the past, the crusade against Dong Zhuo was thanks to Cao Gong's righteous help, so that he would not be humiliated." "

"Today, when I heard about Yuzhou Dading, I came to congratulate me, and at the same time, I want to discuss a major matter with Cao Gong!"

Cao Cao said, "Xuan De sent you here for something!" "

"Back to Cao Gong, do you want the plain?" Jian Yong asked lightly.

There are not many words, but the information is even bigger.

It's like a bombshell, splashing up and more fish!

As soon as these words came out, sure enough, everyone in the hall began to discuss.

Even Cao Cao's butt moved.

But only Guo Jia was still lying there lazily, squinting at Jian Yong and asking:

"Mr. Xianhe, what does this mean, he wants to provoke the relationship between my Yancheng and Yecheng!"

"Or is it that Gongsun Bogui can't stop the soldiers and horses of Jizhou?"

Non also! Jian Yongdao:

"Although General Bogui lost two percent in a row, he did not lose many soldiers and horses, and stabilized the battle line, and at this time, the Jizhou attack was tired and difficult to move an inch, especially in the direction of Qingzhou."

"I came here to ask Cao Gong, I intend to call the plains!"

"If Cao Gong likes it, you can take it, and whether to station it yourself or give it away after taking it is Cao Gong's wishes, and my lord has no objection!"

These words greatly moved Cao Cao.

But soon he groaned again.

Liu Bei gave way to the plain, what did he want to do?

Where is Liu Bei going? In history, Liu Bei did not abandon the plain so quickly.

"So generous!" Xia Zhicai said:

"I don't know what Liu Xuande wants to exchange, I don't believe it's unconditional!"

"What Sheng Sheng said is right, my lord gave the plain to Cao Gong as a last resort." Jian Yong explains:

"Our lord has run out of food, and there are few soldiers, so I may not be able to last until next summer, and the Bogui side is also busy competing with Jizhou in Hejian and other places, and it is impossible to take care of our lord for the time being."

"In order not to cause the army to die of starvation, I can only ask Cao Gong to take charge of the plain."

Want food.

Say a thousand ways and ten thousand, it is to borrow grain.

No wonder it is said to send out of the plain.

Chen Gong's eyes showed doubt.

Is Liu Bei so miserable?

It won't be another trickster! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This guy has not been a little like this in history.

Guo Jia half-narrowed his eyes, lazily, and did not speak, but his face was a little cold.

Xia Zhicai said, "Where does Xuan Dejun want to go?" "

"If my memory is correct, he went out with General Bogui and left rashly, and gave up the plain, I am afraid it will be detrimental to your lord's reputation!"

This is a strange thing, I am afraid that it is false to give up the plain, and it is true to borrow grain.

Everyone stared at Jian Yong with a good show.

See how he answers!

Jian Yong did not answer positively, but only said to Cao Cao: "This matter is handled by my master, and Cao Gong will not suffer losses!" "

"Cao Gong (Agaa) is not poor in grain, if he can borrow new grain from Juntun, my Lord will have a big report in the future!"

It turned out to be my new grain!

Everyone understood that the feeling Liu Bei this kid has a very smart nose.

Want potatoes, corn!

"Master, I think that this matter is very important and cannot be taken lightly!" Guo Jiadao:

"Now that we have newly obtained Yuzhou and are repairing the city, I am afraid that we do not have so much money and food, and we will have to wait for next year's spring famine!"

Chen Gong also said: "Lord, this matter is related to the alliance master, so it must not be taken lightly!" "

Everyone said, "The Lord should be cautious!" "

Seeing that Yanzhou was unwilling to borrow grain, Jian Yong was anxious, and hurriedly said to Cao Cao: "Cao Gong is deeply aware of righteousness and has always been virtuous, and he definitely does not want to see my plain soldiers and people starve to death, and be criticized!" "

"As long as Cao Gong is willing to borrow grain, my Lord will be in the future... Can...... Take the Cao stallion first! "

This was Liu Bei's last condition.

After speaking, Jian Yong took out the letter that he would bring.

And the letters!

Cao Cao was unexpected, and Liu Bei paid for it this time.

Even such conditions as the head of the horse are opened.

However, the initiative is here with Cao Cao, and he naturally will not let go easily.

If before, he did not know Liu Bei's morality, he might have cherished Liu Bei's heroes like he did when he attacked Dong Zhuo.

But now, he would only scoff at Liu Bei in his heart.

Betray me, hurt me, and want me to help you.

If you want to be beautiful, I am afraid that this horse's head is just an empty sentence.

When cornered, he will come to take advantage of the situation to hibernate, and mix the name of the imperial uncle to deceive.

Cao Cao said, "Come, first take Mr. Xianhe down to rest, and discuss the matter of borrowing grain!" "

Jian Yong saw that Cao Cao hadn't even read the letter, so he shelved the matter of borrowing grain, and this time he was really panicked, and all the grasp in his heart was shattered.

But a warrior came in and asked Jian Yong to go out, and Jian Yong understood that things could not be done for the time being, and should find another way.

I had to retreat.

After Cao Cao read the letter, his face turned cold, and then he handed it to Chen Gong:

"Let's see how Liu Bei borrowed grain from us, you can learn a little!"

After Chen Gong read it, he blew his beard and glared angrily, and snorted coldly: "It's a big empty sentence, this wants to borrow our Yanzhou's high-yield divine objects, it is inevitable to look at me Yanzhou too much!" "

After reading it, Xia Zhicai also sneered: "Hush Han asked for a few warm words, and didn't pay anything, so I wanted the lord to keep watching him, saying as if the lord owed favors and debts to others!" "

After reading it, Guo Jia handed the letter to Xun Yu: "Liu Bei wants to recognize the godfather of the lord, the person who messes with me Yanzhou must be Liu Beiye, and the person who wants to harm the lord must also be such a person!" "

Xun Yu handed it to Xun Yu after reading it: "Liu Bei wants to break free from the birdcage of the plain, want to fly high to find a good place to inhabit and develop, and imitate the lord, it is not allowed, otherwise it will be the great enemy of the lord in the future!" "。

Người mua: sabmado

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