"Liu Bei is really cunning, this letter only asks the Lord for warmth and warmth, but he does not mention the matter of sending the plain at all, even if we want to send this letter to Gongsun Zan and make it discredited!"

"Such a cunning man, without the slightest sincerity, who is not even willing to give the handle to the lord, how can he believe what he says with empty white teeth!"

Among the strategists, none of them believed Liu Bei.

None of them agreed to borrow grain.

Moreover, it is also a high-yield fetish.

Cheng Yu said: "Lord, when the prohibition of the outflow of divine objects is strengthened, even the family side must pay close attention, this is the confidence and ~ strength of us to dominate the world and destroy the major princes!"

Cao Cao saw that everyone had finished reading the letter.

The letter that came back from the road was torn up and thrown into the coal stove.

"Fengxiao, keep an eye on the plain for me and see what Liu Bei wants to do next?"

Guo Jia hugged his fists and said, "Don't worry, Lord Lord, I will send more people to keep an eye on Liu Bei, no matter what he does, I will definitely summon back as soon as possible." "

If Liu Bei wants to abandon the plain and take an unwanted place to trade, he will have a great plan.

And the places where Liu Bei can plot are not called Qingzhou and Xuzhou.

So it's worth being wary.

Chen Gong said: "I'm afraid that Youzhou will also change, Liu Bei is a person who is not small, and he is good at avoiding disasters." "

Cao Cao knew what Chen Gong was worried about.

However, this matter could not be rushed, so he appeased: "No matter what the princes of all parties do, I need to act according to the plan, step by step, and first develop the two states of my Zhendong General's Mansion." "

"As long as we are strong enough, we can determine the general trend of the world and can influence any mutation!"

Now I just lack time.

With those strange things that Ye Qing made, as long as they develop well, they can be invincible!


"Sir, this live printing simply solves the problem of transcription headache, printing book paper is a hundred times faster, saving a lot of time!"

Cao Ang and the others took the craftsmen to finish experimenting with the movable type printing template that Ye Qing gave to the Zhendong General's Mansion, and excitedly shouted.

Ye Qing said, "Since there is no problem with the experiment, let's get this set of movable type printing templates back!"

Although Ye Qing still had ninety-nine sets in his hand, he didn't take them all out in one go.

It is estimated that one set is enough for Caojia Village.

When this set is about the same loss, take out the second set.

"Yes, sir, I will ask people to carry things to the village committee!" said Cao Ang:

"If Sir wants to print anything in the future, tell me, I will prepare it for Sir." "

Ye Qing said, "You first sort out the knowledge you have learned before, print all of them into books, leave one set for the village committee to put in the village committee, and take one set and put it in the library over there in the classroom!"

"Yes sir, I'll go. "Cao Ang is in a hurry to arrange it.

Ye Qing shouted: "Don't worry, I have several vegetable seeds here, you bring them back and distribute them to the people of Caojia Village!"

Dian Wei Xu Chu immediately brought up pumpkin, peanuts, sunflowers, peppers, and tomatoes from the courtyard room.

Ye Qing also taught Cao Ang how to grow vegetables such as pumpkins, peanuts, sunflowers, peppers, and tomatoes.

It is a new god species, although it is not food, but it is a good thing to enrich the dishes on the table.

Cao Ang listened carefully and recorded it on white paper as he listened.

These things must be planted after the spring season.

In summer and autumn, countless delicacies are ready to eat.

It's a little exciting to think about!


Winter to spring!

The snow and ice melt and the earth warms.

A touch of green emerged from the ground.

Birds flying south began to appear around the city.

A caravan, coming from the west.

After a long journey, I finally came to Yanzhou Zhencheng from Chang'an in Guanzhong!

"Mrs. Yan, Miss Lu can still remember what she confessed on the road!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The caravan entered the city and came to a remote house.

The surrounding streets and houses are not a single citizen entering or leaving, let alone wandering here.

It was very cold, but the atmosphere around it was very oppressive and tense.

It seems that there are thousands of troops hidden in one civilian house.

It makes this place surprisingly quiet!

"General Cao rest assured, we have all made a note, there is a gentleman sitting in this big courtyard next door, this gentleman has the ability to reach the sky, and I and the whole family can get away with avoiding Guo Li's pursuit and killing, thanks to this gentleman's rescue!"

"The small courtyard next to it is where I am waiting in Yanzhou, and I must not disturb this gentleman without major matters, let alone go out of the house and go out to the street. "

"When my family Wen Hou comes to Zhencheng and has a reunion, then I will be able to enter and exit the streets freely!"

Cao Hong said, "Well, since I remember it all, then I won't talk nonsense!"

"In the end, just one word, you can't offend Mr. Ye at any time, he is the guarantee that you can live, annoy him, not only you will die, but your husband Lu Wenhou will also die!"

"Also, remember that if you are lucky enough to see Mr. Ye, no matter what strange words he says, you can't have doubts, let alone tell your own life, you must follow Mr. Ye..."

After the instruction, Cao Hong let Lü Bu's wife and concubine enter the small courtyard with his daughter.

Although it was not far from Ye Qing's compound, the gap was a world of difference.

After all, Lü Bu's wife and concubine and daughter are considered to be human beings, and their importance is not comparable to Ye Qingna!

"Hey, finally finished this errand, just in time for me to go to my husband's to listen to the story, I won't go home tonight!"

After placing Lü Bu's wife and daughter, Cao Hong walked towards the gate of Ye Qing's house.

When Cao Hong left, Yan Shi pulled Du Ji and began to inspect the small courtyard where they were placed.

Lu Lingqi glanced left and right and said, "Mother, this Cao Hong is also very verbose!"

"Isn't it just a Mr. Ye, speaking of which, no one has seen it, so many rules!"

The little girl is polite, frank and straightforward.

Yan's face changed instantly when he heard this, and he severely criticized: "Ling'er, don't talk nonsense. "

"Mr. Ye is a lifesaver for us, how can we talk about him behind our backs!"

"Even Cao Gong and General Cao Hong and others must respect him, it can be seen that his ability is great, if you talk nonsense, it will cause trouble for your father, and it will cause our whole family to be killed!"

Yan Shi is very angry, his daughter follows her father, and her personality is fierce and proud.

Cao Hong's instructions, she did not listen to them at all.

As soon as people left, they started to cause trouble.

"Mom, me... If you don't say a word, don't say it later!" Lu Lingqi felt a little aggrieved:

"When we came to Zhencheng, we were not locked up like a canary, and Cao Cao might not be so kind. "

"This Mr. Ye doesn't know his purpose, can you be at ease!"

Người mua: sabmado

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