"Sir, I'm coming!"

Cao Hong shouted as soon as he entered the courtyard.

Today came early, but I have to ask Ye Qing to tell the story of the Three Kingdoms.

He hadn't been here for a long time, and he had been sent outside by Cao Cao on business.

Either to manage the army, or to fight a war with the unified army, the worst thing is to go to Guanzhong to pick up people.

He couldn't be idle at all, and the cat's paw-like feeling in his heart, not to mention how uncomfortable.

"General Zilian, please don't make a noise!" Dian Wei stopped Cao Hongdao:

"Sir is in class, today's class is more special, you better not go over!"

Cao Hong said, "Dian Wei, I'm also the person you introduced, is this really good?"

"General Zilian, it's for your own good, that's why I won't let you pass!" Dian Wei explained:

"Today's lesson is for women, are you sure you want to listen to what you teach?"


"Seven two three" Cao Hong was stunned on the spot.

Teach lessons to women, not Cao Ang and a few of them.

Cao Hong understood that Dian Wei was thinking of his old relatives, so he stopped him, and then hugged his fists and said, "In that case, then I will stay with you here!"

"You are also often here sir, you must have heard a lot of stories, how about you tell me?"

I tell you a story?

Dian Wei was stunned.

I won't!

"This... General Zilian, I listened to the story, but ... I forgot too!" replied Dian Weihan thickly.

"..."Cao Hong!

"Or if you look for Cao Gong, he is not absent every time!" Dian Wei scratched the back of his head and gave Cao Hong an idea.

Cao Hong was even more crying and laughing.

Find Cao Cao to listen to the story, it is estimated that he will be beaten out of!

Helplessly, he had to wait.

Until Ye Qing finished today's maternal and child health care related courses.

Cao Hong saw dozens of women accompanied by medical women walking out in good manners.

Finally, Ye Qing, Cai Yan, and Sable Cicada.

The three talked and laughed and got along harmoniously.

The second daughter held Ye Qing's left and right arms, which made Cao Hong envious for a while.

"Worthy of sir!"

"Hey, Xiao Hong is here!"

While walking, Ye Qing heard a familiar person standing beside Dian Wei.

It was quickly judged that it was Cao Hong.

Cao Hong immediately stepped forward and said, "Sir, today is just selling goods back, the time is early, pass by you, just come in and rest!"

"I'm afraid you're not here to listen to the story!" Ye Qing said with a smile:

"You all have leisure time, I guess Boss Cao and Accountant Chen should also come!"

The mink cicada said, "Sir, I'll go prepare the dinner." "

Cai Yan said, "I'll help Sister Little Cicada!"

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and the second daughter let go of Ye Qing's arm and went to the direction of the back kitchen together.

Cao Hong was embarrassed, and a little embarrassed said: "Sir guessed right, I just want to hear Mr. Wang's story, this is not a ghost to send in the gods!"

"However, whether Boss Cao and Accountant Chen will come, I don't know!"

Ye Qing said, "Then let Dian San go and call the two of them over!"

"Anyway, a sheep is also put, and a flock is also put, and it doesn't bother to speak!"

Telling a story to a person, the reward will generally be relatively small, the more people, the richer the reward, this is the doorway that Ye Qing has felt in the past year.

Moreover, the people who listen to the lecture have different identities, and the rewards are also heavy.

Cao Hong naturally had no opinion.

Dian Wei immediately went to ask Cao Cao and Chen Gong.

Cao Hong grinded Ye Qing to hear the story that had been missed before.

Ye Qing did not refuse, took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and then opened a small stove for Cao Hong, and quickly explained what he had said before.

Although it is fast, the wonderful part has not fallen, and Cao Hong is still surging and mesmerized. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It's dusk!

Cao Cao's hearty voice came from outside, and Ye Qing clapped his hands and stood up: "Yes, Boss Cao is here, and he has brought a new person!"

Cao Hong turned around, and sure enough, he saw Cao Cao and Chen Gong come in, followed by Guo Jia and Dian Wei!

"Boss Cao, you brought a patient over. "

Everyone was stunned, and they all turned their eyes to Guo Jia

Guo Jia's eyes only flashed with a strange light.

Such a god, just came and concluded that I was sick.

Guo Jia carefully stared at Ye Qing's eyes, there was a strange thing on it, like a glass product, and he couldn't see Ye Qing's eyes clearly.

Cao Cao said, "Still Mr. is powerful!"

"I can actually hear that Xiao Guo in our village has a physical illness!"

Ye Qing's nose moved slightly, pointed at Guo Jia, and signaled him to come over.

Chen Gong and Cao Cao also signaled to Guo Jia, and Guo Jia walked towards Ye Qing.

Ye Qing waited for Guo Jia to approach, only then sniffed carefully, and then frowned!

"Xiao Guo, you take medicine all year round!"

"The so-called medicine has three points of poison, and your medicinal use is still very special!"

"I can smell the dead qi from you, the body is badly empty, young people should pay attention to moderation!"

This time, Guo Jiaxin was more than half and a little convinced!

So he asked, "Sir, then I... There is a way to save it!"

"It's better not to be abstinent or not?"

"Otherwise, what fun is there in life!"

Ye Qing smiled when he heard this, and said in Guo Jia's ear:

"First of all, you have to stop taking these messy medicines, and you can't use drugs when doing that kind of thing, otherwise it will only be faster!"

"Secondly, you have to exercise, squat and step when you have nothing to do, and strengthen your body!"

"Of course, the absolute prohibition of alcohol and abstinence is not okay, the so-called blocking is not as good as comfort, men's kind of things, after a long time, it will be abolished!"

"If you believe me, you can actually drink some medicinal wine, usually a little drink to appetize, but you can't be greedy for a glass and drink more, I believe it will improve a lot!"

"Really!" Guo Jia was overjoyed when he heard this0...

What Mr. Ye said is different from what the lord said.

Or Mr. Ye is reasonable and knows how to relax.

"This is natural, you also write down, I have several kinds of medicinal wine, the first one: goji berries, codonopsis..."

"The second type: by Epimedium Huo, Angelica, Wujia Peel, Poria, Earth Bone Skin, Cangshu, Cooked Land..."

"The third type: dried goji berries, dried mulberries 0.6..."

Guo Jia secretly noted that these are all good things!

Not only him, but also Cao Cao and Chen Gong plus Cao Hong all had their eyes shining, and their bodies naturally had to come up to eavesdrop.

This is the secret recipe for happiness, and you can't miss it as a man!

"Okay, that's all for now, I'll teach you a few good food recipes for Guben Peiyuan in the future!" Ye Qing gently patted Guo Jia's shoulder:

"Finally, I am giving you a word of advice, or find a good doctor, listen to the doctor's advice, and actively cooperate with the treatment!"

Guo Jia couldn't help nodding, Ye Qing didn't hide his privacy, and he gave himself these family secret recipes when they first met, how powerful and cool.

Naturally, he suddenly gained Guo Jia's favor.

Who in the world does not drag these secret techniques to death in their hearts and leave them to the younger generations to inherit their families!

Based on this, he has seen Ye Qing's character and is a trustworthy and reliable friend! .

Người mua: sabmado

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