"Okay, Mr. Ye, I took note of your words!" Guo Jia replied promisefully:

"After I go back, I will go to find an old doctor to treat it well, and those messy medicinal stones don't dare to touch them anymore!"

In fact, Guo Jia is not stupid, he was banned by Cao Cao for five stones and wine during this time, and his body has indeed improved.

Hua Tuo, who was just curing drama, returned to his hometown and went to the folk to treat the disease again, so there was no doctor with excellent medical skills to give Guo Jia a prescription for treatment.

So it's a bit tough!

"It's still Mr. Ye is powerful!" Cao Cao sincerely admired, Ye Qing cured the tsundere Guo Jia with a few words, and let Guo Jia have no temper at all, willing to obediently cooperate with the treatment, but it is much smarter than forcing Guo Jia to treat himself.

Chen Gong said, "Sir, let's talk today, everyone is in a hurry." "

Cao Hongqi coaxed: "Yes, yes, it's better to listen to the story!"

Ye Qing said, "Okay, sit down, today we will talk about your doubts about the battle of Guandu!"

"Why didn't Yan Liang and Wen Qiu appear on the battlefield?"

"Why did Liu Bei disappear from Yuan Shao's camp?"

06 "The answer to all puzzles must begin with Cao Cao sending troops to Xuzhou and attacking Liu Bei's capture of Guan Yu..."

After this battle, Liu Bei took dozens of horses to Yuan Shao of Jizhou!

Zhang Fei fled the ancient city, Guan Yu surrendered to Cao, and from then on went to Xudu, where he was named the Marquis of Han Shou Ting, and was warmly treated and used by Cao Cao.

In order to repay Cao Cao's kindness, Guan Yu went to war against Yan Liang and Wen Qiu, and hacked to death the two fierce generals that Yuan Shao relied on the most.

Later, Guan Yu obtained news from Liu Bei, then hung up the seal and left, passing five levels and killing six generals.

Hearing this, Cao Cao's face turned livid, and Chen Gong, Cao Hong and the others were stunned.

Guan Yu is also too ungrateful.

For Liu Bei's sake, he betrayed Cao Cao's love for him.

The first time Guo Jia came to listen to the story of the Three Kingdoms of Hanwei, he simply refreshed the three views and was shocked.

However, he received Cao Cao's instructions, and he was stunned and did not say a word, sitting quietly and listening.

Because he found that neither Cao Cao nor Chen Gong, or Cao Hong and Dian Wei, no one criticized and interrupted this absurd story.

It seems to be taken for granted.

And Cao Cao only went until Guan Yu abandoned him to find Liu Bei and passed five levels to kill six generals, but he only had some wrong faces, but he didn't stop Ye Qing from continuing to make up this absurd storyline!

"It is precisely because Guan Yu killed Yan Liang and Wen Qiu, so Liu Bei is no longer allowed to be in Yuan Shao's palace, and Yuan Shao's advisers and generals all want to kill Liu Bei!"

"Liu Bei who Xu Ren, once he discovered the crisis, he ran faster than a rabbit, and took Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and the others directly to the south to cast Liu Biao!"

"It was Liu Bei who went south to Jingzhou to lay the groundwork for the next Chibi battle, whether Cao Cao won or lost for the time being, and had a meal!"

Hearing this, everyone realized that it was not early.

It was pitch black.

Fortunately, the mink cicada and Cai Yan lit the lamp.

All the steamed delicacies are served while hot.

The Temple of the Five Organs of the People has long begun to make a fuss.

"Really fragrant, sir, the food here is far better than Boss Cao!" Guo Jia was immediately attracted when he saw the fine wine and food.

Although he had eaten at Cao Cao's mansion a few times, the cook on Cao Cao's side had apparently only learned the cooking skills of Ye Qing's side.

So it always smells inferior to Ye Qing's fragrance here.

Not to mention the color and taste!

"It also needs to be said that Boss Cao also stole a teacher from me!" Ye Qing teased:

"He is a cottage, at most it is a flagship store, I am a century-old store, authentic original taste!"

Although Guo Jia didn't understand what he heard, Ye Qing could always pop up a bunch of new words here, which always caught people off guard, but he also had a sense of uncertainty.

Delicious evening meal, everyone ate and praised constantly.

In the end, it was Cao Hong and Dian Wei who cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks!

Chen Gong skillfully brewed spring tea, fresh and elegant tea, clear and attractive.

Guo Jia was also the first time to see this novel tea, and suddenly had the feeling that Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Ye Qing is really strange here, and he is overwhelmed.

Now he finally knew why Cao Cao valued Ye Qing so much.

Even the school government can't monitor here, probably for fear of offending Ye Qing. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It can be seen that Ye Qing's energy is terrifying.

"Sir, what's next?" asked Cao Cao.

After the battle of Guandu was over, the north was decided, and he owned the north and the Central Plains, and then he swept Jingyang in the south.

Complete the unified.

A little excited, but Cao Cao also understood that he had not been able to fulfill this long-cherished wish in his life.

In the end, the world is divided into three points.

It was not until the later Jin Dynasty that the unification was completed, but after a short unification, the 80,000 Rebellion of the Jin Dynasty, and the five southern Hu entered chaos.

I'm not in the south!

Ye Qing said, "This time we won't talk about a single person alone, we will talk about it in chronological order of historical development!"

After the Battle of Guandu ended, the Three Kingdoms of Han Wei had actually said a third of it.

When the basic context is clear, it will be too chaotic for everyone to talk about.

It is better to advance according to the course of history.

So Ye Qing was ready to change the way.

"Today we will start with Liu Bei to Jingzhou..." Ye Qing then talked about the internal strife in Jingzhou and the rebellion of Zhang Wu and Chen Sun in Jiangxia.

Later, Liu Biao asked 317 about Liu Bei's son, but was overheard by Lady Cai, and Cai Yao led the army to hunt down and kill Liu Bei.

After Liu Bei escaped, he met Mr. Shui Jing, who recommended Wolong Phoenix for Liu Bei, and Liu Bei got the adviser Xu Shu.

Cao Ren took Lü Kuang and Lü Xianger to kill Xinye.

Xu Shu broke Cao Ren's eight-gate golden lock array, and Cao Ren lost Fancheng.

"I didn't expect this Xu Shu to be so powerful!"

When Cao Cao and the others heard this, they all sighed that such a strategist was actually obtained by Liu Bei.

Guo Jiadao: "It turned out to be Xu Fu, this guy changed his name to Xu Shu to learn a lot of things from Mr. Water Realm!"

Chen Gong said, "Xiao Guo recognizes... Know Xu Fu!"

Chen Gong originally wanted to say whether Guo Jia knew Xu Shu, but finally had to change it.

Guo Jiadao: "You know, isn't he a disciple of Yingchuan Academy, abandoning martial arts and following the text, I didn't expect to be a double cultivator!"

It turns out that Xu Shu is also a person from Yingchuan!

Cao Cao's eyes lit up instantly.

Knowing where Xu Shu is, this is easy to do.

Liu Bei, don't think about it in this life, he is mine!

Cao Hong said, "Sir, after Cao Ren fled back to Xudu, who will send someone to clean up Xu Shu?"

His own brother was defeated, and Cao Hong was naturally unhappy.

So it's better to know what happens next.

Which general will Cao Cao's side send south with which adviser to retake Fancheng and solve Xu Shu!

Người mua: sabmado

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