"You might as well guess!" Ye Qing did not hurry to speak, but asked rhetorically, which whetted everyone's appetite.

Cao Hong said, "I guess Cao Cao must have sent Cao Hong to lead his army south to avenge Cao Ren, adding Liu Ye as a military master!"

Xu Chu said, "I think it should be Cao Cao's personal campaign, Xu Chu as the vanguard, and Xun Yu as the military master!"

Ye Qing turned his face towards Chen Gong and Cao Cao.

Chen Gongdao: "It may be that Cheng Yu is the military master, with General Xiahou Wei as the vanguard, Xu Huang, Le Jin and others as the middle road, and Yu Ban as the rear army, Cao Cao may not personally conscript!"

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said, "I don't know if Cao Cao will personally unify the army to the south, I only know that he must be moved when he sees it, and first inquire about Xu Shu." Only when you figure it out will you think about how to deal with him. "

Ye Qing showed a hint of a smile, and then faced Guo Jia.

The lazy Guo Jia was about to speak, but Ye Qing said directly: "Boss Cao is worthy of being a loyal fan of Cao Cao, and he answered almost the same!"

Cao Cao asked the counselors, who is Xu Shu, and Cheng Yu then explained the origin of Xu Shu, and the details were extremely clear. "

"Then say that Xu Shu's mother is in Yingchuan, instead of defeating Xu Shu, it is better to recruit, and it can also increase the strength of the Prime Minister's House!"

"So Cao Cao ordered people to invite Xu Shu's mother and wrote a letter to send to Xu Shu, and Xu Shu had to leave Liu Bei and go north to enter Cao Shu in order to enter the filial piety!"

"However, Xu Shu is not an ordinary person, he entered the Cao camp, and since then he has not said a word, not a plan, and has not offered a plan to Cao Cao for the rest of his life!"

Oh, everyone really didn't expect such a result.

Arrested Xu Shu's mother and blackmailed Xu Shu into Cao Ying.

"True righteous warriors!" Cao Cao was also extremely surprised, but he showed admiration.

Loyal and filial piety, this is admirable.

"Sir, as soon as Xu Shu leaves, will Liu Bei have to continue to confront Cao Cao and stop the army from going south!" asked Chen Gong.

Liu Bei had never had a decent adviser before, and a Jian Yong was just a lobbyist, a third-rate strategist who could not be put on the table.

When Xu Shu left, he recommended the Wolong Phoenix to Liu Bei, and the phoenix was Xiangyang Pang Tongye. Wolong is Zhuge Kongming, and he who says that he can be safe in the world! So Liu Bei Longzhong visited Zhuge Liang!" Ye Qing began to tell the story of Liu Bei's three Gu Maolu.

"As it is called, Guo Jia does not die, and Wolong does not come out!"

"Long Zhong right, three points of the world!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qing stopped abruptly.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong, Cao Hong and others all focused their attention on the lazy Guo Jia.

Guo Jia himself also sat up straight abruptly, becoming more serious than ever.

Guo Jia is not dead, Wolong is not out!

Wolong Phoenix is actually afraid of Guo Jia!

Shhh, Guo Jia is so terrible.

The gazes of Cao Cao and the others were a little hot.

I didn't expect that you Guo Jia was lazy all day, and there was such a ghostly talent.

"Ahem, sir, you are overdoing it, Guo Jia is so powerful!" Guo Jia wanted to cry, although he was proud, he was full of talent, and he was like a god.

But it's not so strong, with me, the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks don't dare to come out!

I didn't even know I had such a god.

"This is just a joke on the Internet in later generations, you don't have to take it seriously!" Ye Qing explained:

"But this also shows that Guo Jia's name of ghost talent is indeed well deserved, and it also shows that the Wolong Phoenix Hatchling can be compared with Guo Jia, and there are only a few of the top strategists in the world!"

Cao Cao was a little proud when he heard this, but fortunately Guo Jia was his person.

But then a little depressed, Guo Jiaying died young, and as a result, Liu Bei, a hypocrite, got a talent like Wolong, he was really old and eyeless!

"Sir, let's talk about what skills this Wolong has, this Jingzhou's boastful words may not be taken seriously!" said Cao Hong with some disbelief.

Crouching dragon phoenix chicks, one can be safe in the world, and it is too capable of blowing.

Guo Jia was also interested in Wolong Zhuge Liang.

What is the Han world like after his untimely death.

How Mr. Ye wants to arrange these strategists and warriors is very curious and looking forward to it. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhuge Liang, don't let me down Guo Jia!

"But he said that in November of the eighth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan led troops to attack Huangzu and fought in the great river..." Ye Qing did not continue to tell Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei, because the story process was at this time when Sun Quan took revenge for his father and attacked Jingzhou after sitting in Jiangdong.

Sun Quan attacked Jiangxia, but was defeated by Huang Zu, and Sun Quan's general Ling Cao, light boat, took the lead, killed Xia Kou, and was killed by Huang Zubu's general Gan Ning's arrow.

Sun Quan's younger brother Sun Yi was a Danyang taishou, and Yi was just drunk, and after getting drunk, he tasted the whipping pawn, and was finally murdered by his subordinates.

His mother Lady Wu also died of illness, and the attack on Jingzhou could only be stranded.

Later Yizhou person Jinfan thief Gan Ning came to Sun Quan and offered the method of breaking the Yellow Ancestor.

Later, Sun Quan ordered Zhou Yu to be the governor of the capital and the chief navy soldier; Lü Meng to be the vanguard of the front; Dong Zhao and Gan Ning to be the deputy generals; Quan Zi led an army of 100,000 to conquer Huang Zu, and finally attacked Jiangxia and killed Huang Zu

Cao Cao was surprised, thinking that Sun Quan was just a family dog, and he would not do much if he inherited Sun Ce's title and territory.

I didn't expect that at a young age, he was even more ruthless than Sun Ce.

And it is more troublesome than Sun Ce, after all, Sun Ce is a reckless man, and it is much simpler to kill him.

Sun Quan, on the other hand, is more versatile and very bad.

This kind of person is more like a hero, but the most difficult to deal with.

"'This Gan Ning is a fierce general on the water, but it's a pity that Huang Zu can't use him, and he doesn't believe him, and finally sent himself to the guillotine!' Chen Gong sighed with emotion, secretly noting in his heart.

Such a fierce general, can no longer let Sun Quan go.

This is also one of the must-grab warriors.

Most of these words were said by Cao Cao.

Leave Sun Quan alone, Gan Ning is the point.

Only then did Cao Cao suddenly realize.

Yes, Sun Quan Xiaoer is still a baby, but Gan Ning is the key to attacking Jingyang in the future.

After all, the land of Jingyang is dominated by water armies, and if you want to march south in the future, you can't do without water troops.

"Sun Quan attacked Jiangxia, his reputation soared, and in the future, there will be no one in Jingzhou to suppress the Jiangdong Water Division, and Zhou Yu will train the water army in Poyang Lake and build warships, it seems that when Cao Cao goes south, there will be a big battle with him!"

"Victory and defeat are unpredictable!"

Three points in the world, I can't say that I can really let Wolong Zhuge Liang get it.

Ye Qing said, "Wait and see, continue to listen to the clothes!"

So Ye Qing continued to speak.

Cao Cao wanted to march south, and appointed Xiahou Wei as the governor of the capital, Yu Ban, Li Dian, Xiahou Lan, and Han Hao as deputy generals, leading 100,000 troops to Bowang City to peek into Xinye.

"Liu Bei's side recruited the people of Xinye and had 3,000 soldiers. Zhuge Liang taught the formation method day and night, and heard that Xiahou Wei led 100,000 troops and came to Xinye, so he began the first battle of his life - burn Bowangpi!"

Người mua: sabmado

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