Burn Bowangpi!


Just hearing this name, people have begun to develop rich associations.

"It's over, Xiahou is going to be finished!" muttered Guo Jia softly.

Xia Hou Wei's temper is too fiery, and it is easy to lure the enemy.

Once Zhuge Liang let Zhang Fei or Zhao Fei and others blow up, Xiahou Wei would definitely lead his troops to chase, and eventually the ambush was burned.

Everyone turned their gaze to Guo Jia, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

It's not because Xia Hou is about to be ambushed, but because the spoiler is not beaten!

Listen to the story and listen to the story, spoilers and what is the most annoying.

Guo Jia listened to the story for the first time, how to understand this.

However, seeing everyone's sharp as a knife, the eyes that couldn't bite over understood in seconds, and then prodded.

Hurry back and retreat.

These guys, listening to stories is too fascinating.

Dangerous danger!

Ye Qing sensed that Guo Jia was prodded, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

This little Guo's brain is alert!

I am afraid that it is also a small cadre in the village, and the future may be the position of successor accountant Chen!

"Just as Xiao Guo guessed, Xiahou Wei was indeed dangerous, he fell for the trick of Wolong Zhuge Liang, and then plunged headlong into Bowangpi, and then was set on fire by Zhuge Liang and besieged. "

"The Cao army was defeated in 070 and suffered a lot of losses, but fortunately, Xiahou Wei and other generals all escaped and returned north, and only Xiahou Lan was captured. Ye Qing continued:

This time Cao Cao's pro-unified army of 500,000 sent south, ordering Cao Ren and Cao Hong to be the first team, and Zhang Liao and Zhang Hao to be the second team. Xia Houyuan and Xia Hou Wei are the third team, Yu Ban and Li Dian are the fourth team, and Fu Zi Ling will be the fifth team..."

"Coinciding with the death of Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Mrs. Cai and Cai Yao established Liu Wei as the state pastor... Zhuge Liang set fire to the city in Xinye, burning Cao Ren and Cao Hong in defeat and escaping from Xinye City..."

"Later Xu Shu reported to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei used the people as a meat shield to slow down Cao Cao's iron horse pursuit... Fleeing to Jiangxia, Liu Bei once again abandoned his family and went missing with Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi..."

Ye Qing said directly until Mrs. Mi threw herself into the well and died, and Zhao Yun saved Adou Liu Chan!

Because of this scene, Cao Cao and Chen Gong and others had heard it!

Lady Mi was loyal and sacrificed herself in order to protect Liu Chan, not to drag Zhao Yun down.

"Liu Bei deserves to die, he actually used the people as a shield, and said that he didn't want to abandon them!

Chen Gong said, "Xu Shu... Oh, it's really interesting!"

If you don't help Cao, you can forget it, but (agcg) took the opportunity to report to Liu Bei, which is the result of your generous treatment of them.

One Guan Yu is like this, and so is one Xu Shu.

Why don't you go up and down in memory.

There are too many problems with Lao Cao.

It's a headache!

"Zhao Yun Zhongyong, Mrs. Mi is not worth it for Liu Bei!" Xu Chu shook his head and sighed.

Although I listened to Mrs. Mi's story for the second time, I still regretted more.

Dian Wei also nodded, and for the first time had a common view with Xu Chu.

Guo Jia said: "Liu Bei's subordinates are all sentimental and righteous, sir, your story is a mockery of Cao and Liu Na, how can I listen to it is all to damage Cao Cao!"

Although these smart people knew that Liu Bei was a hypocrite, those ordinary people did not.

If this story were to circulate, it would be discrediting Cao Cao.

On the contrary, it is beneficial to Liu Bei.

Guo Jia suddenly couldn't understand it.

Isn't Ye Xian the lord's person?

Why black lords.

And the lord did not seem to pursue it, and listened to it with relish.

It's very strange!

Guo Jia's words instantly made the atmosphere a little weird.

Dian Wei Xu Chu set his eyes on Ye Qing.

Chen Gong stared at Guo Jia with interest.

Cao Cao smiled strangely.

Nor stubble.

He had already seen this.

From the first time he heard Ye Qing tell the story of the Three Kingdoms of Hanwei, he heard the taste. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It's just that he never cared.

Whether Ye Qing is telling real history or arranging himself, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that you can benefit from it and get advanced information.

That's enough.

As for how dark the character is portrayed, does it matter?

Will I Cao Cao care?

"Hehe, Xiao Guo seems to be also a Cao Wei fan, he supports Cao Cao, and they all began to do justice for it!"

"This shows that Xiao Guo is also fascinated and immersed in it!"

"We are a story, it is cool, it is enough to listen to it, what we want is tension and atmosphere, as for the facts, what is the heavens!"

"Even if I move the Three Kingdoms History, the content in it may not be true!"

Guo Jia was stunned, it seemed... It's me who is more real.

I didn't see the protagonist Cao Cao and he didn't have any dissatisfaction with these stories.

Feeling wronged about their role.

The story is a good enough to hear, and it makes people scream.

"It's me Meng Lang. Guo Jia bowed.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "It seems that Xiao Guo and I are on the same team, and we are all old Cao fans!"

Xu Chu said, "Me too!"

Dian Wei said, "It's the same!"

Chen Gong said: "I am neutral, just listen to the story, no one will support it!"

Ye Qing said: "Let's talk about it today, although Zhao Yun saved A Dou Liu Chan, and also took Cao Cao's sword Qinghong, but he was surrounded by Cao Jun, can he escape?

At the moment of truth, again!

It's really time!

The crowd inevitably had some reluctance.

But looking at the sky, I also know that I have heard a little too much of this story today.

"It's not early, everyone should go back to wash and sleep early!" Cao Cao glanced up, estimating that it was the second half of the night.

I brought Guo Jia here today, but I didn't expect that the opposite was to listen to the story the most!

As soon as he said rest, Guo Jia had yawned repeatedly.

Rubbed his eyelids, stretched his waist, and was extremely sore.

Secretly, tomorrow I have to wipe Ye Qing's method.

Squat and soak up some medicinal wine!

In the past, there was no strong liquor, so naturally there was no soaking medicinal wine.

After all, the original wine is all bad wine, one is impurity, and the other is that the sprinkling accuracy is not enough.

It's not delicious, and it can't be stored for long!

When everyone is gone.

Ye Qing then remembered Cai Yan.

Today she and the mink cicada were busy preparing for dinner, and did not go back at all.

"It seems that Yan'er and the little cicada have slept together again. "

Ye Qing also yawned:

"I won't take a bath tonight, it's weird cold, let's make do with sleep!"

As soon as Ye Qing walked back to his bedroom, before he could lie down, a mechanical prompt sounded in his head:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for teaching the students what it is called: the beautiful Duke of Qianyang rides a thousand miles, the Marquis of Han Shou five passes and beheads six generals! The Cai Yang brothers explain their doubts and meet the lords of the ancient city Juyi! Mrs. Cai listens to the secret words across the screen, and Uncle Liu leaps across the Tan Stream! Xuande Nanzhang meets the hidden cang, Shan Fu Xinye meets the British lord! Xuande uses a plan to attack Fan Cheng, and Yuan Zhi goes straight to recommend Zhuge the horse! Sima Hui recommends the famous scholar and Liu Xuande to the three Gu Caolu! Decide the three points of Longzhong decision, and the battle Changjiang Sun clan takes revenge! The prince of Jingzhou City asks for three plans, and the Bowangpo army division first uses troops! Mrs. Cai proposes to sacrifice Jingzhou and Zhuge Liang to burn Xinye! Liu Xuande crossed the river with the people, and Zhao Zilong rode the savior alone!"

Ye Qing listened to the numbness, ten landing points in one breath, according to the urine of the system, this is ten rewards.

"Ten consecutive riots, numb!"

Người mua: sabmado

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