Congratulations to the host for obtaining: knife mastery, same-sex attraction value 50 points, Xiang Yu Shenju Wuqi, Overlord Breaking Formation Gun, marksmanship mastery, Chinese medicine proficiency, Western medicine proficiency, water mastery, kidney power plus 100 points, riding proficiency. "

Sure enough, ten rewards!

Earn hemp Earn hemp!

Ye Qing was excited and sleepless.

Divine thoughts immediately burrowed into the system space.

"Same-sex attraction is worth 50 points, hey, don't you dare to use this thing indiscriminately!"

The attraction of the opposite sex is worth a hundred points, but Ye Qing is full of sequelae.

This same sex is attracting, but it is not a moth.

Ye Qing didn't dare to click and use it immediately, anyway, it won't disappear~lose if he keeps it.

Read on.

"Xiang Yu Shenju Wuqi, this is a horse!

"I dreamed of walking the cliff with a sword, but then I met her, the horse was sold, the sword was broken... Gee, I have to say, riding a horse is still very fanciful, and there will be a companion for the little dance in the future!"

Overlord Breaking Formation!

Xiang Yu's weapon is also equipped with a mastery of marksmanship.

Take the path of actor martial arts!

Mastery in Chinese medicine, mastery in Western medicine, and proficiency in water-based are all good skills.

Especially proficient in Chinese medicine, it seems that he can practice with Xiao Guo.

"Kidney power plus a hundred points!"

Ye Qing's eyes instantly lit up.

Which man does not love kidneys, which man does not want to be happy.

"Add a hundred points, I don't know how strong it will be!"

Ye Qing immediately clicked to use.

In an instant, I only felt that a divine light descended from the sky and bathed in my body.

Something strange poured in, towards the kidney area of the five organs.

Ye Qing immediately felt that his whole body began to heat up, his blood was rolling, and a flying heart swam the sea of clouds, and his heart was ape.

"So thirsty, good..." Ye Qing's whole body was extremely hot, and he felt like he had fallen into the stove.

Find the kettle and drink it directly in one gulp.

Before quenching his thirst, he went out of the door to the back kitchen, and then the water tank sucked in a big gulp.

After a while, a third of the water was drunk.

His stomach was also swollen.

"Not yet, it's still hot!"

So Ye Qing touched into the shower room, quickly took off his clothes, and then showered with cold water to water his whole body.

So it feels a lot better.

"Obedient, this kidney power plus a hundred points, what an evil sect!"

As he spoke, Ye Qing felt panic below, drank a third of the water in the water tank, cooled his body a little, and suddenly urinated.


Ye Qing only felt that a column of urine flew out, and the opposite wall was pierced by an elite object, and the sound was a little wrong.

"No, no!"

Ye Qing did not dare to think about it, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he could only continue to excrete.

After a long time, this solved one of the three urgent needs of life.

Half an hour later, the residual heat of his body dissipated, and Ye Qing carefully reached down the opposite wall.

And then it was empty.

Take it out, good fellow, cool breeze.

A hole bigger than a fist was created.

Ye Qing hurriedly turned around and walked out, dressed indiscriminately, and quickly slipped back to the bedroom.


An exclamation woke everyone up!

"Which day killed it, he actually took out a big hole in the shower room, and the voyeurism was too blatant!"

"Fortunately, there are still a few spare shower rooms in the house, otherwise..."

"Yesterday was a bad thief, why didn't you hear the movement, hurry up and check if there is anything missing!"

Ye Qing was woken up, and only then did he know that he had caused a small trouble yesterday. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

But he killed and would not tell everyone that the hole was shot by himself with urine!


Zhendong General's Mansion!

Cao Cao yawned and came to the study.

Chen Gong and Guo Jia came with black circles.

Yesterday they didn't sleep well, not only listened to the story a little later, but the story lingered in their minds, all night was playing back, it was strange to sleep well!

"It seems that Gongtai, like Fengxiao and me, were tossed by Mr. Wang's story last night!" Cao Cao continued to yawn:

"Tell me, what do you all think!"

Chen Gong said, "Gan Ning and Xu Shu are included in the must-find list, please enter the city as soon as possible!"

"Xu Shuhao said, it is not difficult to find someone, please come, the only trouble is Gan Ning, this person is good at water warfare, although my Yanzhou is close to the Yellow River, but the warship has no room to play, unless we can defeat Xuzhou, then whether it is to let him toss in the Huai River or move on the sea!"

Cao Cao nodded slightly, these two were the harvest of listening to the story yesterday.

Easier to find.

As for the Wolong Phoenix Chick, it is estimated that it is difficult to find.

Guo Jiadao: "There is movement on Liu Bei's side, according to the information from our school office, Liu Bei sent people to Qingzhou Mountain secretly, mixed into the Guanhai people and horses, it should be a plot!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other, and they both showed a little surprise.

Liu Bei sent people to mix up the matter of the yellow turban in Qingzhou.

This seems to have something to do with plotting something.

Guo Jia had never heard the story of Liu Bei's rescue of Beihai, and naturally did not know the secret.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong were clear, so they had to associate the two things.

This was verified at once.

"It seems that the lord and father have all underestimated Liu Bei, he is more terrifying than we thought, than what Mr. tells in the story!" A look of jealousy flashed in Chen Gong's eyes, and Liu Bei had to die.

Cao Cao said, "In this way, it may not be feasible to kill people with a knife!"

Since Liu Bei sent someone undercover to Guan Hai and other Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, then pretending to be Qingzhou Yellow Turban to attack Liu Bei, Liu Bei must have guessed that it was fake.

Guo Jia's face was full of doubts: "Can you tell me about the specific situation, I haven't heard the story told by Ye Qianmian before, and after listening to it, I will help you analyze and analyze!"

Cao Cao then rescued Liu Bei from Beihai Kong Rong, and Guan Yu slashed Guan Hai.

Only then did Guo Jia understand why Cao Cao let himself stare at Liu Bei in the plain and pay attention to Liu Bei's actions.

Feelings are to get rid of Liu Bei.

Guo Jia is also quite disgusted with people like Liu Bei, especially the last time Liu Bei wanted to empty gloves and white wolves and borrow high-yield grain seeds.

"Actually, Lord Lord, you have thought too much!"

"Liu Bei knows that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban that attacked him is fake, why not, you just want to take the opportunity to take Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, the two fierce generals, afraid that the two will rebel after knowing the truth.

The Lord might as well think about it, will Liu Bei tell Zhang Fei and Guan Yu about this kind of calculating people's hard work?"

Don't see that Liu Bei and the two are sworn brothers.

But many things will definitely prevent the two, hide from the two of them, and establish their own positive gentleman's image.

In this way, the matter of pickling is handled by the strategist lobbyist Jian Yong.

"Master, I have two feasible plans, one is to continue to pretend to attack Liu Bei by pretending to be the Qingzhou Yellow Turban according to your plan, and the success of this plan depends on two things: one is to kill Liu Bei quickly, and the other is to kill Jian Yong afterwards!"

"As for the second plan... soil".

Người mua: sabmado

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