You have a treasure trove here!

It is also a big killer, whether it is a family or a cold family, it will be affected and controlled by it.

"Mr. Ye came up with a set of movable type printing methods, saving the pain of copying books, speeding up the sorting and printing of books, and paying close attention to this matter, and printing the books brought by Cai as soon as possible into books and formulating them. Cao Cao said:

"These paper books are temporarily not open, only those who come to study in my city have the right to read them, and white paper can be sold in small amounts at high prices to major families, so you must not have more."

Especially those who do not agree with our city are prohibited from sale. "

"To expand our advantages infinitely, to raise our prestige infinitely, to overshadow the so-called fourth and third princes..."


Jizhou Changshan!


With the continuous charge of the wolf horse, Lü Bu only led a few dozen horses, and he broke through the Montenegrin army position continuously, defeated the Montenegrin army and retreated to Taihang Mountain one after another.

The cat spent the winter and was about to come out to plunder Jizhou, but was killed by Lü Bu's cavalry, and returned with a big defeat.

"Hahaha, this gang of Montenegrin Army, really not long memory, with me Lu Bu here, dare to come and release 06 wanton, I don't know if I live or die!"

After Lü Bu rushed to kill for a while, he did not pursue, but led his troops back.

He still understands the truth of raising his own dignity, and if he really wipes out the Montenegrin army, he estimates that his value will be gone.

This is a little experience he has found in Yuan Shu.

After all, Lü Bu was not stupid, and he helped Yuan Shu to fight back the Jingzhou army in the first place, and Yuan Shu took himself less and less seriously.

Return to Changsan Gun-to-Dae-camp.

Lü Bu said to Zhang Liao: "Wen Yuan wrote a war report and sent it to Yecheng, first asking for merit for our army, and then asking Yuan Shao for soldiers!"

"I helped him fight for half a year, and not a single pawn helped me replenish it, and in the long run, I will finish tossing and turning!"

After settling down, Lü Bu's little wild hope gradually began to germinate.

As a general, who doesn't want to have more soldiers and horses under him.

In Chang'an, although Wang Yun also used him, he really put a lot of soldiers and horses under his control, and nominally he was also a commander like the generalissimo of soldiers and horses.

What a majesty that is.

Can Lv Bu miss it?

Although Lü Bu has no big ambitions, Xiaoyewang still has it.

Zhang Liao said, "Master, you better read this letter first, right?"


"Who sent it?" took Lu Bu.

Zhang Liao said, "Zhencheng!"

"Cao Cao, what is he writing to me for?"

"I haven't snatched him for granted, nor have I eaten a grain of rice from him!" Although Lü Bu said this, he knew very well in his heart that when he crossed Yanzhou, he actually wanted to rob it, but Cao Cao sent troops to stare, and Lü Bu was also afraid of Dian Wei, so he did not dare to cause trouble.

After all, Cao Cao and he can also be regarded as joining forces to destroy Dong Zhuo, and this bit of face is still to be given.

Opening the letter, after reading it, Lv Bu was ecstatic:

"Good, good, Cao Mengde is really a good person!"

"If you really miss my feelings for Dong, I actually saved Ling'er and them!"

Lü Bu was overjoyed when he saw Cao Cao's letter.

I never expected that Cao Cao's people would take advantage of the Chang'an Rebellion to protect and save his wife and daughter, who had hidden them.

Evaded the search of Li Wei and Guo Qiang.

"Cao Mengde is also true, since he saved my wife and daughter, he won't send someone to squeak me when crossing the border, I just brought Ling'er with them!"

Zhang Liao shook his head slightly: "Wen Hou, I'm afraid that at that time, he hasn't taken people out of Guanzhong, and I'm afraid of leaking secrets, but I'll offend Wen Hou!"

When Lu Bu heard this, he nodded and said, "What Wen Yuan said is reasonable, Cao Cao is quite reliable, since I rescued Ling'er and them, I should send someone to pick them up." "

Zhang Liao really wanted to cry.

Lv Bu is also too naïve, people save your family, you will take it away without saying a word, there is no indication at all.

It's really out of sight!

No wonder Cao Cao would also send me a letter in private, just expected that you Lü Bu was a little... Ay!

Zhang Liao didn't know how to evaluate Lü Bu. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In contrast, Cao Cao is a far-sighted hero who is very good at seizing opportunities.

"Why, Wen Yuan is not willing to help me pick up someone" Lu Bu saw that Zhang Liao was a little in a daze, and his heart was displeased.

Zhang Liao came back to his senses and hugged his fist and said, "Wen Hou, we don't have an environment to settle down now, in case of another accident, wouldn't it be a dangerous place for the Wen Hou family to be small."

Why not find a good place to settle down and pick up someone. "

Lu Bu was silent.

Zhang Liao continued: "I and the other soldiers are all men of Union Prefecture, if they can return to Union Prefecture, they can replenish soldiers and horses and get a place to rest, at that time..."

"Hey, Wen Yuan doesn't know, Yuan Shao won't allow us to go to Hezhou!" Lu Bu clenched his fist lightly, and unhappiness flashed in his eyes:

"My nephew took over Union Prefecture, and Yan dared to let me wait to return to Union Prefecture and threaten Gao Gan. "

Lü Bu was not stupid, he had written to Yuan Shao several times to ask for a transfer, hoping to enter Taiyuan or go to the party to help Yuan Shao attack the Black Mountain Army from the west, but Yuan Shao did not reply at all.

Even if he stretched out his own invitation to go to Yunzhong Yanmen and other places to guard the side for him, Yuan Shao did not agree.

It is clear that he is afraid that he will take his annexation.

In addition, Lü Bu also has nostalgia for the Central Plains, and does not want to return to the bitter cold land in the north.

So he didn't get into trouble with Yuan Shao.

When Zhang Liao heard this, his thoughts returned to the letter written to him by Cao Cao.

True God is a man who knows the Lord and knows things like God.

If you want to go back to Hezhou, maybe there is really only one way that Cao Cao said!

Zhang Liao is a native of Yanmen County, Hezhou, and his ancestral home is Mayi!

This place is more special, 240 is the northern gate outpost of Yanmen County.

Almost every year it is attacked by steppe barbarians.

And Zhang Liao's brother is still on duty in Mayi, so Zhang Liao's family is there.

Every time I wake up, I am a little pony.

I can't fly over a thousand mountains and reach Mayi, see the former hometown, see the blood relatives!

"I'm afraid that Yuan Shao may not allow Wen Hou's request this time!" Zhang Liao kindly reminded:

"I look at Yuan Shao, I am the same as Yuan Shu, and at the same time I am guarding against us, consuming us, and I may not treat each other sincerely!"

These words stung Lü Bu, Lü Bu wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and wanted to cover his ears and steal the bell, but unfortunately it was impossible to really not know Yuan Shao's plans.

Compared with Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao can do it is not so direct and excessive, after all, Yuan Shao cherishes to hide his face, and the surface article will do it.

Food will be given, but it will only prevent Lü Bu's soldiers and horses from starving to death.

There will be no extra money and food for Lu Bu to sit up.

Limit the dead.

"That's it, let Ling'er and them stay in Zhencheng for the time being, at least it is safe there, Cao Mengde is not bad at this amount of money and food, it's a big deal that I will pay him ten times the grain and grass in the future!"

For a long time, Lu Bu also sighed faintly, Changshan was indeed not safe.

Don't let your wife and concubine just escape from the Chang'an wolf's den and enter Yuan Shao's mouth.

There is no entanglement, if you really want to turn your face with Yuan Shao, then there is no scruples, you can leave if you want! .

Người mua: sabmado

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