Grass warbler flying season!

Zhencheng has entered April and May!

Autumn and winter potatoes are harvesting season again, and Yanzhou and Yuzhou Juntun have another bumper harvest.

Under Cao Cao's rule, the official government was full of grain warehouses, and countless grains were piled up in the newly built major warehouses, especially the military cantonments, and overflowed with countless piles, which could only be made into shelf-stable military compressed dry food in preparation for war, famine and marching to fight.

Cao Cao and his subordinates were busy and happy.

Ye Qing also finally walked out of the house.

But he wore a black gauze cloak like a big girl.

Cover your face.

Even so, when traveling on the streets in a horse-drawn carriage, countless strange eyes on both sides are still attracted.

"Strange, which family is sitting in this car, I seem... I admire him!"

"Shame on people, I actually have a love for the son of the carriage, I haven't even seen anyone, it's really ..."

Countless Miaoling women, shy, annoyed and angry, stomped their feet and turned around, but after a while, their faces turned back very honestly, and they watched the carriage out of the city with reluctance.

"Sir, why do you wear a black gauze cloak when you go out this time!" asked the mink cicada puzzled.

Last time I came to Zhencheng from Puyang, I didn't see Ye Qing make such a move.

Ye Qing smiled bitterly, where did he mean to explain, I can't say that my attraction to the opposite sex is too strong, and I will charm thousands of girls.

This is also a bit narcissistic, although it is true.

Cai Yan guessed something, and said with a smile: "Probably, perhaps, Big Brother Ye feels that he is too attractive, and he is afraid of being robbed by other girls to become a husband!"

Husband, this is an immortal word that Cai Yan and Ye Qing only understood after getting along for a long time.

The meaning is the meaning of husband.

Others didn't understand, so Ye Qing often encouraged the second daughter to call him that.

The mink cicada then understood, and it was also Wanwan eyelashes who said very sincerely: "Sir's charm is indeed very large, and ordinary women really can't hold it." "

After speaking, the mink cicada also blushed to the root of his ears.

She's one of those who can't hold on!

"Okay, you two don't tease me!" Ye Qing said, "It's hard to come out and step into spring." "

As he spoke, the carriage stopped.

"Sir, I heard that you are going out to step into the spring, and Cao Er and I are here!" said Cao Ang with a bow.

Then Xu Huangye said, "Sir, and me!"

Not long after, a carriage came after him, and Cao Hong chased after him and said, "Sir, everyone from our village Lu family has also followed, and it just so happens that they are accompanied by Miss Cai!"

The mischievous Cai Zhenji opened the curtain and glanced at the back, and then came back and said, "Brother-in-law, I see a beautiful sister, she can ride a horse." "


The girls in the village are so skinny, they can even ride horses.

No wonder Cai Zhenji exclaimed, with envy.

"The time is just right, youth is not always there!"

"Since they are all here, let's set foot together!"

The carriage moves forward.

Lu Lingqi and others followed behind, it was difficult to come out and let the wind go, and there was a chance to ride a horse, Lu Lingqi originally wanted to ride the road to the front, but glanced at the carriage where everyone worshiped Ye Qingyu, and his eyes also showed a little confusion.

"Strange, I haven't seen Mr. Ye inside, why don't I have such disgust with him!"

"It's like... I'd love to see him!"

Lu Lingqi shook her head: "No, no, you can't look at his carriage!"

After all, Lu Lingqi came from a martial arts training background, and her determination is much stronger than that of ordinary women.

This strange affection marriage was quickly cut off.

Then the horse whip was drawn, and the beater ran to the front and broke away from the brigade.

When Cao Hong saw it, he was suddenly a little worried and wanted to let people chase.

Xu Huang said: "No need, this little lady of the Lu family will not escape, but her personality is a little jumpy and active, if she is not allowed to play a trick, she will worry about running in the future!"

Cao Hong said, "You are also right, the Yan family is here, Lu Lingqi can't run, unless she doesn't want a home!"

Everyone then continued their journey and came to a high land by the Yellow River, where there are peach forests, green grass, and warm winds. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Walking or hunting is a pleasant thing.

"Lu Da Neifang has seen Mr. Ye!" Yan Shi took Du Ji forward to salute Ye Qingjian and said gratefully.

Originally, they just wanted to take the opportunity to come out and let the wind go, and did not dare to come over and disturb Ye Qing's elegance.

As a result, after looking at Ye Qing, who was wearing a black gauze cloak, he was never able to calm down.

There was always a voice telling them to come and worship.

"It turns out that you are the family of Lu Da, I heard Boss Cao tell him, he said that you Lu Da is the strongest one in the village, and you have a good martial art, especially horsemanship. Ye Qing pointed to Lu Lingqi, who was galloping by the river, and said:

"That's your daughter, she inherited her father's talent, and if she cultivates it in the future, she may be able to participate in equestrian competitions, win glory for the country, and win some Olympic gold medals!"

The words in front can still be understood, and the Yan Clan and Du Ji in the back are blinded.

Equestrian competitions

Win glory for the country

Olympic gold medal

"'Thank you Mr. for your advice!'" Although he didn't understand what Ye Qing was talking about, Yan Shi understood very well that it was right not to ask too much.

Otherwise, it will offend Ye Qing.

Cao Hong's words still sounded in his ears.

Seeing that Yan Shi did not answer, Ye Qing said again: "How old is your daughter, why don't you send it to the academy to listen to the class!"

Yan Shi was stunned, and thought for a while: "Mr. Hui, the little girl named Ling, this year twelve, has not been presented to school, and has been taught by me at home!"

It's only twelve!

Sure enough, it was still a little doll.

"It seems that the old ideas in your village are causing trouble, and girls cannot enter the school. Ye Qing sighed, and then said:

"In the future, when you have time, let her come to the academy to listen to the class, and learn more while she is young!"

"As for the village, I will tell Boss Cao and them about it. "

Yan Shi was stunned again, obviously did not understand what Ye Qing was doing?

Cai Yan reminded her on the side: "The inner room of the Lu family, quickly thank Brother Ye, ordinary people Brother Ye does not teach, among the same age, only Cao Da and the three of them can teach (Zhao Qianzhao) in the school, and your family Ling'er will have a chance in the future!"

The hint is already obvious.

When Yan Shi heard this, he immediately kowtowed and bowed: "Thank you Mr. Ye, I will lift up my love for Mr. Lu Daxie." "

In the entire city, there were only Cao Ang and a few others who worshipped Ye Qing as a teacher, which shows that the quota is precious, and Ye Qing's energy and status can be seen.

The Yan Clan knew that with Ye Qing as a backer, even Cao Cao would not move their mother and daughter!

Perhaps in the future, Lv Bu will also benefit from this.

Ye Qing was also startled when he heard Yan Clan kneeling down, and quickly picked her up and said, "Don't want the sister-in-law of the Lu family, it's all a new world now, but don't be happy with this, it will bother me!"

Paper in the distance!

Lu Lingqi just saw Ye Qing holding Yan's arms, and suddenly his qi and blood rushed up, and the whole person rushed.

"Deng, you dare to bully my mother, look at the whip!"

After that, Lu Lingqi's fierce grip on the belly of the horse drove the war horse to rush to this side! .

Người mua: sabmado

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