Because Lu Lingqi was in a hurry.

The war horse was shocked by the pain, and rushed like crazy.

Immediately, Lu Lingqi's face also changed greatly, and her face lost color.

She never thought that this horse was so careless.

Horse shock is an extremely terrible thing, she can't control the war horse at all, instinctively lying down, desperately tugging at the long mane on the back of the horse's neck.

"It's not good, the horse is frightened, quickly dodge!"

Everyone was also shocked when they saw Lu Lingqi's war horse coming.

What made them break out in a cold sweat was that this horse was shocked.

The frightened war horse will not care about three seven twenty-one, and will not hide from people at all.

If this is hit and trampled by a horse, it will be injured if it does not die.

"Sir, quickly protect Sir!"

Cao Hong and the others were also revenants, watching the war horse rush straight towards Ye Qing, at this time, the distance was a little far, and it was beyond the reach of the whip.

Ye Qing heard something wrong at the first time.

His brows frowned slightly, and then he forcibly brought Yan Shi up.

Then he moved his body and took two steps in the direction where the war horse was running.

Immediately shouted: "All disperse!" "

Then the war horse had already rushed five meters away.

Ye Qing jumped suddenly and jumped onto the war horse, and when everyone was in no hurry to react, Ye Qing grabbed the reins with both hands, and then suddenly pulled them one by one.

Forcibly let the war horse run in the direction where there is no one on the other side.

The war horse seemed to refuse to admit that 810 lost, and used the strength of his whole body to riveting Ye Qing.

Ye Qing snorted coldly and retracted the reins, and then retreated and clamped the horse's belly, so that the war horse continued to run forward for hundreds of meters, at this time, the war horse finally couldn't resist Ye Qing, and was resubmitted and calmed down.

It's just that the mouth makes a noise from time to time, and the tip of the nose sprays hot air.

And Lu Lingqi also came back from the shock, her body was grabbed, and she was also panting.

"It doesn't matter to you! Is there any injury! Ye Qing asked.

Lu Lingqi looked up and saw that Ye Qing's black gauze cloak had already flown away when he jumped.

A handsome face, a straight nose, starry eyebrows, young and stable.

It was like an immortal descending into the world, and the tension in her voice made her fall into it in an instant.

He...... So handsome!

I seem to have seen it somewhere, familiar and warm.

Plopped down, a deer crashed, making Lu Lingqi unable to extricate herself and fall into it!

"I don't care, thank you Gongzi for saving you, the little woman has nothing to reciprocate, and is willing to be a cow and a horse for you!"

After speaking, Lu Lingqi felt that she was a little excessive.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't wait to find a seam to get into.

How could I, Lu Lingqi, say such shameful words.


As soon as Ye Qing heard this, he knew that his cloak flew away.

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly, something bad!

"Let's go, your mother should be in a hurry!" Ye Qing urged the horse to turn around.

This war horse was subdued by him, and it seemed to know Ye Qing's thoughts, so he walked in the direction of Yan Shi and the others.

"Are you all right, sir?"

"Sir is so powerful, he can actually leap on the horse, and the horse is shocked!"

When everyone saw Ye Qing return intact, they were also in admiration and praised from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Qing turned over and dismounted, and then took Lu Lingqi down, and then handed it to Yan Shi: "Although the horse is shocked, fortunately, there is no big problem, the child should be a little frightened, incoherent, you are good to calm down!" "

Yan Shi did not pick up his daughter, but stared at Ye Qing's face, also deeply immersed in it.

"Ahem!" Ye Qing coughed heavily.

Yan Shi and Du Ji and Lu Lingqi returned to their senses one after another.

Only then did he realize the gaffe and said busily: "Thank you Mr. Ye for saving Ling'er." "

"Okay, don't talk about these false manners, hurry back to the carriage and rest" Ye Qing waved his hand to open the distance between him and the third girl, and then said to Dian Wei:

"Norizo, where is my cloak! Bring it! "

Dian Wei hurriedly picked up the black gauze cloak.

Ye Qing put it on, and only then took a long breath. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"My damn charm with nowhere to put it, I won't be able to go out normally in the future!"

"Sir, you can ride horses!" Xu Huang was surprised to find that Ye Qing seemed to be stronger than them!

You must know that it was a frightened war horse, and even they did not dare to forcibly submit in this way.

"It will be a little bit!" Ye Qingdao:

"The weather is good today (AGFI), you are all here, why don't we have a trick!"

Ye Qing's hands were also a little itchy.

The Overlord Breaking Formation Gun happened to be brought and hung behind the carriage.

Xu Huang, Cao Hong and the others had long been aware of the cold iron heavy gun.

At first, I thought it was Dian Wei's transformation, and I changed the gun, but I didn't expect it to be Ye Qing's!

"Sir, since there is this Yaxing, I will ask for advice!" Xu Huang did not refuse.

Quickly took the tomahawk.

Dian Wei took the Overlord Formation Breaking Gun for Ye Qing.

Ye Qing held the gunman and played a simple gun flower wheel, and then stood up horizontally: "Come on, cheer up, don't be distracted, my marksmanship can not be caught by ordinary people." "

"Okay, sir, be careful!" Xu Huang did not dare to despise it, whether the expert had it or not, the moment he started the weapon, he could see three points.

Ye Qing's starting style is not simple.

"Sir, I'll come too!"

Xu Huang shouted and rushed over.

Ye Qing's ears moved, and he had already judged Xu Huang's way clearly, and he also rushed straight over with a swing of the gun, and when the two weapons were approaching, a shaking gun stabbed away.

That's fast and accurate.

Xu Huang's expression was grim, he swung his axe and slashed, and then his position also moved, and he didn't pull up a line battle with Ye Qing.

Otherwise, it is a loss, after all, the gun is long and the axe is short, and he has to have a chance of winning in close combat.


With just one blow, Xu Huang only felt an infinite force coming from his arm, and the whole person actually stumbled to the side and fell obliquely.

Fortunately, he quickly stood firm.

His eyes couldn't help but show horror.

Mr. is also too strong.

Cao Hong and the others were also taken aback.

Xu Huang's strength is still very clear to him.

The person who used the axe was also known for his strength, but he was lightly touched by Ye Qing's spear, and his body was coordinated.

Is this still the brother I know?

Don't worry, let it be too obvious!

"Good!" Dian Wei applauded not far away.

"Come again!" Xu Huang moved his body and killed Ye Qing.

Ye Qing did not take advantage of the void to attack just now, because he was a little uncomfortable, and his marksmanship and strength could not really coordinate.

After all, there is too much strength, there is not enough proficiency, and it is very strong to suppress enough small strength to fight with Xu Huang.

A single bottle of power knocks people away, which seems to be just a reckless act.

"Oh yes..."

As the two slowly adapted.

Ye Qing and Xu Huang fought more and more like the same thing.

However, only the party Xu Huang understood that he was almost exhausted, and Ye Qing still had a steady stream of strength.

It seemed that Ye Qing was still deliberately slowly suppressing his strength, and the long spear made the addition silky, and more exquisite marksmanship began to emerge continuously.

Even if you will not lose because you are not exhausted, you will lose because your skills are inferior! .

Người mua: sabmado

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