After a few more rounds, Xu Huang stepped back, put away the axe and said, "Sir, I have no strength, I can't move!" "

When Ye Qing heard this, he collected his gun and nodded slightly.

Although he only used half of his strength, but this Xu Eighteen is not bad, the mountain village farmer who plops down, with this strength, it is really rare.

"Which of you comes, then accompany me ~ practice!"

Ye Qing faced Cao Hong.

Cao Hong hurriedly waved his hand and smiled: "I can't, let the third accompaniment first-life discussion!" "

Xu Huang is not an opponent, and he was also abused when he went up.

Cao Hong suffered a 10,000-point crit in his heart.

Even Mr. Ye is so powerful, no wonder I can't get on the twenty general rankings, and I can't enter the five good generals.

Although Norizo was very interested, he was not stupid, and also waved his hand: "I can't either, I can't beat sir!" "

Ye Qing's strength was obviously much stronger than his own.

He also does not go to the abuse.

"Brother-in-law, you are so powerful, I didn't expect that your body could actually put General Xu... Defeat Xu Fifteen! Cai Zhenji ran over with adoration in her eyes.

Xu Huang is a famous general in Zhencheng.

He also looked majestic and strong, but lost to Ye Qing, who was like a scribe.


The other side!

LYU Lingqi. Listening to it in the carriage, he opened the curtain and saw Ye Qing and Xu Huang's fight.

The whole person was shocked again.

Ye Qing's figure dancing with a spear was even more tall and powerful, and more outstanding.

Between one shot, one attack and one defense, there was not the slightest flaw.

"Ling'er, how is Mr. Ye's martial arts compared to your father?."

Yan Shi also saw Xu Huang respectfully obeying through the curtain, so he asked curiously.

Lu Lingqi replied with an obsessive look: "Mom, Mr. Ye may be twice as strong as Daddy." "

"If you really want to fight, Dad may not be able to walk ten rounds in his hands!"

Yan Shi was surprised.

Mr. Ye is so powerful.

His husband is already the number one martial general in the world.

Zeng was proud of the princes of the world, and in the battle of Tiger Pass, none of the princes could win, and the combined efforts of Liu Bei's three brothers only forced him back to the city.

There are still people in the world who are more powerful than Zifujun, and the key is that Ye Qing is too young.

"It seems that we have to write another letter to your father, so that he must not be an enemy of Cao Gong, let alone ... Offend Mr. Ye! "The Yan clan comes from a big family and is a famous lady.

Therefore, I know more about the way of people's feelings and retreats.

"Mother, can I really learn from Mr. Ye in the future, become his disciple, and serve him every day?" LYU Lingqi. Lowering the curtain, his eyes are burning, revealing a strong sense of expectation and admiration.

Yan Shi knows best what his daughter is.

Genetic Lü Bu is general, all of them are arrogant people.

In addition, he was taught martial arts by Lv Bu since he was a child, and he was good at dancing knives and guns, and he couldn't look at his peers around him since he was a child.

For her to show this kind of look, it can be seen that she has been deeply impressed by Ye Xian.

After a moment of silence, Yan Shicai said, "Of course, this is what Mr. Ye said personally, Cao Gong can't object, and General Cao Hong can't stop it!" "


How to do spring swim without game barbecue.

Soon Cao Ang and the others returned from hunting some prey, and everyone started together, peeled and washed, and grilled the meat.

Brush the oil with sesame seeds and spread various honey sauces.

After a while, the fragrance overflowed.

"Here it comes, compensate how well this is called flower pheasant roasted!"

Two black briquette-like mud bumps were turned over, and after knocking them open, the wrapped rice dumpling leaves inside were revealed, peeling off the layers of rice dumpling leaves, and finally revealing the two pheasants just today.

"It's so fragrant, it's full of appetite when you look at it!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Everyone, you reach out and break a piece, I reach out and cut a piece, and soon the two pheasants are eaten clean.

"Haha, enjoyable, following Mr. Wild Blowing is a taste!"

"Sir, when are we coming to a summer camp, stargazing at night, barbecue and drinking!"

", you don't think there are many mosquitoes in the summer, I still think there are snakes!"

Everyone laughed and laughed, and soon there was a rumor that Ye Qing was afraid of snakes!


Inside the city!

Calm the General's Mansion!

"Lord, Yan's mother and daughter and others all followed Mr. Stephen!"

Soon, someone reported what happened in the field to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao said, "It seems that it is right to let them follow Mr. to the Qingqing." "

After speaking, Cao Cao set his sights on Guo Jia.

This bad idea was made by Guo Jia.

Gu Jia was so shocked that it was Guo Jia's people who did it.

Well, how could Lu Qi's war horse be frightened.

"Master, if you want to subdue this fierce tiger of Lu Bu, except for Mr. Ye, I am afraid that there is no second feasible!" Guo Jiadao:

"With Mr. Ye pressing, Lü Bu will not dare to give birth to an incident in the future, a person like Lü Bu needs someone to sharpen his temperament before he can be used for the lord, otherwise he will be eaten back!"

Even if a military general like Lü Bu directly threw himself at Cao Cao, would Cao Cao be used, not necessarily.

Everyone was afraid that Lu Bu would rebel, and relying on the eight-character true decision that Ye Qing said was still imperfect.

And he Guo Jia is to perfect the missing person!

When Cao Cao heard this, he was still a little worried: "If Lü Bu's daughter charmed Mr. Ye, wouldn't it be self-defeating." "

Why can Lü Bu's daughter serve Ye Qing, you must know that Ye Qing's identity is not ordinary.

If Lu Bu had Ye Qing's assistance, I was afraid that he would have to step aside.

"Master, who is Mr. Ye, how can he be affected by Lu Bu and change his interests and ideals!" Guo Jiadao:

"The Lord should be clear about Mr. Ye's personality and temperament!"

Cao Cao bowed his head slightly, he agreed with this, but he was still not at ease when he was suspicious in the world.

Seeing this, Guo Jia said again: "If the lord wants a perfect solution, then it is better to send the young lady in the mansion to listen to the messenger of the gentleman!" "

Lv Bu has a daughter, and so do you.

When Cao Cao heard this, he patted his thigh heavily.

"yes, how did I forget about this!" Cao Cao was pleasantly surprised, but soon his face turned tangled again.

Because he has many children, but they are basically waiting to be fed or babbling, and there is only one eldest daughter to send.

But this eldest daughter he has always loved and spoiled the most.

It was a little reluctant, and at the same time I was afraid that she would make a mistake and bump into Ye Xian, but it would be a bad thing.

But for Cao Wei Jiangshan, for the sake of the world's social welfare.

Cao Cao finally gritted his teeth and said, "For the sake of Long Teng Huaxia, I had to let her be wronged!" "

"The Lord is wise, congratulations to the Lord Father, congratulations to the Lord for having a good son-in-law like Mr. Ye, it will not be far away to dominate the world!" Guo Jia hurriedly sent some comfort to Cao Cao.

After all, Cai Yan has already been set as Ye Qing's right wife, then Cao Cao's daughter is at most a flat wife, and if it is not good, she may be a concubine, as a father, who can be comfortable in his heart! .

Người mua: sabmado

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