"Cao Gong has forethought and is ugly!" Zhang Zhao's face was a little panicked, it turned out that Cao Cao was already doing it, and he was worried about it!

Cao Cao diverted the topic and said, "Zibu, let me ask you, what do the people of Xuzhou have to say about?" "

Zhang Zhao was stunned, but quickly understood what Cao Cao meant.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhao replied: "Back to Cao Gong, although Pengcheng was attacked by the main prince's soldiers and horses, most of the people of Pengcheng were full of praise for the army of Yanzhou.

From the family to the people, there is no grievance! "

The last time Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he captured Tao Qian's granary, and all those who could not be transported were scattered to the local people.

This trick of drawing salaries from the bottom can be regarded as a pit for Tao Qian.

The people of Pengcheng now love Cao and hate Tao.

After all, Cao Cao came to travel to Guangguan, scattered money and left, it can be said that Qiu did not commit any crime, and also did good deeds, who did not expect him to come a few more times.

And Tao Qian has to draw taxes, and from time to time he has to add Ding Fu.

The people naturally have a false perception, and it is not surprising that Xi Cao is disgusted with pottery.

If it weren't for this reason, Zhang Zhao wouldn't have dared to come to Zhencheng and wouldn't have done anything for Cao Cao.

Historically, because Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he broke through Pengcheng and plundered.

Zhang Zhao chose to go to Jiangdong to avoid trouble, which was used by the Sun family.

This 06 times is different, Cao Cao did not make a mistake, but gained a good reputation.

There were very few people in Xuzhou who fled to Jiangdong.

"Good, good, good!" Cao Cao laughed happily:

"As long as the people of Xuzhou don't scold, don't hate!"

Zhang Zhao hesitated for a moment, only then gritted his teeth and said, "Cao Gong wants to attack Xuzhou Hu again?" "

In the face of Zhang Zhao's temptation, Cao Cao's laughter stopped abruptly, and then he and Zhang Zhao looked at each other.

"Zibu thinks, but Xuzhou Yan?"

Cao Cao cleverly came with a wave of rhetorical questions.

This can make Zhang Zhao whole, I ask you, you will ask me in turn.

Facing Cao Cao's burning gaze, Zhang Zhao said with a deep groan: "I heard that Yanzhou has successively produced abundant grain, whether it is the generals and soldiers of the Tun army who can be self-sufficient, and there is surplus grain for several years of war.

The people are even more fed, and the wind of three meals a day is rising, that is, Yuzhou is also ruled by Dazhi! "

Cao Cao nodded affirmatively: "Don't hide Zibu, there is indeed something!" "

Zhang Zhao then walked out of his seat and bowed to Cao Cao: "Zhang Zhao is willing to ask Cao Gong to send troops to take Xuzhou, so that the people of Xuzhou will also be well clothed." "

"The people of Pengcheng earnestly ask Cao Gong to come and protect my Pengcheng safety!"

The Zhang family is a famous family of Pengcheng, and this basically represents the intention of Pengchengguo.

Everyone knows that the world is in chaos, the Han family has collapsed, and the able live there!

Rivalry between princes will be the norm, and whoever can rule the world in the end will be king.

Like Zhang Zhao, he is not a die-hard royalist, after all, he has not been a post at all, so he has no kindness to the Han family.

And Xuzhou Tao Qian, although he is a state pastor, but Zhang Zhao thought that Tao Qian could not do it.

Therefore, Tao Qian recommended him as Maocai and asked him to become an official in Tanxian County.

Zhang Zhao decisively refused, and was locked up by Tao Qian for this, but fortunately, his friend Zhao Yu came to the aid of him, and he was released.

In this way, Zhang Zhao naturally would not serve Tao Qian, and since he had already come to Zhencheng, he had made a decision.

"Good, good, I have to be Zibu, Xuzhou is not far away!" Cao Cao immediately came out to re-help Zhang Zhao:

"If I can take Xuzhou, Zibu will be a thorn, and I will run Xuzhou for my good life, making Xuzhou more prosperous and prosperous!"

Zhang Zhao also smiled when he heard this.

Xuzhou Dangxing also!

"The Lord is heroic, Xuzhou will get the Lord Gong, I thank the Lord for the millions of people in Xuzhou!" Zhang Zhao returned the favor:

"Lord, I have a friend Zhao Yu, Zi Yuanda, Langya clan, Tian as the Taishou of Guangling County.

If the Lord needs it, I can persuade him on his behalf, and he will do the same. "

Don't look at Zhao Yu being shown by Tao Qian as a taishou, but that is to admire Zhao Yu's reputation and talent, Zhao Yu is actually not Tao Qian's henchman.

In Tao Qian's heart, he may not be as good as that grain chief of the three counties!

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this way, several counties in Xuzhou have already been taken, only waiting to capture Tanxian and capture Tao Qian.

Xuzhou can be determined!


Xuzhou Langxie!

Kaiyang City!

This is the place where Tao Qian's general Zang Ba and others are stationed.

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, Zang Ba was subordinate to Tao Qian, defeated the thieves, and worshipped him as a riding lieutenant. Later, Zang Ba collected troops in Xuzhou and gathered troops with Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li and others, and Zang Ba was the commander, and he was stationed in the Kaiyang area, becoming a hegemon of his own.

Because Zang Ba, Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li and others were Taishan people, and most of their soldiers were originally submitted yellow turbans, they privately called them Taishan thieves!

They have a subordinate relationship with Tao Qian, which is actually a god and a god.

In order to stabilize the northern part of Xuzhou and prevent Zang Ba and others from making trouble, Tao Qian also turned a blind eye.


Zang Ba called Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li, Sun Kang, Chang Yan and others over!

"Boss, what did you call us over today?"

"Yes, this time is not too old, what good things does the boss think of us!"

Although everyone supports Zang Ba as the commander, in fact, each of them has tens of thousands of troops, which is in fact the self-preservation of the coalition forces, and is not considered a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Zang Ba said, "Yanzhou Cao Gong must be familiar to everyone!" "

Cao Cao!

Everyone looked at each other, a little did not understand what Zang Ba meant.

Zang Ba said: "Cao Gong said, for the stability of Taishan County, I hope that we, the generals from Taishan County, will temper the generals below and not disturb Mount Tai." "

"If anyone wants to return to Taishan County, he sincerely accepts it in the name of Zhendong Mansion, and will give everyone a suitable name, so that everyone can return to their hometown and shine brightly!" 797"


Everyone was shocked and their faces changed greatly.

Cao Cao's meaning is very explicit.

It is to recruit them, willing to surrender, and there are many benefits.

He can also return to his hometown to become an official.

"I have also heard of the prestige of Cao Gong, last year he led the army to attack, broke the Cao Leopard, and the troops came to the city of Tancheng, and shocked all parts of Xuzhou!" Sun Guan praised.

Wu Dun also said: "Cao Gongqiu did not commit any crime, I have heard about treating the people kindly, and now Mount Tai, with abundant grain and people, is really a prosperous scene!" "

Chang Yan touched the bar and calculated: "How much benefit can Cao Cao give us, empty words are not enough, I wait for tens of thousands of mercenaries, occupy several cities, and be as dashing as a big king, if I become a small official and a small official in the county, wouldn't it be a big loss!" "

Everyone seconded, and that's true.

Now everyone does not know how to be happy, if the treatment is not good, there is no need to vote for Cao Cao.

Yin Li said: "Boss, what do you think, you said to vote for Cao Gong, I will follow you to vote, you say ignore him, we will ignore him!" "

This remark attracted the second opinion of everyone.

Although Zang Ba is not their boss, Zang Ba has a strong appeal.

If everyone follows Zang Ba to vote for Cao Cao, if he doesn't follow, it's not a single order, don't say that Cao Cao can clean himself up, even Tao Qian will not let go of this opportunity.

That old man don't see the sick soon, he is really a ruthless person! .

Người mua: sabmado

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