Zang Ba's majestic gaze swept over everyone.

Then he walked back to the first place and sat down.

"I understand your worries!"

"What I mean is that, according to our original guidelines, we will not help, do not rely on, and do not attack, and guard our current acre and three points of land!"

"The matter of Xuzhou is left to the able to handle, whoever wins in the end, will use me and so on, only true heroes can make our hearts happy and sincere, for them to drive."

When everyone heard this, they rushed to say:

"It's still the boss wise!"

"Yes, we won't help anyone, whoever occupies Xuzhou will be attached to him, no matter who comes to Xuzhou, we will be used."

"It's still a good wit, this is a good idea!"

"Bah, please read some books, how can cunning be used on the boss, be careful to peel your skin!"

"Yes, yes, the boss is cunning..."

After everyone ate and drank here in Zang Ba, they all took their leave and returned to their own territory.

and others are gone.

The man who had been hiding behind the screen in the Zang Ba Hall walked out.

He hugged his fist towards Zang Ba and said, "Thank you General Zang!" "

The person who came, it was none other than Lü Qian, Cao Cao's adviser and general.

Lü Qian was familiar with this area of Xuzhou, so he was sent to lobby Zang Ba and others.

Although Zang Ba did not speak out, when he made this decision, he actually explained the answer.

Tao Qian and Cao Cao are strong and weak, it goes without saying.

"Mr. Lu is polite." Zang overbearing:

"What we do, we protect ourselves."

"In troubled times, only in this way can we protect our people and our relatives, and we are also... In spite of oneself! "

What a body can't help himself!

Lu Qian sighed with emotion: "Yes, this damn chaotic world, and how many of them are not involuntarily!" "

"I believe that my Lord will be able to put an end to this chaotic world and will give an explanation to the world!"

After bowing and taking his leave, Lu Qian got up and returned to Zhencheng, and most of the tasks of this trip were completed.

The war in Xuzhou is not far away!



"Kenhe you're finally back!"

Jian Yong sent an envoy to Zhencheng and was detained by Cao Cao for a long time.

Only then did Cao Cao release it back.

Liu Bei also thought that Jian Yong had been cut by Cao Cao.

After all, I haven't seen Jian Yong come back to regain her life.

Liu Bei greeted Jian Yong while crying and looking back.

As a result, there was nothing, and the food was not brought back.

Jian Yong lamented: "Lord Jian Yong is incompetent, failed to complete the trust entrusted by the Lord Gong, and did not ask for good seeds from Cao Cao, Jian Yong is ashamed!" "

Behind him, Zhang Fei instantly exploded, and cursed: "What's going on with Cao Cao, he is stingy, he is not even willing to give some seeds, because he still owns the land of two states, one of the largest princes in the world!" "

Guan Yu said, "Xianhe, Cao Cao doesn't borrow grain, why should he give you to..."

Guan Yu stopped talking.

The meaning is clear.

Jian Yong let out another long sigh before explaining: "Lord, second general, third general, then Cao Cao began to say that he would not borrow, so he let me leave, and a group of men in black robbed and killed me halfway, but I was bumped into by Cao Cao's soldiers, and I recovered a life."

After that, Cao Cao told me that he had not fulfilled his duty as a guard, and out of guilt, he was willing to lend us grain after the spring harvest, so he arranged for me to stay, and from then on sent troops to protect me day and night, which also restricted my contact with the outside world.

I bribed the guards, and this person told me that it was Yecheng who knew that the lord wanted to borrow grain, so he sent blacks to murder me, so he cut me off from outsiders and sent me back to the plain after the spring harvest. "

"Since he is willing to borrow grain, why now..." Liu Bei knew that Cao Cao was still generous.

When he was crusading against Dong Zhuo, he also favored himself, appreciated it quite much, and had the intention of soliciting. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, Cao Cao's was relatively enlightened and heroic among the princes, and Liu Bei dared to borrow grain from Cao Cao, and he also saw this and had nine layers of certainty.

So he was confused why Jian Yong didn't borrow the seed in the end.

Zhang Feihe was in a hurry, and he couldn't pry open Jian Yong's Zhang, and poured out those words in Jian Yong's stomach like pouring beans.

Jian Yongzhi replied unhurriedly: "After the spring harvest, Cao Cao's subordinates told me that the weather was cold, the spring harvest was not good, and the harvest was not much.

Moreover, in order to avoid conflict with Yecheng, Cao Cao decided to move his seat of government to Yingchuan, Yuzhou, where he had already built a new city, and the grain harvested in the spring was allocated to repair the city, and there was no surplus grain to borrow for the time being.

After this autumn harvest, you are lending us seeds! "

Liu Bei listened, as if he had been insulted.

It hurts so much that I want to vomit blood.

Autumn harvest, this will have to wait for half a year.

At that time, I am afraid that the yellow cauliflower is cold.

The plains can't be used as a bargaining chip anymore!

"This hiss, actually taking our seeds to repair the city, is too shameless, too unkind!" Zhang Fei's eyes widened suddenly, and he scolded.

Guan Yu stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes: "Cao Cao wants to move to Yingchuan, it seems that he is really afraid of Yuan Shao!" "

Cao Cao had to hide from Yuan Shao, where did he dare to receive the plain.

As long as there is no problem with the brain, you can figure out the joints.

Liu Bei's face turned red, and he took a dirty and smelly rag to exchange for grain, and it was strange that Cao Cao could take care of it.

Jian Yong tactfully said so much through the borrowing theory given by Zhencheng, but he didn't want to break it.

"'Forget it, yes, it doesn't matter, as long as Xianhe can return safely, it is more important than anything!'" Liu Bei appeased Zhang Fei:

"Anyway, Cao Cao said that he would definitely borrow seeds after the autumn harvest, and he would not be able to deny it at that time!"

"It's still the eldest brother who has a good temper and a belly, and is willing to forgive Cao Cao!" Zhang Fei frantically said in the direction of Zhencheng:

"After the autumn harvest, if Cao Cao makes a mistake and does not borrow seeds, I will kill Yanzhou and take all his cities, and then the eldest brother will not have to borrow seeds, and directly occupy Yanzhou, if you want anything, you should also be a general of Zhendong!"

Liu Bei's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he shouted sharply: "Third brother, Hugh is reckless!" "

The corners of Jian Yong's mouth twitched slightly when no one saw it.

Is this a matter of recklessness?

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense, embarrass your eldest brother!" Guan Yu really couldn't listen anymore, so he had to discipline Zhang Fei.

You still expect people to borrow seeds, and behind the scolding is so cheerful, Cao Cao dares to lend you something.

After returning to the hall of the mansion (money), the four of them ate and drank, which was regarded as washing the dust for Jian Yong's return.

Stay until Zhang Fei and Guan Yu leave.

Liu Bei pulled Jian Yong onto the bed, sat opposite the table, and began to talk by candlelight.

"Master, I'm not here during this time, and things in Qingzhou haven't been affected, right?" Jian Yong asked worriedly.

Liu Bei said: "No, you have arranged it before you leave, you only need to report to the plain regularly." "

"Xianhe, you said that at this time, can it still be done?"

Without borrowed grain, it would be impossible to carry out military cantonment in Qingzhou.

Without a large amount of surplus grain in hand, he could not recruit the Qingzhou yellow turban for his own use.

Jian Yong said, "Don't worry, this matter can still be done, but you need to be flexible and give up some practical benefits!" "

"We have to shift our attention from Qingzhou to Xuzhou, and before we come back, I saw that most of the Yanzhou army was moving to the southeast, I am afraid that Cao Cao wants to plot Xuzhou, and then we can do this in Qingzhou first... Then to Xuzhou like this...".

Người mua: sabmado

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