

"Stand up!" Cao Ang shouted as he stood up.

The people sitting below got up one after another and said:

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello students, sit down!" Ye Qing picked up a white chalk on the podium and said:

"Students, did you all review yesterday's class?"

Learn something new!

Many of the people present grew up and secretly complained bitterly!

Oops, Mr. Ye is going to take a random test of yesterday's knowledge points!

After the number of students in the school increased, Ye Qing became more and more strict, and his classes became more formal.

After all, there are few people who have to teach according to their aptitude, anyway, a few people, then herding sheep is as easy and active.

There are many people, and if there are no rules, there will be no square circle.

A few activists can bring a group of children to ruin!

The eyes of everyone looking for help turned to Cao Ang.

Cao Ang stood up helplessly and said, "Sir, I have reviewed, what Mr. taught yesterday was..."

When Cao Ang finished speaking, Ye Qing nodded slightly: "Not bad, Cao Da still studied seriously as always, and after returning home, he also reviewed the content of the class!" "

"Then, except for Cao Da, the rest of you 243 have not been reviewed, first stand for half an hour, and stand and listen to the first lesson!"

Just penalty stations.

To not be a heavy penalty.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon the devil teacher came.

"Tomorrow I will spot check what I said yesterday, and it is to be memorized, and whoever can't memorize it will jump a hundred times, and then do fifty push-ups!"

Push-ups are good to say, frog jumping that thing, the legs will die of sore death the next day, and everyone's faces will change greatly.

In particular, Lü Bu's daughter Lü Lingqi and Cao Cao's daughter Cao Wei are the only two girls in the class.

It's so unsightly to do frog jumping.

Lu Lingqi is a little better, since she was a child, Lianwu, the foundation is thick, and she can stand it.

Cao Xuan is accustomed to cultivation, he can't lift his hands, he can't carry his shoulders, and his temper is quite domineering and arrogant.

He immediately hummed: "Sir, this is not fair, we are girls, we should reduce the punishment!" "

"Girls!" Ye Qing said coldly: "Girls are also people, should girls be given special care?" "

"Since you know that you are a girl, you should study harder, Boss Cao sent you over, it is to let (agdd) you come to study and learn things, not to play the temper of the eldest lady in a daze!"

"The rules of your village, originally you and Lu Ling could not go to school, how much pressure Boss Cao withstood to send you, but you didn't cherish it, and you still picked fat and thin to bargain with me!"

"Okay, don't learn, the female boxer is quite familiar with this set!"

Reprimanded by Ye Qing, this future princess of Qinghe instantly burst into tears.

"I... Didn't I just ask, why does the gentleman hate me so much! Cao Wei burst into tears, and said aggrievedly:

"Didn't I go to class on the first day, express my love for you, insult the study style, and then run to the yard and hug you, why do you want to target me every day, I also ... I don't want to, I just can't stop wanting to have you! "


The melon-eating masses were wide-eyed and small-eyed.

What a hoo guy.

Cao Ang was so angry that he was also full of tremors: "Xiao Xuan, don't make a second time." "

Lu Lingqi, who was sitting on the side, also dropped her jaw completely, and gently pulled Cao Qiu's clothes: "Xiao Wei, don't talk about it, you're saying that you will be expelled!" "

Although Lu Lingqi was also recruited like Cao Qi, she had tried her best to restrain herself from saying that shameful thing to Ye Qing that day, and then came to the academy.

Which is like Cao Xuan, so bold, so direct, so explicit.

The corners of Ye Qing's mouth were also twitching.

Boss Cao's daughter's concentration is also too poor, I am wearing a mask, how can I not block this damn charm.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qing turned his body back to the side of the blackboard, and then began to write the question while saying: "All sit down, and if you are guilty, you will be punished to clean the small dance chicken coop." "

After a year of growth, Xiao Wu is already a big rooster.

The combat effectiveness is comparable to that of an adult.

The teenagers have not suffered from it.

Especially Pan Zhang, this guy is the most debauched, the first time he came to class, he wanted to catch chicken barbecue, and then was despised by Xiao Wu, the man and chicken battle, and finally ended with Xiao Wu falling four feathers, Pan Zhang fell into the desert and fled.

Therefore, cleaning the small dance chicken coop is not only smelly, but also very dangerous! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The morning class ended quickly.

When it was time to leave class, Lu Lingqi stood up and said, "Sir, when will you teach us to make Kong Ming lanterns, or hot air balloons that can carry people!" "

Cultural classes are the least liked by everyone, and handicraft classes and social practice classes are the most popular among everyone.

"Yes, sir, you have said several times, when will you get that kind of thing that can fly to the sky!"

When it comes to hot air balloons, everyone yearns for them.

Ask one question after another.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "I know that you want to get this, don't worry, I asked Boss Cao to prepare the materials."

This afternoon, I will take you to a handicraft class, first make Kong Ming lanterns, only by fully understanding the principle and related knowledge, can you do the most original hot air balloon! "

"Okay! Yay! Sir the best! "

"Sir, love tiger oil!"

"Long live sir..."

"Soon Sir will be able to take us off!"

Ye Qing shook his head speechlessly, as soon as the class started, these little guys were out of shape.

Dare to say anything.

"Eat first, and take a craft class after your lunch break!"


"Now I'll test everyone!" Ye Qing asked the students to gather around, and then pointed to the materials on the ground and said:

"What was Kong Ming lantern used for in the first place?"

Cao Hong's son Cao Zhen replied first: "Sir, I know, I know!" "

"Sir said that Kong Ming lantern was originally used to pray, this lamp is also called a flower lantern, use a note or directly write blessings on the lamp paper, and then fly to make a wish!"

"Hehe, Cao Zhen answered well!" Ye Qing then gave him the materials for making the lamp skeleton:

"Just reward you for taking everyone to make Kong Ming lantern stands!"

Then Ye Qing asked, "What is Kong Ming's principle of being able to fly?" I've talked about this a long time ago, so I've talked about it at least three times! "

Everyone scratched their ears and cheeks.

Cao Ang knew, but he didn't answer.

Because the problem is too simple.

He has studied with Ye Qing for more than a year, and he knows a lot of physics knowledge.

So leave the opportunity to something else.

Xu Sheng said: "Sir, you seem to have said that combustion will produce hot air, hot air is lighter than cold air, it will float, and the Kong Ming lantern shade is full of hot air, so the Kong Ming lantern floats up!" "

"Theoretically, as long as there is enough fuel to keep the hot air in the Kong Ming lantern present, then the Kong Ming lantern can fly higher in the sky and break through the clouds for nine days!"

Người mua: sabmado

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