"Hehe, the lord is me!" Guo Jia made a symbolic salute.

Cao Cao then found out that it was Guo Jia and not Cao Ang!

"Fengxiao entered the house at night, but something urgent happened!" Cao Cao is very clear about Guo Jia's temperament, Guo Jiake never works overtime, and he will slip away early, either going to the hook or going home to drink.

Although he is now treated, he is occasionally unruly, but Cao Cao is not good at talking about him.

"Master, I came for the matter of Kong Ming Lantern, and I just learned that Mr. Ye took the eldest prince to do it!" Guo Jiadao:

"In fact, the lord does not have to worry deeply, you can let the eldest prince take the prince out of the house, you must know that they went to Mr. Ye's place, perhaps, Mr. Ye can smell what doorway, but it may not be possible to cure this disease!"


Guo Jia's words instantly woke up Cao Cao, making Cao Cao shake.

"Yes, it's still Feng Xiao who reminded "August 13" in time, I almost forgot that Mr. Ye has some divine magic!" Cao Cao suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly said to the waiter outside:

"Hurry up and chase Zi Xiu back, just say that I agree to let him take Xuan'er out of the house, but be careful not to let Xuan'er get the wind cold!"

Cao Ang, who was standing outside, immediately came in and said, "It's father!" "


Cao Cao didn't expect Cao Ang to leave, and was looking at Guo Jia, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's go!" Cao Cao didn't say much anymore, and waved away Cao Ang!

"Is there anything else to do with Fengxiao?" Cao Cao sat down and gently flicked the lamp.

Guo Jiadao: "Lord, Kong Ming lantern is very novel, if it can really fly into the sky and stay for a while, I think it is of great use!" "

Cao Cao's eyes flashed with a trace of essence, and he muttered, "You want to use it to send signals and convey information!" "

Guo Jiadao: "The Lord is well versed in the art of war, and he all speaks of fire!" "

"As soon as this Kong Ming lantern is in the sky, it can not be seen for tens of miles, even if a million-strong army can also act at the same time, why worry about not being able to coordinate scheduling and act in a unified manner!"

Night operations, most afraid of business trips at the hour, because there is no reference benchmark.

Multiple sorties, if one is slow, I am afraid that it will delay the fighter, which was originally a siege, and as a result, the enemy ran away.

Or the attack is fast and slow, and it cannot have a surprise effect.

With Kong Ming lanterns, it can be improved or even perfected.

That's why Guo Jiacai came to remind Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was familiar with the art of war and saw it better.

"In this way, the curfew must be strengthened tonight, and ordinary people cannot watch this sky lantern rise into the sky and dance the sky!" Cao Cao's eyes slowly condensed, but the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"The method of making Kong Ming lanterns needs to be controlled and controlled, and it cannot be passed on, and violators will be killed!"

The true colors of the hero, straight to the point!

"Master, if there is nothing to do, then I will also go to see Kong Ming lantern!" Guo Jia's affairs were done, and he hurried away.

I didn't want Cao Cao to reach out and grab it, and it was as fast as the wind: "No hurry, what is there to see in children's things, and stay and ponder with me about Xuzhou..."

"Master, Mr. Ye said that I can't work overtime, I need to rest early and condition my body!" Guo Jia directly moved Ye Qing out.

Cao Cao smiled a little evilly: "Mr. Ye also said that if you go to bed too early, you are making babies, which is not conducive to family prosperity, and you can't enrich the village and strong people..."

"Guo Jia!


A small river in the backyard of Ye Qing's mansion!

Most of the people who could come came here, and a dozen Kong Ming lanterns were arranged in a line.

Each squatted in front of his own Kong Ming lantern.

"Sir, let's release them one by one, or light them and fly together!" Cao Ang asked.

Ye Qing said: "Let it fly one after another, and when all of them rise into the sky, they will be jagged, like stars descending into the world, within reach, it will look better!" "

Everyone is looking forward to it even more.

So in order, start lighting Kong Ming lanterns from right to left!

"Wow, it's flying! Fly! "

"Really really, Kong Ming lanterns can really fly, great, we succeeded!"

The first Kong Ming lantern staggered away from the human hand, then floated upwards, slowly rising into the air, past the houses, over the water tower, over the city gate tower, and over the hazy mountain shadows in the distance.

Hang above everyone's heads, looking vertically.

One by one, blessings are rising, with beautiful wishes, approaching the true stars of the world! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Wow, it's beautiful!"

More than a dozen Kong Ming lanterns reflected half of the sky, and everyone was dumbfounded.

One by one, silence in this beautiful moment.

Until some Kong Ming lanterns dimmed and finally disappeared into the sky.

Everyone understood that the lights had gone out, or that the fuel had been burned out!

"Students, what wish have you made!" Although Ye Qing couldn't see it, he could feel everyone's excited and excited emotions0...

The subtle beauty of the surroundings.

"Sir, my wish is that I can fight ten thousand with one!" Pan Zhang clenched his fists and replied.

Ye Qing's eyelids trembled slightly.

This kid owes a beating!

Xu Sheng said, "I hope I can command thousands of troops and defeat any enemy, and I also hope that Ye Xian can teach me military strategy!" "

Cao Anmin and Cao Xiu gave a thumbs up to Xu Sheng, as if to say, you really dare to say it.

Ye Qing rewarded with hehe, boys, probably born to like to fight and kill.

I actually wanted to join the army and serve the country.

It's a pity that he hasn't yet acquired the knowledge and skills of military strategy mastery, otherwise he can really teach him.

Maybe Xu Da can become a soldier of the people, be promoted to a non-commissioned officer, and serve the country in the future!

"I hope my dad won't be beating me anymore and beat my brother more." Cao Zhen replied very matter-of-factly.


Everyone almost died laughing.

What a good brother!

Ye Qing was also amused, and gently patted Cao Zhen's shoulder: "This wish is very good, don't make it in the future!" "

"Well, yes, sir!" Cao Zhen felt the power coming from Ye Qing's palm, which made him even more frightened and scared.

Mr. is so terrifying, this force, I'm afraid that my dad will also be photographed with!

"My eldest brother and I hope that my brother can be cured of his illness, and that he will be healthy, safe, and happy in the future!" Cao Yi still stared at the Kong Ming lantern that had not fallen, and said reverently.

"Cough 4.1 cough!" Cao Xuan on the side coughed when he heard this.

Cao Ang immediately took off his cloak and surrounded Cao Xuan's predecessor.

"Big brother, I'm okay!" Cao Xuan said in a weak voice:

"I can see the sky lantern today, it's so beautiful, I like it so much!"

"There are so many big brothers, big sisters, I am very happy to be able to play together!"

Ye Qing's brows frowned slightly.

Then said to Cao Ang: "What disease does your brother have?" So weak! "

Cao Ang briefly explained Cao Xuan's condition.

Ye Qing said with a deep groan: "Take him back to the school, go to me, I'll give him a pulse and see the specific situation!" "

"Yes sir!" Cao Ang was overjoyed when he heard this.

Cao Wei and the others were a little confused, could Mr. Ye still know medical pharmacology and cure diseases? .

Người mua: sabmado

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