"Sir, how is Brother Xuan?" When Cao Ang saw that Ye Qingbai's veins were finished, his brows furrowed, and his heart was giggling, and he had different ominous feelings!

"Your brother's illness, I probably have a clear eye on the situation." Ye Qing said, "The specific situation needs further observation. "

"In this way, he will stay with me for the time being, so that I can really determine his cause."

"However, before that, you have to ask your father to prepare some things, this disease will have some trouble, the treatment may take a long time, it may cost more, and your family must have some mental preparation!"

"Thank you sir, don't worry about the cost, my father will make it up even if he smashes pots and sells iron!" Cao Ang said, "With these words of Mr. Xuan, Brother Xuan's life will be guaranteed." "

Ye Qing is proficient in Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

So there are three ways to treat Cao Xuan's disease.

One of them is pure Western medicine.

The speed is fast and the results are immediate, that is, the operation is difficult and there is no corresponding equipment.

The second is the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, which has the best effect.

But again, the conditions are not allowed by 06.

Where in this mountain is the right equipment and medicine.

Therefore, only the third method, pure Chinese medicine, can be used.

The speed will be slower, and the efficacy depends on the progress of time, which requires a process.

"Let's all go back!"

Ye Qing glanced at the people standing outside, knowing that they cared about Cao Xuan, so he said to everyone: "Remember to review your homework, tomorrow spot check..."

Suddenly, there was another howl.

Everyone fled and left, each returning home, and reviewing well for spot checks.


"Master, it seems that this Kong Ming lantern is indeed available!" Guo Jia and Cao Cao looked at the little light that disappeared in the sky, and their eyes became deeper and deeper.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Cao Ang came with two attendants.

"Father, Mr. Ye said that Brother Xuan's illness can be treated, but it needs to be further determined before he can prescribe a prescription."

Cao Cao's expression moved slightly when he heard this.

What Ye Qing said had never been fake, and since he concluded that Cao Xuan was saved, there must be salvation.

"Oh yes!" Cao Cao's voice was a little hoarse, which seemed to be caused by excitement.

Cao Ang replied: "Mr. Yu left him in the academy, and Sister Xuan is also there to take care of him."

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and then said, "Very good, you go down and rest, and the matter will be left to Mr. Ye!" "

"No!" Cao Ang bowed and retreated.

Guo Jiadao: "Congratulations to the lord!" The disease of the son can be solved, which is gratifying! "

"Hey, it's finally worthy of his dead mother!" Cao Cao raised his head and let out a long sigh, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden.




"Master, the people who monitored Cao Song have reported an important news!"

Tao Qian's state pastoral study!

Tao Qian's henchman came in to report the news he had just learned to Tao Qian.

Tao Qian said, "What news?" "

"Master, that Cao Song heard that Cao Cao owned the land of two prefectures and wanted to move to Xu County, so he was ready to leave Langxi and go to Cao Cao!"

"And he will also bring all the family funds to help Cao Cao recruit troops."

At first, Tao Qian listened and didn't care.

Cao Song is in Xuzhou, which is a bladed sword that can hurt Cao Cao as well as himself.

The last time Cao Cao didn't dare to really attack Tancheng, there was no such reason inside.

This made Tao Qian convinced of this.

Now that Cao Song is leaving, he is indeed a little reluctant.

But what made him care more was the billions of family assets in Cao Song's hands.

That is the wealth of the Cao family for generations, and the amount is huge.

If it is all used to recruit troops, I don't know how many troops can be armed.

What a leap it will bring to Cao Cao.

Yes, Tao Qian's eyes were a little red, and his face was as calm as water.

"Lord, or we won't do it, and we won't stop..." Tao Qian's henchman showed a fierce and fierce look on his face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The last time Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he did not rob anything, and the county treasury and the Pengcheng grain depot were all moved.

Not to mention the 50,000 stone of grain paid.

After Cao Cao did this, Tao Qian's good days were gone.

What's more, Cao Cao's plan to draw salaries from the bottom of the cauldron pit Tao Qian quickly, how could Tao Qian not have resentment and resentment.

After Tao Qian pondered for a long time, he spat out faintly: "Be optimistic about Cao Song, let Zhang Min lead eight hundred cavalry, secretly send him off, and arrive at the border of Xu Yan..."

"Understand that this matter is confidential and will not be known to people outside the domain!" Tao Qian's henchman showed an evil smile when he heard this, bowed his head, and slowly retreated.

"Cao A, it's no wonder I'm hiding this, it's your father who is going to see King Yan."

"With such a huge amount of money given to you, you can buy more war horses, and then it will not be far to step foot in my Xuzhou, in order to protect myself, I must do this!"

Tao Qian looked at the yellow beam on the roof viciously and muttered to himself!


In a big mountain in Qingzhou!

"Brothers, spring plowing is finally completed, the next step is to wait for the Zhuang family to grow up, then our autumn and winter rations will be available!"

Guan Hai's gaze swept towards the people below, and he said with great indignation:

"However, there is still a long time to wait for the summer and autumn harvest, and we do not have enough food and grass during this time, so what should we do?"

The Yellow Turban soldiers below replied one after another: "Rob! Rob! Rob! "

"Those who robbed the official mansion, robbed the family, and robbed all those damn guys!"

"Hahaha, it's good, that's it!" Guan Hai Road:

"Whoever has food in his hand, we will rob whomever it is."

At that moment, a 473 people stood up and said, "Qu Shuai, I heard that Yanzhou is very rich now, and Cao Cao has a lot of grain and grass in his hands. "

The Yellow Turban soldiers under suddenly glowed wolf light one by one, and they hated to kill Yanzhou immediately.

Guan Hai's face sank, and he reprimanded: "Cao Cao has food, but... Can you guys beat it? Can you grab it? "

"Remember our million-strong brothers?"

I don't know which bastard kid below just spoke and dared to stir himself to fight Yanzhou.

400,000 strong people were destroyed by Cao Cao, and all one million yellow turbans returned to Cao Cao.

If these 100,000 horses go in, I am afraid that a few flowers will be gone.

This basin of cold water was poured down, and there was a sudden silence.

If you go to Yanzhou, don't want to come back.

That's really meat buns beating dogs!

Everyone couldn't help but shiver.

"Who does that Shuai think we should rob?"

Someone lost no time in asking.

Guan Hai was very satisfied when he saw this question.

Isn't this the little brother who was newly acquired last year, dares to fight and kill, and is very good at doing things.

Sure enough, it's still reliable.

Guan Wei followed the trend and said: "I just learned the news that that guy in Beihai Kongrong has stockpiled a lot of grain and grass, and is ready to recruit troops to wipe us out!" "

"He has food, he still wants to kill us, you say, can't rob him!"

Người mua: sabmado

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