It was decided to send troops, and all departments immediately went back to make arrangements.

The civil officials headed by Xun Yu began to mobilize grain and grass and recruit people.

The civil officials led by Chen Gong began to strengthen the defense of the two states, mobilized the county troops to martial law, and maintained the stability of the two states.

Led by Xia Zhicai, Xun Fu and others, they began to formulate strategic guidelines and marching routes.

Cao Cao called Guo Jia to the study alone.

"Say, what's new?" As soon as he entered the study, Cao Cao asked.

Guo Jia behind him closed the door of the room, and then said: "Master, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban has moved, moving towards the North Sea, and this time it is really going to attack Kong Rong." "

"At the same time, Ye Cheng came to report that Yuan Shao wants to move Lü Bu, I am afraid that we will make a move after we send troops to Xuzhou, and it is unknown whether Lü Bu will die or be driven south?"

Cao Cao's eyes were deep when he heard this, and he glanced out the window and said, "What do you suggest?" "

Guo Jiadao: "Slow to send troops, lead but not trigger, first let Xuzhou be nervous for a while, strain Tao Qian's nerves, at this time Xuzhou is preparing for war, preventing us, sharp energy 06 is booming, our army attack, even if it can win, the losses will be a lot!" "

"After solving the matter between Lü Bu and Beihai, and sending troops, Xuzhou is already tired at that time, relax the guard, and there will be a miraculous effect in sending troops!"

Cao Cao thought for a while and said, "This proposal is feasible, keep an eye on Yecheng and the plain, and if you don't solve these two, Xuzhou has no plan, and I am uneasy." "

"Lord Wise!" Guo Jia suddenly had a feeling that his suggestion was superfluous.

Maybe Cao Cao and Chen Gong had already discussed doing this, but they just didn't tell everyone.

Knowing Mr. Ye's existence, Guo Jia understood that Cao Cao could see the whole world more clearly and know when to do something.



"Lord, good news, Guan Hai has sent troops!" Jian Yong said to Liu Bei happily: "Guan Hai went to Beihai with 100,000 young Zhuang, Kong Rong did not dare to be an enemy with it, he was afraid that the yellow turban would be overwhelming, and he would shrink in the city and not come out!" "

"Reinforcements will be sent to all sides in the near future."

Liu Bei said, "In this way, I can finally leave the plain!" "

"It's just, Master, something happened in Xuzhou!" Jian Yong explained: "Tao Qian wants to kill Cao Cao's father, the matter is revealed, Cao Cao will raise troops to attack, and Xuzhou may not be able to hold it." "

"At that time, I will also ask elsewhere for help!"


Liu Bei was dumbfounded.

Xuzhou has changed, Tao Qian wants to kill Cao Song, the key is revealed.

This gave Cao Cao an excellent excuse.

"Then Xianhe, does this have an impact on what we are planning?" Liu Bei asked uneasily.

Jian Yong said: "Lord, the influence is great, Cao Cao's soldiers and horses are strong, if we forcibly enter Xuzhou and meddle in this matter, I am afraid that it will cause a fire." "

"If we don't intervene, Xuzhou will be destroyed by Cao Cao, and then what we planned will be abandoned halfway."

Liu Bei's face was as heavy as water, and his heart was filled with bitterness.

Why is it so difficult to do something, I will always be troubled by such and such problems.

"What if we don't save Beihai?"

"If you don't save Beihai, you can't go to Xuzhou." Jian Yongdao:

"The Lord can't go from the Yanzhou realm, so that Cao Cao Yan can let the Lord pass."

"In this case, then solve the matter of the Qingzhou yellow turban first, and then look at the situation in Xuzhou!" Liu Beidao:

"Cao Cao is very strong, but he is not invincible. Now our main task is to get out of the plain and get rid of the big problem of consuming in this infinite loop. "

Liu Bei firmly believes that as long as he is given the opportunity and has a stable territory, he will definitely be able to achieve hegemony and solve the princes of the world.


North Sea!

"Kong Rong came out and answered!"

Guan Hai immediately led an army of 100,000 people, invaded the North Sea, and shouted loudly in the city.

The yellow turban soldiers below shouted one after another: "Kong Rong came out and answered!" "

Kong Rong was also a little scared when he saw the 100,000 Qingzhou yellow turbans outside the city, and came to the strong battlement in front of the city gate tower and replied outward:

"King Guanhai, what do you want to do?"

Guan Hai smiled.

Kong Rong actually called himself the king, how ironic it was. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Kong Rong, I am a citizen of Qingzhou, you are the official of Qingzhou, now that spring plowing is over, I will eat when I have no grain, I heard that you have stockpiled a huge amount of money and grain, borrow me 200,000 stones, I will repay you wholeheartedly in the future!"


Kong Rong almost didn't have old blood spurt out.

Two hundred thousand stones, I don't have so much, what to give you.

"It's impossible, let you go, I don't have food!"

Kong Rong refused.

Don't say no, even if there is, he won't give it.

You must know that Guan Hai and others are anti-thieves, and after Kong Sheng, who grew up with an orthodox education, Kong Rong attaches the most importance to Gangchang Zhongjun and the like.

Naturally, he would not agree to such an unreasonable request.

"Don't give it, it's good, Kong Rong, you listen to me, if you don't give it, won't Laozi rob it?" Guan Hai Dao pointed to the city on the road:

"Brothers, kill me!"

Soon the Yellow Turbans will begin to attack the city, and a large group of Wuyang Wuyang will rush to the city wall like a tide.

However, it was soon repelled by the city's counterattack.

Guan Hai and the others did not have a siege weapon, and they were loosely organized and did not have strong combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is impossible to break through Kong Rong's city.

In the end, he could only follow the original method of warfare, mainly besieging the city, trapping Kong Rong to the regiment, and forcing Kong Rong to compromise.

Kong Rong looked at the retreating Yellow Turban Army and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

So he said, "Gentlemen, what is the best way to retreat from the enemy?" "

There is humanity: "Lord, why not ask Xuzhou for help, or ask Gongsun Zan for help." "

063 Kong Rong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't say whether Tao Qian and Gongsun Zan will send troops to save us, just ask Er and others, who has such skills, can break through the siege of Guan Hai and other Yellow Turban Army, and go for help." "

Speaking of this, everyone's faces were ashamed.

What about the 100,000 yellow turbans, I am afraid that even the former Wu An Kingdom will not be able to kill them.

So everyone was silent.

Seeing this, Kong Rong also sighed secretly.

There is no one to use, this time it is dead.



"Lord, Cao Cao has decided to send troops, ready to lead an army of 200,000 to attack my Xuzhou, this time my Xuzhou may..." Cao Hong entered the hall, his expression also frustrated.

If Tao Qian falls, then he Cao Hong will be worthless.

The Cao family is no longer in sight.

When Tao Qian heard the 200,000 army, he fainted in fright, and only after a while did he open his eyes.

After asking Shichen, he skimmed Yu Guang towards Elk Zhu.

"Zizhong! Can I get reinforcements? "

Don't drive the elk Zhu back: "Lord, the messenger sent to Qingzhou to return, Qingzhou Yellow Turban 100,000 soldiers besieged Beihai, Kong Taishou took care of himself, and he couldn't receive our request for help." "


Tao Qian coughed heavily, and a mouthful of black blood was printed in the handkerchief.

This is really a leaky house, and it rains overnight.

When Qingzhou reinforcements were needed, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban actually came out of the mountains and surrounded Beihai.

Người mua: sabmado

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