"God don't have mercy on me!"

Tao Qian sighed: "Go on!" "

Elk Zhu continued: "Yuan Shu refused to send troops, he also scolded the lord for being unkind, killing his parents, robbing people's wealth, he... He will also fight the Lord! "

"Poof!" Tao Qian was so angry that he vomited blood again.

The mental head is even worse.

Lying dying.

"And... Is it? "

Elk Zhu hesitated and said, "Zang Ba, they... Attack Xiao Jian and want to take Ju County! "

"He... How dare you! Tao Qian was half angry.

Zang Ba attacked Xiao Jian, this is to swallow Lang Evil County, and he didn't put him Tao Qian in his eyes at all.

This can be regarded as the collapse of Xuzhou.

"Lord, I led my troops to kill the Tarzan thief." Cao Bao exhaled:

"Outsiders must first be safe inside, not except for this thief, Xuzhou is uneasy!"

"Ahem!" Tao Qian was so angry that he coughed several times in a row, and his breath became more and more unstable and weak.


"You hit him, Xuzhou is in chaos, Xuzhou will die before Cao Cao in the future, Cao Cao only needs the arrival of soldiers and clean up the mess!"

"Otherwise, do you think Zang Ba dares to annex Lang Xie at this time?"

Brainless stuff.

"What is the best way to save me Xuzhou?" Tao asked modestly.

Now there is no hope for foreign aid, and it can only be pinned on self-help.

Xuzhou also had a master, and Tao turned his gaze to Chen Deng.

Chen Deng's father, Chen Gui, shook his head at him.

Chen Deng understood what his father meant, this time the matter was too serious.

Tao Qian did this too unkindly, and his advice will be notorious.

With the status of the Chen family, there is no need to take any credit at all.

Tao Qian's broken ship is about to sink, and now it's time to plan to get off the ship.

Chen Deng didn't speak, and the others didn't have good ideas.

Tao Qian closed his eyes and sighed slightly, and did not force it.



"I want to meet Liu Fujun, I am in danger in Beihai, please let me..."

In front of Liu Bei's mansion, there was a burly man who anxiously said to the guards on duty.

When the soldier heard this, he said, "You wait, I'll spread the word!" "

Soon a soldier went in to report.

At this time, Jian Yong didn't know where to come out.

Looking at the man in front of the mansion, he asked, "Who is Ru?" Where does it come from? "

The person who came replied: "Ruming Tai Shici, from Beihai, sir, you are Liu Fuqun's work, please take me to meet Liu Fujun, there is a crisis in Beihai, please rescue Kong Beihai." "

Jian Yong asked suspiciously, "You said you came from Beihai, what happened in Beihai?" "

The man, who called himself Tai Shici, replied: "Our Beihai is surrounded by 100,000 yellow turbans led by Guan Hai, and now we are in danger, and we are willing to ask the plains to send troops to rescue the emergency!" "

Jian Yong sneered: "You are lying, since there are 100,000 yellow turbans besieging Kong Beihai, how can you kill alone to report the letter?" "

The man, who called himself Tai Shici, replied with a red face in a hurry: "A certain person went on a rampage like this, and then took Kong Beihai's letter and killed it again, and then came to Beihai for help." "

At this time, Liu Bei just walked behind the door, stopped as soon as he entered, and listened to the conversation between Jian Yong and Tai Shici.

"Hehe, in this way, you are not a martial general of Kong Beihai?" Jian Yong's suspicions were still there.

The man who called himself Tai Shi Ci snorted coldly: "A certain is a Donglai clan, because he committed a lawsuit and went to Liaodong to take refuge, Kong Taishou knew about me, so he treated my mother kindly, just when I returned from Liaodong, knowing that Kong Taishou was besieged, he went to repay the favor, but unfortunately Kong Taishou did not listen to my words and led the army to kill the thief, so he had to come to the plain for help." "

"Well, a strong man is really a loyal man!" Liu Bei was quite moved when he heard it, and he had the intention of soliciting, so he immediately walked out:

"I believe in strong men, immediately send troops to rescue Kong Taishou!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Thank you Liu Fujun!" The man, who called himself Tai Shici, bowed in gratitude and immediately handed over Kong Rong's letter.

Where had Liu Bei seen Kong Rong's letter, and after opening it and reading it, he was convinced of it.

After all, he and Jian Yong knew the original situation too well.

So he immediately sent three thousand troops to the North Sea.

Along the way, Liu Bei shushed the man who called himself Tai Shici, so he was not enthusiastic.

It caused Zhang Feidu to be jealous.

"Second brother, do you say that this guy really said so godly!" Zhang Fei muttered:

"I don't dare to say that I can kill in and out from the 100,000 thief army, and I can still be unscathed, this guy doesn't look as powerful as me, and he can blow it very godly."

Guan Yu stroked his beard and said, "Third brother, it's good to be a bad big brother, Ziyi is a loyal and righteous person, in order to repay the favor, it is already rare to come to report the letter!" "

"As for the real ability, when you get to Beihai, you will naturally know."

"Then people may not vote for big brother, what are you in a hurry!"

If it weren't for the fact that Zhang Fei was his third brother, with this character, Guan Yu would have slashed him a long time ago.

The mouth owes so much, I don't know how many people have been offended.

In this way, Liu Bei's 3,000 soldiers and horses quickly left the plain and came to the vicinity of Fangshan in the Qi state.

"'One day I'll be in the North Sea!' Liu Bei said to everyone: "Brothers, hurry up, walk faster, and you can take a good rest when you get to Beihai!" "

"It's Fujun!" The three thousand soldiers replied with conviction.

Liu Bei had few soldiers and horses, so he often ran down to encircle every soldier.

Therefore, it is very supported by these generals, which ordinary princes cannot do.

Even Cao Cao couldn't do it, after all, no one was from the same background as Liu Bei.


Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound from the mountain next to the official road.

Liu Bei and the others' faces changed drastically.

He who is the most able to escape, has long practiced a pair of extremely sharp hearing.

When I looked up, I saw countless rocks rolling down from above.

"Not good, retreat quickly!"

The mountain stone fell in an instant, and Liu Bei's soldiers, who did not react in a hurry, were hit by the mountain stone one after another.

Three thousand soldiers and horses directly folded (good king Zhao) by one-third.

Liu Bei's heart was dripping blood.

These are the three thousand soldiers and horses that he has pulled hard and tried to encircle, and there is no thousand.

Liu Bei's eyes were red, and his lips were about to be bitten.


Suddenly, on the two winged mountains, countless arrows flew in.

This made Liu Bei's army, which was already chaotic, even more flustered.

"Kill, kill all these officers and soldiers, and rob them of their equipment!"

After the rain of arrows was fired, a chaotic shout of killing came from both wings.

Only then did Liu Bei and the others see clearly that it was the yellow-turbans in rags who ambushed and attacked them.

The number must be tens of thousands.

"How can there be yellow turban thieves here?"

Liu Bei and Jian Yong's brains couldn't react back, this is simply impossible, the Yellow Turban Army was taken to Beihai by Guan Hai, how could there be such a large-scale Yellow Turban Thief.

"Big brother, go quickly, I'll break the back!"

Người mua: sabmado

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