
Liu Bei, who stopped his wounds, returned to the plain with Zhang Fei.

Fortunately, Gongsun Zhan's men and horses had not yet rushed to receive the plain.

So Liu Bei immediately took over the plain again.

Then said to Zhang Fei: "Third brother, pass on my order, gather all the soldiers and horses in the county, whether it is the county soldiers or the county soldiers, you must control them, and those who dare to disobey, you will directly kill them first!" "

"It's big brother, I have long seen those people unpleasant!" Zhang Feidao:

"Big brother controls these soldiers and horses, what are we doing?"

"Cast Yuan Shao, since you have a vendetta with Youzhou, then end it and leave no trouble!" Liu Bei gritted his teeth and said viciously.

The pain coming from below made Liu Bei more determined to think ~ method.

A few days later, Zhang Fei used force to solve all those who opposed Liu Bei, and then brought back 5,000 county soldiers and county-soldiers.

Just when Liu Bei took Zhang - Fei out of the city.

Guan Yu fled back to the plain with the second horse in embarrassment.

"Big brother, you are?" Guan Yu looked confused.

Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu, who fled back, his eyes gloomy: "What about Xianhe?" "

"Eh, Ken and he, it seems... Didn't escape! Guan Yu turned his face over, showing a look of guilt.

Liu Bei was surprisingly not angry, nor annoyed, and did not say much.

Only one sentence was said: "Go!" "

Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei with the five thousand soldiers and horses he put together, and didn't know where to go, Cui Ma came to Zhang Fei's side and asked:

"Third brother, why is the eldest brother a little strange."

Zhang Fei opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally put up with it.

"Hey, second brother don't ask, just follow the eldest brother, we maybe... Ay! "

Zhang Fei, who has always liked to talk, is also shrugging his head at this time.

Mood is not high.

Because only he in this world understands what kind of pain Liu suffered.

Only he could understand Liu Bei.

Cheonghe County!

Receiving the news that Liu Bei's army was coming, Yuan Tan, who was stationed in Qinghe County, was really taken aback.

"Grand Duke, how can this be good?"

Yuan Tan said, "What do you think happened?" "

Wang Zhao, Cen Bi, Peng An and the others looked at each other a few times.

Du said: "Grand Prince, Liu Bei used to defend the plain, we couldn't take it, this time Liu Bei's lord attacked, it was a good opportunity for us to eliminate Liu Bei and take the plain!" "

Yuan Tan said, "Liu Bei sent troops so suddenly this time, could it be fraudulent!" "

Well, the three of them didn't know how to reply.

"Grand Prince, it's better to attack with defense first, and see what Liu Bei wants to do?"

Yuan Tan thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Soon Liu Bei's team entered the county, and then no one obstructed them all the way to Ganling City!

"Liu Bei, what is the intention of invading my state?"

Yuan Tan gulped.

The soldiers and horses of Jizhou in the city immediately filled their bows, and the whole city was on guard.

"The city is a prince!" Liu Bei stepped forward and bowed and bowed: "Liu Bei is incompetent, he wants to be in the same situation, he is willing to serve the eldest prince and the Duke of Yuan, end this chaotic world, unify the mountains and rivers, and help the world and society!" "


Yuan Tan was a little dumbfounded, thinking that he had misheard.

Wang Zhao, Cen Bi, Peng An and other Jizhou soldiers were also stunned.

One by one, I didn't understand what was going on.

Even the soldiers of the plains were collectively stunned.

We are not attacking Jizhou, but coming to vote for Yuan Shao?

Guan Yu's body also trembled, his body was crooked, and the hand holding the knife almost loosened.

"Big brother, you..." Guan Yu was so surprised that he stuttered and couldn't finish speaking.

Zhang Fei stopped: "Second brother, the eldest brother has bitterness, Mo... Blame him. "

Guan Yu's brain was blank, what was the situation now.

Could it be that being ambushed by the yellow turban made the eldest brother completely lose his fighting spirit, so that he became ill and became suspicious. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Liu Xuande, you don't want to use such a clumsy trick to trick me into opening the city." Yuan Tan snorted coldly with his own cleverness:

"Don't think I don't know you're very good at acting?"

"..."Liu Bei, Zhang Fei!

"Wang Zhao, Cen Bi, Peng An!"

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing and silent for a moment!

After a while, Liu Bei jumped off his horse, then untied his sword and walked straight to the city gate.

"The eldest prince thinks, do I need this?"

"Be sincere to invest, how to use fraud!"

Yuan Tan's face showed a scornful look and was a little slapped.

Seeing that Liu Bei arrived under the city gate, Yuan Tan said, "Open the city gate and let Liu Bei in!" "

Soon Liu Bei came in, and after listening to Liu Bei's words, Yuan Tan finally showed joy.

Then he said: "Welcome the army of the plains into the city!" "

"Wang Zhao, you take five thousand soldiers and horses, immediately go to the plain, receive the plain, and be sure to take it before Tian Kai."

"It's the eldest prince, I'll go here!" Wang Zhao hugged his fist and led the order.

Then Yuan Tan said to Cen Bi again: "Quick, go to Yecheng and inform your father!" "

The soldier took the plain without bloodshed, and Liu Bei came to cast, and such great achievements directly crashed into his arms.

Yuan Tan still doesn't feel real.

This kind of pie in the sky actually made me encounter.

This time, he must have impressed his father.

In the future, he will have a big advantage.

The three brothers Liu Bei are very fierce, undoubtedly strengthening themselves and making Yuan Tan more confident in the future.



Cao Cao's so-called 200,000-strong army stopped here, and even Rencheng Luguo did not go, the momentum was fast, but it was more like a thunder mountain and a small rain.

"Report, Lord, Qingzhou Transmission Back!"

"Failed to kill Liu Bei, Liu Bei's strategist lobbyist Jian Yong was shot with random arrows, and Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu escaped!" A magistrate from the school office reported to Cao Cao.

Liu Bei is not dead!

Cao Cao couldn't help sighing, a little disappointed.

A few days later, another news came: "Report, lord, Liu Bei returned to the plain, ordered Zhang Fei to kill Gongsun Zan and sent to officials, captured 5,000 county soldiers and county soldiers, went to Qinghe in Jizhou, and surrendered to Yuan Tan!" "


Cao Cao was stunned by Liu Bei's operation.

Thinking that Liu Bei had lost 3,000 soldiers and horses, he would lie dormant in the plain, and temporarily helped Gongsun Zan continue to guard the plain.

As a result, Liu Bei backhanded and threw himself into Yecheng, which was really a bit sudden.

"Fengxiao, Liu Bei voted for Yecheng, which exceeded our expectations, what should we do now?" Cao Cao asked Xiang Guo Jia.

Guo Jia said with a deep sigh: "You can send troops to the North Sea, surround Guan Hai and the others and force them to surrender!" "

"Quickly withdraw from Qingzhou after the fight and continue to put pressure on Xuzhou!"

"I estimate that Liu Bei's vote for Yuan Shao will make Yuan Shao move against Lü Bu in advance."

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill Liu Bei, so I'll find a chance next time!" Cao Cao turned to the herald and said, "Send orders to Xiahou Wei, Xiahou Shang, Xu Chu and others, send troops to Qingzhou, capture Guan Hai alive, and force down 100,000 Qingzhou yellow turbans." "

Although there are only 100,000 soldiers in Guanhai, there are countless families behind them, not to mention 300,000 or 400,000 yellow turban people.

This, in turn, will bring abundant tuntian labor to the city and increase the population of countless people.

"Because of the old Bosheng baby, has been in the hospital, there are many things and the conditions are not good, today to do handwood, pounce on the street Jun as much as possible to update, less please forgive!" IX".

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