North Sea!

"Kong Taishou doesn't have to worry, I will send a letter asking for help and bring reinforcements!"

The real Tai Shi Ci rushed out with a gun.

Single-handedly, he was killed from the 100,000 Yellow Turban Army.

If you enter no man's land, you will quickly rush over.

How could Guan Hai withstand this bird qi and lead more than a thousand people to chase and kill him.

However, Shi Ci's arrow method was good, frequently bending the bow and shooting, and several consecutive arrows came down.

Dozens of yellow turbans chased the soldiers to the ground.

Seeing this, Guan Hai did not dare to chase, so he had to say: "Poor Kou Mo chases, go back!" "

Tai Shici went to the plain first, and halfway he heard news from the north.

"Liu Bei has already thrown Yuan Shao to the west, how can this be good?"

Tai Shici thought that Liu Bei was very loyal at first, but he did not expect to vote for Yuan Shao so quickly and give the plain to Yuan Tan

Just when Tai Shi Ci was embarrassed.

Someone "zero one three" asked: "Little brother, what are you going to the plains for?" "

Tai Shici replied without taking any precautions: "Old man, the Yellow Turban 100,000 horses have surrounded Kong Beihai, and I want to go to the plain to find Liu Fuqun and send troops to help!" "

"Hey, little brother, you are wrong, Liu Bei is unfaithful and unkind, for his own wealth, he sold me to the plain, you go to the plain now for fear that the head will not be safe!" The old man then said:

"If you want to save Kong Beihai, why don't you go west to Yanzhou for help.

Cao Cao is the one who beats the yellow turban the hardest, and he submits a million thieves in one go, and it is not wrong to look for him! "

At this time, Tai Shici was distressed by the failure of the mission and the loss of the appointment, and hearing this, he undoubtedly grabbed a straw in drowning.

"That's it, a dead horse is a live horse doctor, I'll go to Yanzhou to wipe it!" Tai Shici tore up Kong Rong's letter to Liu Bei.

So Cui Ma headed west, towards Jibei County, Yanzhou.

He would never dare to bring this letter, otherwise Cao Cao would definitely not send troops.

Arrived in Jibei County.

Soon Tai Shici found the local defender and explained the situation, but Ben did not report any expectations.

As a result, it was Xia Hou Wei who guarded this place.

"Ziyi rest assured, you have great filial piety and righteousness, even if I risk being punished by the lord, I will send troops to help you."

"Ziyi leads the way ahead, I will first lead the three thousand cavalry to Beihai, and then I will report to the lord, and he will definitely send pawns. 1"

Tai Shici did not expect Xiahou Wei to be so generous and generous, and immediately thanked him, did not dare to delay, and took Xiahou Wei and three thousand tigers and went to Beihai.

And Yanzhou's 20,000 pawns also advanced from Mount Tai at night and killed the North Sea.

When Tai Shici and the others rushed back to Beihai, Kong Rong and the others were already surrounded and could not carry it down.

At the same time, the tube that besieged him was almost unable to hold on.

After all, he also ran out of food, and his subordinates kept going out to ask for grass valleys, and they couldn't grab much food.

The nearby cities and counties all strictly defended without fighting.

Guan Hai and the others could not fight without siege weapons, so they could not grab some of the few families in Qingzhou.

And civilians, there is almost no surplus food.

"Report, Qu Shuai, an army of officers and soldiers has come to the northwest, the number is only one thousand, whether to fight!"

What! A thousand people!

Guan Hai thought he had misheard.

So he said: "Is there really a thousand officers and soldiers?" Where did it come from? "

"Qu Shuai, please take a look, where did the enemy come from, there is no flag, and we don't know!"

Guan Hai then led his men to the front army position to take a look.

Good fellow, a thousand iron horses are standing outside, and the soldiers under him are already confronting, but neither side dares to make a move.

"Cavalry!" Guan Hai swallowed his throat.

Only then did Cui immediately step forward: "Where are you from the officers and soldiers, what do you want to do?" "

Tai Shici pointed at Guan Hai and said, "General Xiahou, this person is Guan Hai, the leader of the Yellow Turban, if you lure the enemy out according to what you said, capture and capture him, it is really possible to submit these 100,000 Yellow Turbans." "

It turned out that Xia Hou Wei deliberately sent two thousand horses to the two wings quietly and hid them.

It is afraid that Guan Hai will see that he has too many cavalry and dare not fight.

I am even more afraid that after taking Guan Hai, these 100,000 yellow turbans will be defeated and then escape.

So two thousand centaurs were hidden

"Okay, and wait for me to capture Guan Hai, wait for Lao Fuziyi to lead our soldiers to kill and take down all these 100,000 yellow turbans!"

After saying that, Xiahou Cuima rushed out. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tai Shici is also passionate.

The cells of the whole body are surging, and the fighting spirit is also surging.

Fighting with the elite horses, it doesn't feel too good.

Originally, Tai Shici wanted to borrow Kong Rong's 1,000 elite soldiers, so he had the confidence to defeat Guan Hai's 100,000 rabble, but Kong Rong did not dare to send troops.

Now that Tai Shici has finally waited for this kind of opportunity, how can he not be excited.

Not to mention three thousand elite horses, even a thousand horses, he also dares to rush.

"Who is coming, name it?" Guan Hai was also surprised to see Xia Hou killed, the other party was so reckless, he wanted to do it without saying a word, it was really abominable0....

"Take your dog's head, why say more!" Xia Hou was excited to drink heavily, and he wanted to force Guan Hai to make a move, so naturally he didn't give Guan Hai extra time to think.

Sure enough, Guan Hai was also annoyed when he heard this, so he shot his horse and went to battle.

Two people rushed closer, one with a gun and the other with a knife.


Guns and knives intersect, gold chirps, sparks splash.

"Okay, come again!"

"Haha, come and come, who is afraid of whom!"

The wrong horse passed, and the two ran to each other again.

You attack me down the road, I attack you on the back, and for a while the two fought lively.

The sound of weapons clashing is endless, war horses are swimming, and the ground is dusty.

The two became more and more addicted to the war, and they fought particularly seriously and happily.

Soon it was fifty rounds.

Xia Hou Wei suddenly fell with a move, patted the horse and turned to leave, Guan Hai killed Xingtou, how could he let go of this opportunity.

Eager to win, he put his legs around the horse's belly and chased after him.

From the swing of the knife in the hand, it fell into the air.

Xiahou Wei, on the other hand, returned the spear and stabbed Guan Hai in the shoulder.

Guan Hai did not have a delicate armor arm, and with a cry of pain, the big knife in his hand fell.

Xia Hou withdrew his horse and returned, Guan Hai was frightened at the moment, and hurriedly turned around and wanted to run.

And Tai Shici seized the opportunity, put three arrows on the string, and fired a volley.

Three arrows chased after 2.1 and fell directly from Guan Hai's war horse, frightening Guan Hai's war horse, neighing, raising its front hooves, and Guan Hai was brought high.

Lost time to escape for a while, and when the war horse's hooves landed, Xiahou Wei shot from behind and knocked Guan Hai off the horse.

Guan Hai was about to know, and the tip of the gun was across his neck.

"Move is die!"

"Alive, I'll give you the chance to fight again in the future!"

Guan Hai didn't want to die, and when he heard this, he didn't do anything else, but just pounded the ground hatefully.



Tai Shici rushed down with a thousand horses and blocked the yellow turban generals who wanted to come up to save people.

Two thousand other cavalry also came out from the left and right, surrounding the Yellow Turbans.

The Yellow Turban Army, who had lost his control, was suddenly a little at a loss, and could only hurry to get on fire, looking at the three thousand iron horses, 100,000 people were stunned, and none of them dared to rush forward and make further exciting moves! .

Người mua: sabmado

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