
Fleeing to Hanoi County, Lü Bu had some hesitation.

Where to go next, he was a little at a loss.

Zhang Liao persuaded him to go to Luoyang and retake Guanzhong, because Guo Li and the others must not be able to govern Guanzhong well, and the Western Liang soldiers did not have Dong Zhuo to suppress them, and no one would obey the other, they would inevitably attack each other, and they could not work together, as long as Lü Bu was in Linguan, he would definitely do something.

Unfortunately, this time Lü Bu did not listen to Zhang Liao's advice.

Because many times, Lü Bu is the character of the love of children.

His wife and daughter are in the Central Plains, and he can't let go of them at all.

"Wen Hou, I thought it was a good time for us to enter Yanzhou!" Hao Meng instigated:

"Cao Cao is leading an army to attack Xuzhou at this time, and Yanzhou is empty at this time, why don't we take the foundation of Wen Hou's life."

Lu Bu was a little moved when he heard this.

Gao Shun said: "Wen Hou, don't do it, General Zhendong waited for me to be kind, saved my wife and young lady in Chang'an, and I waited to attack Yanzhou, wouldn't I take advantage of the danger of people and be ungrateful!" "

"If Wen Hou acts like this, he may no longer be allowed to be in the world."

Gao Shun has always been loyal and courageous, but he is also the person who Lü Bujun is the least able to speak.

Listening to Gao Shun's words, Lu Bu's face suddenly looked difficult.

Hao Meng snorted coldly: "Wen Hou, it is not false that Cao Cao saved Madame and Miss, but it may not be kind!" "

"He didn't let Madame and Miss go, probably trying to use this to blackmail Wen Wait,"

"The picture is bigger 617."

When Lü Bu listened, he suddenly felt anger in his body, and thinking about it, every action of Cao Cao was purposeful.

The same was true of sending Xu Huang and Dian Wei into Guanzhong back then.

Saving his wife and daughter is afraid of the same.

The so-called unprofitable is not early

"And Master, I have heard people say that Cao Cao is an excellent woman, especially a woman!" Hao Meng stopped talking, lifted Lu Bu's suspicions, and then said nothing.

Lu Bu listened, and his hands were clenched into fists.

The greatest human power is association.

Even if Cao Cao didn't do anything, it was not a taste for Lü Bu to hear it at this time, and the more he thought about it, the more terrifying his heart became.

There was also a sense of humiliation.

You must know that his wife and concubine are quite beautiful, and I am afraid that with the determination of Cao Caonas, he must not be able to resist the temptation.

Lü Bu has always despised the heroes of the world, and in his heart, Cao Cao must be worse than himself.

He couldn't stop Du Ji's charm, and Cao Cao was even more so.

Moreover, Cao Cao is still a woman.

This made Lu Bu feel at ease.

"Kill Yancheng and take Cao Cao's Yanzhou." Lü Bu said ruthlessly: "Cao Cao has two states, and if he loses Yanzhou and Yuzhou, there is still a way to live." "

"And we don't have a choice."

After escaping from Guanzhong, after experiencing Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu successively, Lü Bu understood a truth.

Following others, you are either chased or driven.

It is better to be the boss yourself and establish a hegemony on your own.

"Wen Hou Yingming." Hao Meng and others praised one after another.

Lü Bu immediately led his army to cross south from Hanoi to Tran Liu, and then went east to kill Zhencheng.

When they arrived in Chenliu, the march route was the same as Yuan Shu's attack on Zhencheng, both from Fengqiu and other places to the south, and then through Kuangting to Zhencheng.

The soldiers were fast, and Lü Bu did not dare to attack the cities along the way, but only plundered some village pavilions and obtained rich materials.

"Wen Hou is right for us to come to Yanzhou, it is too rich here!"

"Yes, the homes of ordinary people are full of grain warehouses, and money and grain are abundant, I really dare not think about it!"

"No wonder, Cao Cao can win against Yuan Shu, this Yanzhou is richer than Nanyang and other places."

Hao Meng, Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xuan, Cheng Lian, Qin Yilu, Wei Yue and others envied Yanzhou's wealth while longing for the future, talking about it, and their eyes were full of greed.

The world of eyes is a little dazzling.

Lü Bu shouted: "Hu has to talk nonsense, one village and one pavilion, how can there be one city, one county and one state wealth, as long as you take the city, these are all ours." "

"Kill the city as fast as you can!"

Soon, Lü Bu and the others crossed Pushui and came to Lihu in Jiyin County.

"Wen Hou, after crossing a river, I arrived in Zhencheng."

Lv Bu was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Find a boat to cross the river!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lu Bu already had some impatience.

(AGDB) His generals Hao Meng, Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xuan, Cheng Lian, Qin Yilu, Wei Yue and others were also excited and excited, and they couldn't kill them immediately.

However, Lü Bu and the others searched for a long distance upstream and downstream, and still did not reach the river.

Just when Lu Budu was in a hurry, suddenly Gao Shun's urgent report came from the rear: "Wen Hou's back road is blocked!" "

"What?" Lü Bu and his subordinates were amazed one by one.

How can the back road be blocked, who is behind!

"What is the situation, Gao Shun, you want to betray me!" Lü Bu was a little annoyed, and the reason why he transferred Gao Shun to the back team was because Gao Shun contradicted himself.

Could it be that Gao Shun was betraying himself because of this?

Gao Shun said, "Wen Hou is humiliating me!" "

"Although Gao Shun doesn't have much skill, he is not a person who betrays the master!"

Zhang Liao said: "Wen Hou and slow to be annoyed, see how the situation is behind?" "

Zhang Liao walked towards Gao Shun and signaled him to explain the situation slowly.

Gao Shun said: "The Cao army came from the direction of Chen Liu Kuangting and the direction of Jiyin Dingtao, and there were 20,000 troops in the west and south, and no less than 3,000 iron horses. "

Lu Bu's face turned grim when he heard this, and the others changed instantly.

Cao Cao's 40,000-strong army was divided into west and south to surround him?

"Report, lord, the big thing is not good, a 30,000-strong army of Ma Cao Cao has surrounded from the north, and at this time it is less than ten miles away from our army!"

There was another army of Cao Cao.

How could Yanzhou still have so many left-behind soldiers and horses.

Lü Bu's subordinates suddenly panicked.

This is surrounded by groups, dangerous!

"Don't panic, don't say 40,000 Yanzhou County soldiers, even if 200,000 Cao Cao elites are here, Wulu Fengxian doesn't have him." Lü Bu Fang Tian drew a halberd and pointed to the north:

"All the generals obeyed the order, followed me to attack the Yanzhou army in the north, and defeated them."

"I, Lu Bu, will fight the most and strongest enemies if you want to fight!"

will be the courage of soldiers, Lü Bu has always been arrogant, and also has the ability to be proud, is also a subordinate soldier, also shouted one by one, agreeing to soar in battle spirit.

It seems to be infused with infinite power.


Lü Bu wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Yanzhou army had not closed the siege to defeat the largest besieged army in the north, and the state wolf rode fiercely rushed, like a whirlwind, if it was an ordinary army team, it was really possible to be defeated by its autumn wind sweeping away leaves.

But when he saw the real banner of the army coming from the opposite side, Lü Bu was also surprised.

"That was... Whose banner! "

"Lord, it is Cao Cao's big man, and the person riding the yellow horse seems to be Cao Cao."

From a distance, some of his subordinates saw the commander of the Yanzhou army in the north standing in front.

A yellow horse dragged a character who was not good-looking, his body was not very tall and powerful, and it could even be said that he was quite sorry for the audience for a long time.

Người mua: sabmado

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