"Cao Cao, why is he here?"

Lv Bu was horrified.

It seems too coincidental that Yanzhou soldiers and horses first besieged him in a big way, and now Cao Cao appeared in Zhencheng.

So Lv Bu exhaled, signaled to sit down, and the red rabbit war horse was ~ slowly stopped.

Seeing this, the soldiers behind him also slowly increased their speed, and finally stopped.

"Wen Hou, why don't you attack!"

Hao Meng was eager to fight, and wanted to promote this battle as soon as possible.

As a result, Lu Bu actually stopped.

Lü Bu did not reply to Hao Meng's words at all, but Cui Ma rode forward alone.

Until you see Cao Cao's face.

A pair of tiger eyes, still a little unbelievable.

"Fengxian, have I ever treated you so badly that you want to bring troops to take my city?"

On the other side, Cao Cao questioned with anger in his eyes.

Lü Bu was slightly ashamed, but still hugged his fist and replied: "Meng De, I want to borrow a few cities from you to use, I believe you will not have an opinion!" "

"Huh... Fengxian, the city you want to borrow is not ordinary! Cao Cao stared straight at Lü Bu with a smile:

"Why don't I lend a few things too, would you?"

Lü Bu didn't reply, he seemed to know what Cao Cao was going to borrow!

"Cao Cao, I wait for the eldest husband to act, should focus on strength, whoever has strength, will have a rich land!"

"I won't lie to you today, as long as you have a martial general in your department who can win the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in my hand, I will withdraw from Yanzhou, and I will never be an enemy with you again, and I will run when I see you."

Cao Cao looked up to the sky and laughed: "Fengxian, you still want to leave my Yanzhou, you may be too underestimating the strength of my Yanzhou generals!" "

"You can't go anywhere today, so let's live in Zhencheng in the future, or all the pain of your husband and wife's lovesickness!"

When Lü Bu heard this, Fang Tian drew a halberd, and Cui Ma rushed forward: "It's so daring, today I Lü Bu will learn about it, who dares to leave me in Zhencheng!" "

Lü Bu was confident that no one in the world was his opponent.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are powerful, and they have not been able to win themselves in World War II.

For others, he doesn't pay attention to them.

Cao Cao waved his hand and said, "Zhongkang, play with Lu Bu, let him see the strength of my Zhencheng!" "

"It's the Lord!" Xu Chu had long been waiting impatiently and rushed out.

Soon the two war horses staggered, and the first move was to break the trick with strength and teach the power.

After all, strength is the most important combat power of a warrior.

One force will drop ten times, and in the face of absolute power, any skill will look pale.


The halberds intersect.

Burst Mars.

Neither of them used their full strength, and as a result, both hands and weapons of the two retreated.

"Hahaha, come again!"

"Hmph, wait for me to cut you with eighty percent force."

The two turned around and continued to fight, stabbing and halberd, killing each other.

Between one attack and one block, it is a competition of real strength.

Soon the two fought for fifty rounds, and there was no difference between victory and defeat.

Seeing this, Lu Bu was a little anxious.

Those who can take over their own fifty undefeated, this Xu Chu is already one of the world's famous generals.

It is not a Lord who can be underestimated and easily killed.

Xu Chu was also in the battle with Lü Bu and understood the origin of Lü Bu's number one in the world.

It is indeed powerful.

I am afraid that only Mr. can win.

"Zhongkang come back, and let Ziyi wipe it!"

Cao Cao saw that Xu Chu had not lost for so long, and he was overjoyed and a little sorry at the same time.

As he spoke, Tai Shi Ci rushed up.

Xu Chu shook a shot and said, "Lv Bu, it will be difficult for me to decide the victory or defeat for a while, and see who wins and who loses between you and Ziyi." "

Lü Bu knew that he couldn't kill Xu Chu and didn't chase him, so he replied coldly: "Of course, I won, a nameless person, Yan can stop my three halberds!" "

Tai Shi Ci listened, and roared angrily: "Lu Buxiu is rampant, and eat my Donglai Tai Shi Ci a shot!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As soon as the words fell, Tai Shici's war horse had already rushed in, and a very sharp shot stabbed him.

The angle is tricky and the speed is so fast, which also surprised Lu Bu.

"Oh!" Lü Bu swung his halberd.

The feeling of force coming from his arm surprised him even more.

Another martial general who is no worse than Xu Chu.

From which city, Cao Cao abducted so many powerful generals.

Before there was Dian Wei and Xu Huang, just now there was Xu Chu, and now a Tai Shici popped up.

Rong didn't think about it Lü Buduo, and then Er and Tai Shici launched a fierce game.

Also fifty rounds later, Lü Bu still couldn't kill Tai Shi Ci.

But it has the upper hand.

Tai Shi Ci will win the battle for a long time.

Cao Cao was in a particularly comfortable mood when he saw the hunter.

It is worthy of being a man who can kill twice in the 100,000 yellow turban army, and the force is high.

"Wen Qian, you know you've been waiting for a long time, go on!"

When Rush first heard this, he immediately shouted, and Cui immediately stepped forward.

ran to Lv Bu.

"Ziyi, you go down first, I'll deal with Lu Bu!"

Although Tai Shici was a little unwilling when he heard this, he had the opportunity to show his face to Cao Cao in the new, so he was not persistent, and immediately forced Lü Bu back with a shot, and then retreated with his horse.

Lü Bu still wanted to chase, but as a result, he was killed and stopped by Shengsheng.

"Lv Bu, your opponent is me!"

Lu Bu glanced at the short, thin and black little man Lejin, so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

"What is Ru, dare to stop me!"

Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others are all of great stature and big waists.

The worst is also as tall and powerful as Tai Shici.

A small black man, who did not have a few taels to repay, dared to come up and send him to death.

Lu Bu was so angry that he swept over with a halberd, and although Lejin was short, his strength was surprisingly large.


Caught it, Lu Bu was stunned, and at this moment, Lejin seized the opportunity and stormed.

When the crazy output is carried out, when it does not react to Lu Bu at all, he wants to use fast and slow to break the trick with fast breaking power.

It's also KitKat.

"You black boy, you also have some skills, but it's not enough!" Lü Bu was also greatly annoyed by Lejin's crazy attack, but he did not dare to be distracted, and could only frequently return the move.

After thirty rounds, Lejin's crazy output finally weakened.

Lü Bu backhanded a halberd and began to press Lejin to attack.

And Lejin also undertook twenty rounds, was beaten a little embarrassed, but also undefeated, which is surprising to watch.

"Damn, this halberd I want you to die!" Lu Bu shouted loudly, and his murderous intent became fierce.

Cao Jun camp.

"Duke Cao, Wen Qian is going to lose!" Li Jin kindly reminded.

Li Jin's martial arts, although everyone is not very clear, there are not many people who have seen him move, even Cao Cao has not really seen Li Jin fighting with the enemy, let alone seen him compare with the generals of Zhencheng, so the understanding of it is all from what Ye Qing said.

However, Li Jin's achievements on the other hand impressed Cao Cao.

Người mua: sabmado

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