Cao Cao pulled away everyone's arms and said, "Generals don't need to panic, Dian Wei is his own person." "


The corners of Xia Hou Wei and the others' mouths twitched slightly.

After fighting for a long time, it turned out that this kid was a newly recruited martial general of the lord.

No wonder dare to rampage into the house.

Lejin and the others also showed embarrassment.

It's a mess.

Their own people fought.

The point is, so many of us didn't win.

Instead, he made this kid Dianwei.

It's simply losing Madame and breaking the army.

Looking at Cao Cao, how to see how Dian Wei likes it.

Honest and loyal, silly and cute.

One person fights many generals, and does not fall behind.

Hehe, I Cao Cao also has an invincible fierce general.

"Dianwei, why are you here?" Cao Cao had some puzzles.

Didn't he let him stay by Ye Qing's side?

How to run Taishoufu is coming.

Dian Wei pointed at Xiahou Wei, and said angrily: "Duke Cao, they smashed Mr. 's things!" "


Cao then found that there were still some gifts on the ground, and the gift box was rotten.

Immediately, as if he understood something, he turned his head to look at Xia Hou Wei.

Xia Hou Wei then lowered his head and hugged his fist, embarrassed and embarrassed: "Master, I didn't know that he was your newly recruited general, and seeing him rushing to the gate of the mansion with a bunch of gifts, thinking that he was here to make trouble, he stopped him."

Please also punish the Lord! "

One thing to say, wrong is wrong.

Be beaten upright.

Xia Hou was so worried that he was a well-known man, and did not shirk his quibbles.

Cao Cao reprimanded fiercely: "Dian Wei is a confidant of my mansion, and in the future, he can find me at will, whether it is in the mansion or the military camp, he must not be stopped."

No one can stop it! "

Everyone's faces changed drastically.

Looking at Dianwei, this guy who can stop it.

However, he was also a little surprised by how favored Dian Wei was.

Xiahou Wei is a general of the Cao clan, and the degree of trust is naturally unquestionable.

Dian Wei is just a reckless martial general.

Just cast over, can get such trust, it is simply the only scorpion!

Cao Cao signaled everyone to enter the house, and then dragged Dian Wei towards a remote corner.

Dian Wei crouched down, rummaged for something, and finally picked up the set of maps, and then followed Cao Cao to a secluded place where no one was.

"Dianwei, what were you looking for?"

"What's going on with gifts?"

Ye Qingxia had no other belongings except for clothes.

The gift could not have come from Ye Qing's hand.

Dian Wei explained, "Duke Cao, this map I hold in my hand is a gift to the eldest prince by me. "

"The three of them went to class today and brought some gifts to Mr. in exchange, hoping to get Mr. to let them go.

As a result, he was severely reprimanded by his husband.

I sent the gift back first, and asked me to tell Duke Cao that I need to discipline the three grand princes, Mo... Take a walk... Go astray! "

So it was.

At this time, Cao Cao completely understood the original reason.

After speaking, Dian Wei handed the map to Cao Cao and said, "I don't know where to go to find the three eldest princes, this thing will be handed over to Cao Gong, I will leave first, and go back to take care of Mr." "

After speaking, Dian Wei directly carried the matchless ghost electric iron halberd and left.

Wind and Fire Dian Wei is gone.

What Cao Cao wanted to say, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It's just that those eyes have been staring at Dian Wei's departing back.

It is really a pity to put such a fierce general in Mr. Ye's place.

But if he asked for it from Mr. Ye again, Cao Cao couldn't afford to lose this person.

"That's it, next time I ask Mr. where can I find another such invincible fierce general."

Then Cao Cao withdrew his gaze and looked at the set of maps in his hand, and his eyes flashed again.

His curious heart drove him to peek around.

This look doesn't matter, the whole person can't move, and a pair of eyes are attracted to it.

It's like seeing a curvaceous, woman.

After a long time, Cao Cao came to his senses.

His face was full of horror, full of surprise fever.

"Good thing, it turned out to be the world atlas!"

"The real geography of the world is not only the great Han's, but also the surrounding barbarians!"

"The real world is so vast, and the big man is only a small piece of it..."

"Mr. Ye treats me Cao Cao well! First he saved me from danger, taught me the art of refining refined salt and winemaking, and the three treasures of horses, and now gave Ang'er their heavenly book, which I Cao Ji could not repay. "

Cao Cao realized the importance of the atlas and was a little excited and out of control.

Looking in the direction where Ye Qing was, his expression couldn't help himself.

"What shall I repay sir?"

"A mink cicada maid, presumably can't satisfy Mr. Ten, eight, no, a hundred!"

Cao Cao suddenly firmed up his true heart.

People, food color also.

The gentleman is not a woman, but loves the beauty, and the pure and immaculate beauty can be qualified to serve the gentleman.

The generals entered the hall and did not see Cao Cao return for a long time.

One by one, there was some anxiety about waiting.

"What is the origin of this Dianwei, and why have you never heard of it?"

"I don't know! Guy Qiu suddenly appeared, even General Yuanrang and others are not opponents, too fierce! "

"Why did the Lord go for so long and didn't come back, no wonder a single Dianwei can be more important than the meeting!"

"Hey, Lord Ai Cai, this is famous, and wait, after all, a fierce general like Dian Wei, it is estimated that Lu Bu is not an opponent!"

That's two or three hours.

Cao Cao was long overdue.


Everyone waited until their legs were numb, it was dark, and the toilet went to the toilet several times.

Only then did Cao Cao appear.

"Sit down, something is delayed, let you wait for a long time!" Cao Cao waved his hand and said

"After the order of the chef, directly serve the food and wine, and drink with the generals today."

Ah, isn't it deliberative?

How to change to drinking.

This is the one that makes a fuss.

However, the sky will be dark, and the stomach will also grunt and begin to rebel.

So everyone didn't say anything, and they all waited for the banquet to begin.

Soon the wine and food were served.

"It's so fragrant, I smell good wine!"

"Well, it's true, what a strong smell of wine, what kind of wine is this lord!"

Everyone was instantly attracted by the wine that had been eaten a few years ago.

Such a strong wine aroma.

Instantly evoked the wine bug in the stomach.

(The data is poor, is there anyone to watch, give some data!) )

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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