Cao Cao stroked his beard and smiled proudly: "Drink first, pay for it, and talk to you about this wine later!" "

Old Cao wants to pretend, and everyone is naturally not polite.

When you get the wine, you don't need a waiter.

Then a large bowl of gurgling drunk.

"Good wine, really the best wine in the world!"

"Strong, fragrant, painful!"

"Royal wine is no more than that, I would like to call this wine the world's first spirit!"

"Yes, it is rare that it does not have a trace of impurities, it is as pure as water, no wonder it is so fragrant."

After everyone paid for the wine, they praised it one by one.

Even these civil officials of Chen Gong took a sip and praised this wine.

None of them were unconvinced.

Everyone has drunk a little bit of the world's good wine.

But nothing is as strong, fragrant, and strong as this.

"It's delicious, I think it too!" Cao Cao poured himself a cup and drank it in one gulp, crying bitterly.

This kind of wine is easy to get drunk if you drink too much, so you should not be too strong, but today he is happy.

So feel free.

"Master, don't sell it, tell me about the origin of this wine!"

"That is, the Lord told us, what is this called wine, so top!"

"After drinking this wine, I feel that the other drinks will be tasteless in the future!"

"Wine that is hard to change, burp..."

Cao Cao looked at the anxious appearance of everyone below, and his heart was even more furious.


Whetted everyone's appetite.

Cao Cao then said, "This wine has no name yet, it comes from our East County!" "

What the?

The crowd was flabbergasted.

Such a delicious wine has no name?

How is this possible?

Such a fragrant wine is nameless.

"Made in our East County." Chen Guan stood up: "Lord, I can count all the fine wines of Dongjun, but I have never heard or seen them, let alone drunk such spirits!" "

The implication is that you are naughty, Lord.

I read the book, don't lie to me.

Cao Cao laughed again: "Haha, because this is a newly created wine, you naturally don't know!" "

Chen Gong then showed his expression.

Then Cao Cao said, "Gentlemen, what do you think of this wine?" Good or bad! "

Everyone praised: "Of course it is good wine, if this wine is not good, there will be no good wine in the world!" "

"That is, who dares to say that this wine is not good, I slashed his head!"

"The best wine in the world, lord, you can say where you can buy it."

Naturally, there are also good wine players here, and they directly ask the most critical questions.

Cao Cao continued to pretend, and asked: "This kind of wine, sell a little more expensive, there is no problem!" "

Everyone nodded again.

It's worth a little more expensive, it's worth ten times more expensive.

I am afraid that there are countless people flocking to it a hundredfold.

"Hahaha, well, in the future, this wine will be a revenue of my East County, and all the grain earned will be used as military funds." Only then did Cao Cao reveal his true purpose.

"This wine is brewed in the house, and it was only made recently, so please wait and taste this sprinkle first."

"Now it seems that the effect is good, it should be able to sell well and be added to a livelihood in the house."

It turned out that this sprinkle was brewed by Cao Cao's people.

No wonder it's a newly made sake.

"The lord is a great talent, and he actually knows the method of immortal brewing!"

"Great, it turns out that this wine is made in our house, and it will be drunk in the future!"

"The lord is mighty, with this immortal brewing method, the wealth in the palace is more and more free, and our army does not have to worry about military expenses."

Everyone really did not expect that this new wine was brewed by their own side.

Near the water building platform first get the moon, the future has a blessing.

Chen Gong half-squinted his eyes, his face showing a hint of doubt.

How can Cao Cao know the method of immortal brewing.

The matter of brewing wine was so important that he, as his chief strategist, knew nothing.

The matter of Dianwei is even more calculated.

Now it's new wine again.

It is not yet known what wonders will come in the future.

It seems that Cao Cao still has a lot that he does not understand.

Cao Cao motioned for everyone to sit down and said with a smile: "Of course, our army needs to expand and expand as soon as possible to cope with the great changes in Yanzhou.

Yes, a lot of money and grain are needed, and the new wine can accumulate wealth for my Dongjun, and the profits earned will naturally be all used as military expenses! "

Chen Gong was greatly moved when he heard this, stood up and bowed.

"Lord Gong is wise, I thank Lord Gong for the people of Dong County!"

Xinsprinkle can accumulate wealth, and Cao Cao will naturally not draw more taxes from the people.

Chen Gong himself is a native of Dongjun, and naturally wants to seek the greatest welfare for the local people.

"Gongtai is polite, Dongjun is my foundation, I should be kind, how can I damage my foundation." Cao Cao motioned for Chen Gong to sit down.

He Cao Cao is not so stupid that he will go on a rampage.

A gentleman loves money and has a good way.

The next thing was naturally to eat and drink, and Cao Cao mentioned the expansion of troops and generals by the way.

In the past, I was poor and had no money, so I could only recruit soldiers closely.

Now that the new wine will bring a large wave of wealth, Cao Cao naturally has to let it go.

I didn't listen to what Ye Xianren said, Yanzhou will be chaotic, and Liu Dai will die.

Then Yuan Shu and Tao Qian will come to plunder again.

If I Cao Cao does not grow as soon as possible, how can I quickly stabilize a prefecture and cut off the minions of Yuan Shao and Tao Qian.

Not only to cut off their hands, but also to go in and rob them of their land.

I learned the plot in advance, if he still can't play, then he Cao Cao is still a hero, is he still a Cao Cao?

"Yuan Shu, Tao Qian, wait for me, when I Yanzhou comes out of the sword, the world will be shocked and the four sides will be amazed."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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