
Situ Mansion!

"What if I don't say yes?"

Wang Yun, who was Situ, looked at Cao Hong in front of him, and his nose was crooked with anger.

The face was more than half dark.

How can there be such shameless and impudent people in the world.

Come to the door and ask for a song and dance maid.

If it is an ordinary dancer, it will be given away.

The key is that Cao Hong wants a mink cicada.

This is a beautiful child that he carefully cultivated.

With a great responsibility, he gave it to Cao Cao, and how to complete the destruction of Dong Thief in the future.

"I believe that Wang Situ doesn't want to make everyone known." Cao Hongdao:

"Seven-star treasure sword, where it came from, Situ knows better than anyone!"

If Dong Zhuo knew that Cao Cao's sword to assassinate him was from Wang Yun's hand, it would not destroy Wang Yunmanmen.

Wang Yun's eyes widened, and his beard blew on his eyes in anger.

The anger soared, and he directly slapped the case table hard.

"You dare!"

Cao Hong looked helpless, and did not look at Wang Yun at all.

The right hand clasped his nostrils, digging his nose deeply, and showing a teasing look while digging: "What don't you dare to do, anyway, I am a rotten life, and Situ is in a high position." "

"If I can't complete the task, I don't have the face to return to Guandong, it's better to accompany Situ to splash blood for five steps!"




No solution!

Wang Yun suddenly looked like a deflated leather ball.

Waving his hand and scolding: "Go, give it to you, take it away, Hugh will let me see you in the future, otherwise I will rip off your skin and beat you to death!" "

"Hehe, don't worry, maybe this is the last time I see Lord Situ!" Cao Hong was overjoyed and immediately went to the backyard to bring out the mink cicada.

The mink cicada looked confused, why did the righteous father let me go with such a rough man.

"Sable girl don't have to worry, this trip to Kanto is to save you from the sea of fire, I will wait for the order to come to pick up the girl, the girl and relieved, Wang Situ has already burned your deed, there will be no trouble!"

The mink cicada was even more shocked when he heard it.

Wang Yun actually burned his own deed, which does not mean that he is free.

With Wang Situ's warrant, the carriage quickly broke through the many barriers and left the city.

Outside the city, a strong man answered.

Cao Hong took the man and quickly headed east.

"Gongming, with your scheme, you really easily picked up the mink girl, and Wang Yun didn't dare to make trouble!" Cao Hong hugged his fist towards Xu Huang in thanks.

It turned out that Cao Hong's scheme to ask Wang Yun for mink cicadas was from Xu Huang, Hedong.

When Xu Huang heard that Cao Hong was going to Chang'an to do something big, he also took the initiative to follow.

He knew that if he went in vain like this, without merit, I am afraid it would be extremely difficult to stand up.

So he took the initiative to accompany Cao Hong to the danger and embarked on this situation.

In this way, there is also a certificate of submission, the basis for promotion.

Of the five good generals, none of them are simple.

And Xu Huang, who is good at cutting off grain and attacking thousands of miles, is even more so.

Soon, Cao Hong, Xu Huang and the others returned to Dongjun.

As soon as he entered Dongjun, Cao Hong obviously felt something different.

"Huh! How come there are so many soldiers and horses in the county! "

"There are many more caravans, when will Puyang become more prosperous than Chang'an!"

What happened during this time when I was gone.

Entering Puyang, Cao Hong first brought the mink cicada and Xu Huang to his house for placement.

Only then did he go to Cao Cao to return to his life.

"Oh! Zi Lian is back. Cao Cao was also overjoyed when he heard this, and walked out directly from the hall and looked at a courtyard.

The two people he was looking forward to did not see it.

Cao Cao's face couldn't help but freeze.

"Zilian, what about people?" Cao Cao asked.

Cao Hong replied: "Big brother, Xu Huang and the mink cicada are temporarily arranged in my mansion, and tomorrow I will bring Brother Xu Huang to visit the lord!" "

In your mansion!

Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a little lost, last time in Wang Yun's mansion, he just glanced at it in a hurry, and he didn't know the specific face of the mink cicada.

"Well, it's good if you come back, it's done properly." Cao Cao then praised Cao Hong.

Two things, one did not fall, people brought back.

It was perfect.

Cao Hong asked, "Lord, what happened in the county?" Why do I see that there seem to be more soldiers and horses, and there are many caravans coming and going, carts of cars, transported in and out! "

Cao Cao said with a smile: "You came back just right, tomorrow you will first send the mink cicada to Mr. , and then bring Xu Huang over, and then you will understand the changes that have occurred in the county!" "

"It's hard work, you go back to rest and rest, and other things will be discussed tomorrow!"

Not to mention that it was okay, as soon as he said it, Cao Hong really felt a little tired all over his body.

The dust servant, hurried away, hurried back.

"It's the lord, I haven't heard Mr.'s story for a long time, and I'll go to hear it tomorrow... Hey! Cao Hong led the order to retreat.

Returned to the mansion!

Cao Hong explained to the mink cicada alone.

He made some psychological foreshadowing and specially instructed him never to offend Ye Qing.

Otherwise, there is no need for Mr. Ye to give the order, and he and Cao Cao will kill the mink cicada.

Sable Cicada was a little frightened when he heard this, and asked, "Who is General Ye of Zilian?" "

I originally thought that Cao Hong had snatched himself out of the Master's Mansion and gave it to Cao Gong.

As a result, it turned out to be for an unknown blind man.

Cao Hong hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Sable Cicada, I can teach you to know, Mr. Ye is actually, he is not a person, he is from... There came down. "

"Mr. Ye knows all the big and small things in the world, he has known it for five hundred years and five thousand years."


Speaking of this, Cao Hong pointed to the sky, and there was some deep meaning.

What the?

The mink cicada was shocked.

But there are still some foxes who wonder how this sounds a bit fake.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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