"To deceive the less, this is the shameless act of your lord Cao Cao?"

At the end of the day, Lü Bu no longer had the original arrogance and arrogance of Yike this time.

Xu Chu and the others couldn't help but laugh when they heard this.

"Lu Bu, you also deserve to say this!"

"My Lord treated you kindly, saved your wife and daughter, but he insulted you and scolded you, but he asked you for a grain of rice, but you led an army to attack my Yancheng, wanting me Yanzhou, why don't you talk about your shameless deeds!"

"My lord heard that you were chased and killed by Yuan Shao, and even the attack on Xuzhou was delayed, and I wanted to welcome you over and return your wife and concubine, but you will take revenge, what is your intention!"

Lv Bu was blushing when he was spoken.

"It's verbose, if you want to come up, today I Lu Bu will always stab one to death!"

Xu Chu and the others were about to attack when they heard this, and Li Jin said: "Lv Bu, don't you think about your wife and daughter, you died painfully, but what about them?" "

Hearing this, Lu Bu was stunned.

There was less determination and killing intent in his eyes.

Li Jin continued: "If you die, your wife and daughter will not receive any protection, because Cao Gong has no obligation to protect the family of a shameless person who is not righteous and unfaithful. "

"Once your wife and daughter lose the protection of Duke Cao, then what will happen to them, you should know very well!"

The art of war clouds, attack the heart first.

Don't look at the fact that Lu Bu is poor now, but really desperately, Li Jin doesn't think he can kill him.

The power that people burst out in a desperate situation is terrifying.

Even if Xu Chu and Tai Shici are there, it is difficult to ensure that everyone can kill Lu Bu intact.

And fundamentally, Cao Cao wanted to capture Lü Bu alive, otherwise he would need to work so hard.

Shooting with arrows is not simpler and more convenient.

Sure enough, when he said this, Lu Bu was completely confused.

The Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand all tilted downwards and relaxed and relaxed.

Xu Chu and the others are not Cui, anyway, they have time.

On the side of the wolf riding in the union, there were continuous screams, and one after another war horses were directly shot or stabbed to the ground.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer soldiers under him, Lu Bu finally did not dare to wait.

"If I return to Cao Gong, how will Cao Gong treat me!"

Li Jin smiled!

Xu Chu smiled!

Too Shi Ci smiled!

"With General Lu's ability, Duke Cao will not treat the general badly!"

"As long as the general can devote himself to serving the public and serving the Duke of Cao, I believe that the general will once again become famous in the world and become a great hero respected by everyone in the world."

Li Jin's words were extremely contagious.

When Lu Bu heard this, he had to sigh helplessly: "Meng De saved my wife and daughter, I do things for Meng De, and it is reasonable to repay his grudges, it's just a matter of reason!" "

After speaking, Lü Bu put down Fang Tian's halberd completely.

Seeing this, Li Jin immediately raised his spear high.

And the control warhorse took two steps back.

The soldiers who surrounded them also retreated in unison.

On the other side, Cao Cao was crazy in his heart, and said busily: "Mingjin!" Stop the siege and suppress the generals of Lü Bu! "

Honking the trumpet.

The armies that surrounded Hao Meng, Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xuan, Cheng Lian, Cao Sex, Qin Yilu, and Wei Yue immediately stopped shooting and encircling.

"The soldiers of Union Prefecture, listen to my orders, and they are not allowed to be enemies with the soldiers and horses of Zhencheng, let alone fight with them!"

Although Lü Bu did not say the word surrender throughout the process, he actually showed weakness to Cao Cao and asked for surrender.

Hao Meng, Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xuan, Cheng Lian, Cao Sex, Qin Yilu, and Wei Yue all breathed a sigh of relief.

They all sang their promises and restrained their own soldiers.

Danger lifting.

Lü Bu was taken by Li Jin and others to see Cao Cao.

"If you join my Zhencheng first, my Zhencheng army will be even stronger, and no one in the world can defeat my army!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Why worry about the world, Fengxian, and follow me to Zhencheng, I have ordered someone to set a wine banquet for you, I believe you and you also miss them very deeply!"

Cao Cao did not feel embarrassed during the whole process, let alone blamed and insulted Lü Bu.

This made Lü Bu feel a lot better in his heart, and he saw Lü Bu holding his fist, his head tilted to the side and replied: "It's Lü Bu who doesn't know Cao Gong's goodwill, listens to other people's rumors, and offends Zhencheng, Lü Bu is ashamed of Cao Gong!" "

"Duke Cao rest assured, Lü Bu owes Duke Cao great kindness, and he will repay life and death in the future."

Hearing this, Cao Cao was even more proud, excited and happy.

The world's most fierce martial general was finally pocketed by himself.

So Cao Cao ordered the army to march to Zhencheng to celebrate with the soldiers for a few days.

When he came to Zhencheng, Cao Cao separated Lü Bu from the generals and soldiers, and said to Lü Bu: "Fengxian came all the way from Jizhou, the dust servant, if you want to come to work, how about going home first, gathering with the family and children, and then coming to feast and drink after bathing?" "

Lü Bu saw that his wife and concubine were sincere, and naturally he was a hundred willing, so he immediately went to see Yan Shi and Du Ji under the leadership of Cao Hong.

Cao Cao, on the other hand, quietly ordered Zhang Liao to be taken to a courtyard in the city.


It is said that Lü Bu followed Cao Hong to the house where Lü Bu's wife and daughter were imprisoned.

Lu Bu could clearly feel that there were a large number of elite armor lurking nearby, and his expression couldn't help but change.

Quite nervous.

Cao Hong said: "Wen Hou does not need to be nervous, this is a key area, and the degree of strictness is higher than that of the Zhendong General's Mansion. "

"Your family is extremely safe here, and you don't have to worry that my eldest brother will harm you, after all, if we want to kill Wen Hou, we don't have to do this."

Lu Bu looked a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Escaping from Lu Yuanshu and Yuan Shao is indeed a bit delusional persecution.

I thought that Cao Cao was also like these two, and wanted to quietly ambush and kill himself.

240 That's bad, and you are not a person!

"Thank you Cao Gong, I didn't expect him to attach so much importance to the small Cloth family!" Lu Bu thought about it, and he had some feelings.

In order to protect his wife and daughter, Cao Cao even vacated the surrounding people, just to send elites to protect their safety.

It seems that things have not developed in the direction Hao Meng said.

Cao Cao is still a good person!

"Hahaha, Fengxian, my eldest brother values you, but there will be so many elites here, it is not to pass on the door to protect your family!" Cao Hong looked at him with an obsessive and adoring look, and pointed with his left hand towards the door of a large mansion on the other side:

"Actually, it's your family that is stained with Mr. Ye's light."

"At this time, all the elite soldiers only live for Mr. Ye and exist to protect Mr. Ye."

"Speaking of which, you can live thanks to Mr. Ye."

What the?

My home is stained with other people's light.

Cao Cao mobilized countless elites just to protect a gentleman surnamed Ye?

Do you still rely on him to come to Zhencheng alive?

Who is this man?

This person has such great ability, he is even more valued by Cao than himself!

Lu Bu's heart was like a stormy wave, and he was hated to be shocked.

From the beginning of entering Yanzhou, it was as if a brand new door had opened to him, constantly refreshing Lü Bu's understanding.

Let him be confused, constantly confused!.

Người mua: sabmado

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