"General Zilian, do you have some words ... Passed! Lu Bu asked with some disbelief.

Cao Hong listened, and his face changed: "Fengxian, if you dare to snub Mr. Ye, then I will not die with you!" "

"Even if my eldest brother wants to kill me, I will fight with you!"

Looking at Cao Hong's angry expression, Lü Bu knew that Cao Hong was not joking.

Cao Hong's respect and affection for this Mr. Ye may be more than Cao Cao himself.

Lv Bu hugged his fists and hurriedly said, "General Zilian rest assured, I don't snub Mr. Ye, I really don't know who Mr. Ye is, so I have this question!" "

Seeing that Lu Bu's mouth softened, Cao Hong said, "In the future, you will understand Mr. Ye's goodness!" "

"You must know that Cao Gong has allowed your daughter to be a teacher and enter the school **** skills."

"If you mess around and cause your daughter to lose her place in school, don't regret it in the future!"

What the?

Lu Bu's eyes widened.

Her own daughter can go to school and study with a famous teacher.

What a surprise.

At the same time, it made Lu Bu extremely happy.

It seems that it is true that Cao Cao treats his own family well.

"Okay, I'll send it here, you can go in by yourself!" Cao Hong reminded:

"Finally, I am giving you a piece of advice, in Zhencheng, anyone can offend, but you can't offend Mr. Ye, otherwise you have to find death, and my eldest brother can't save you!"

After speaking, Cao Hong walked towards Ye Qing's house.

Take the opportunity to go in and listen to the story, it should not be too much!

As for the night banquet, there is a story of the Three Kingdoms.


Lv Bu gently pushed open the door.


A woman's questioning voice came from the courtyard.

"Ling'er, are you back?"

As far as the eye can see, there is not a single subordinate servant inside, let alone a man.

Lü Bu frowned slightly, didn't Cao Cao even give Yan Clan and Du Ji a subordinate?

No one who serves?


"Wen Hou!"

At the corner of the shadow wall, Yan Shi and Du Ji walked out, and at a glance they saw the mighty figure and the familiar face.

It was almost silent.

When Lu Bu saw his wife and concubine, his heart was also hot, and he rushed up quickly.

At this moment, all the distractions were thrown out of cloud nine.

There was a warm pleasantries.

Lü Bu led the second daughter to the hall.

"Why, Cao Cao didn't send you someone?"

Lü Bu remembered that when he was in Chang'an, there were many subordinates in the mansion.

When you come to Cao Cao, you don't want to be as beautiful as Chang'an, at least you can't be so shabby!

Yan Shi said, "Husband, the place where we live is special, and no extra people are allowed here. "

"Yes, Duke Cao didn't send any maid to the family!"

"But this is good, the house is quiet enough, and we can live in peace of mind without being disturbed by others."

Lü Bu thought of what happened at the street entrance, which came from Cao Hong's warning.

Understood something in an instant.

"By the way, what about Ling'er? Did he worship a Mr. Ye as a teacher? Lv Bu asked.

Yan Shi replied: "Husband, Ling'er is studying in the mansion opposite, Mr. Ye is a good person, a powerful person who really has a university question, and knows the heavens and the earth, now that you have come to Zhencheng, you should thank him well." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"We all depend on his care, Cao Cao is willing to rescue us, and it is also Ye Sheng's reminder, otherwise Ling'er and I are afraid that they will never see their husbands again!"

"Madame, rest assured, Mr. Ye has kindness to my Lu family, and I, Lu Bu, will not treat him badly, let alone snub and despise him!" Lv Budao:

"You tell me more about this Mr. Ye and what happened after coming to Yanzhou!"

Yan Shi explained the life of the house slowly.

If you really want to say that it was three days and three nights, I can't tell, but Yan Shi is everyone's lady, the eldest lady in the past.

Inside and outside, he simply said the general things roughly.

Lu Bu was even more shocked when he heard this.

"He can make things that fly into the sky and carry people to the sky and the moon!"

"He can make a water cart and send water from the lower places to the high ground!"

"He also got a high-yield divine seed, so that the people of Yanzhou could be solid and save hundreds of people!"

"He also has peerless medical skills, saving diseases and treating people, and can do anything."

"The most important thing is that he saved Ling'er and me and Du Ji..."

How can a person be so legendary.

At this moment, Lü Bu could be regarded as understanding why Cao Hong admired and defended Mr. Ye so much, even to the point that he could die for him.

"Wen Hou, the night banquet is ready, Cao Gong ordered me to come and invite you!"

In the courtyard, a general called.

Lu Bu then found that the sky was already dark, and outside, it was pitch black.

"Okay, I'll come later!" Lü Bu replied before asking Xiang Yan: "'Why didn't Ling'er come back to eat, did you learn?'" School hasn't finished yet! "

Yan Shi knew that his husband was sometimes like a child, so he replied: "Sometimes Ling'er will not come back, because Mr. Ye has a lot of girls there, and they will be happy to stay there." "

"So sometimes the dinner is solved over there. 1"

Finally, Yan Shi quietly leaned into Lu Bu's ear and whispered another sentence: "Duke Cao's eldest daughter also takes classes with Mr. Ye, and now lives there, I heard that Duke Cao's eldest daughter likes Mr. Ye very much, and our Ling'er also has a heart!" "


Lü Bu was scorched by Redrie.

Cao Cao's eldest daughter lived with Mr. Ye.

Also like Mr. Ye.

Cao Cao did not object, and allowed this kind of thing to develop.

This was simply something he Lu Bu did not dare to think about.

Even if he came from a frontier and state border, where the customs were not so conservative, the basic differences between men and women were similar.

The girl (Li Qian's) has not yet been married, let alone married, and actually lives in the man's house.

Cao Cao was so relieved of this magical Mr. Ye.

What's more, his own daughter even had thoughts about this Mr. Ye.

Instantaneous Lubu had the feeling that a good cabbage was about to be arched by a pig.

"Wen Hou, can you go?"

Outside the courtyard, there was a sound of urging.

Lu Bu had no choice but to get up, and secretly said in his heart that he would meet this Mr. Ye.

If I want to be Lü Bu's son-in-law, I have to see it.

No, if you want my girlfriend to be his concubine, don't even think about it!

If Ye Xian was an emperor or a king, it would not be a shame to give him a concubine, but a privilege.

But to be a concubine for a young scribe who taught, Lü Bu felt that he was slapping him in the face.

Walking out of the mansion gate, Lü Bu turned on his horse and glared towards Ye Xian's mansion gate, and then he slammed his horse's belly towards Zhendong. "。

Người mua: sabmado

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