
After Lü Bu used his prematureness, he asked Lu Lingqi to take himself to Ye Qing.

As soon as he left the house, a soldier on duty asked, "Where does Wen Hou want to go?" "

Lu Bu had some displeasure, and a small soldier dared to question himself?

So he snorted coldly: "Can't I go to Mr. Ye's place?" "

Lv Bu pointed to the large mansion opposite.

Comparisons are odious.

Ye Qing's mansion there looks ten times larger than here, Ye Qing has not yet married, just a maid, usually a dozen students, what is living in such a large mansion for?

What a waste!

The guards did not dare to stop Lü Bu, and watched Lü Bu enter Ye Qing's mansion, so they immediately ~ went to the street entrance to report the matter.

When the guards at the entrance heard the news, they did not dare to be careless, and immediately went to the Zhendong General's Mansion to report the matter.


"Daddy! Mr. Ye is special, his eyes can't see, and there is a quirk, you need to..."

After entering the mansion, Lu Lingqi constantly explained to Lü Bu about the rules on Ye Qing's side.

Not to mention their Lu family father and daughter, even if Cao Cao came, they had to abide by it, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

"Got it, what Mr. Ye said for the father, follow his words, and then follow!"

"I'm a rough man, he's a famous man, and he can't figure it out with me!"

Lv Bu thought very simply, and naïve.

He is not a very scheming person.

Think of a character that is a play.

Turning a corridor, Lu Bu suddenly stopped, his body paused, and his eyes were shining.


"Lu Bu, what are you doing in the mansion?!"

The two looked at each other and widened their eyes at the same time.

"Why are you in Mr. Ye's mansion?" Lu Bu glanced left and right, and did not send a single Li Jin and other generals.

Dian Wei snorted coldly: "Sir has always been served by me, of course I will be in the mansion!"

"It's you, you don't stay honestly at home, waiting for Cao Gong's greeting, what are you doing here?"

Dian Wei is Ye Qing's bodyguard, not Cao Cao's general?

Lu Bu was a little confused, what was going on.

Will Cao Cao let go of such a fierce general and give Mr. Ye a nursing home?

Lu Lingqi saw that Lü Bu and Dian Wei were full of gunpowder, and said busily: "Uncle Dian, it was Mr. Dian who allowed my father to come over." "

"Duke Cao's side, Sir will inform you, and ask Uncle Dian not to deal with my father about the previous affairs!"

Dian Wei fought with Lü Bu in Guanzhong.

That time, if it weren't for Xu Huang's strategy, it would be difficult for everyone to retreat.

Therefore, Dian Wei and Lü Bu can also be regarded as forming a bond.

"It turned out to be sir's meaning!" Dian Wei was clear about grievances and gave way to the road.

However, he warned Lu Bu: "You'd better be honest, if I find out that you dare to mess around, you will not be spared." "

Lu Bu was so angry that his lungs were about to deceive.

He was the first in the world, and he was threatened by Dian Wei's humble goods.

If it is a normal time, he must have a good fight with Dian Wei and kill him.

But since he lowered Cao Cao and entered Mr. Ye's mansion, even if Lü Bu had a great grievance, he could only hold back temporarily.

Soon, Lü Bu followed Ye Qing to the small playground outside the school.

"Dad, this is the school, we usually take classes inside, and there is a small playground outside for running and doing recess exercises!"

"Sir likes to run and exercise here, and walk after dinner!"

With Lu Lingqi's introduction, Lv Bu had already seen the small playground.

A slender man in a strange costume in the small playground was strolling around. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There was a strange thing on the bridge of his nose, covering his eyes, and from a distance, it looked like a person with a pair of black circles, which was very strange.

"Ling'er, this is Mr. Ye, his eyes?" Lv Bu pointed at Ye Qing and asked.

Lu Lingqi said, "Dad, my husband's eyes were damaged because of saving Cao Gong, and now he can't see." "

"With sunglasses on the nose, we can't see my husband's injured eyes."


Injured while saving Cao Cao?

No wonder Cao Cao attached so much importance to courtesy to him.

Such a great kindness, as it should be.

When Lu Bu heard this, he suddenly realized, and there was a hint of respect in his eyes.

"It's Xiaoling coming!" Ye Qing, who was walking, stopped and faced the side of Lu Bu's father and daughter:

"The other one should be your father Lu Da!"

Lu Lingqi hurriedly replied, "Yes sir, I brought my father over!" "

Lu Bu hugged his fists and said, "Lu Da has seen Mr. Lu, thank Mr. for taking care of the Lu family, and thank Mr. for teaching the little girl." "

"You're welcome." Ye Qing pointed to the stone bench next to the playground and said:

"Lu Ling, his father, come, let's sit here and talk slowly!"

"Okay, sir please!" Lv Buhu stepped forward, not daring to let Ye Qing come to invite.

After all, Ye Qing had an eye disease, and he had nothing to pretend.

Arrogance, arrogance, all will be powerless.

Lu Lingqi followed behind Lu Bu, in front of this father, she was still a little afraid and did not dare to jump too much.

"Lu Ling's father, your business, I heard Lu Ling talk to Xiao Hong about something." Ye Qingdao:

"As a teacher, I don't judge right or wrong, everyone has their own choice."

"No one can avoid making mistakes, so we don't need to delve into this!"

When Lu Bu heard this, he was greatly moved, and he couldn't help nodding.

"Sir really knows that he has done some bad things, but he is impatient." Lv Budao:

"Sir understands me, I would like to listen to Sir to solve my confusion, please Sir show me the way forward!"

Ye Qing has the kindness to save Cao Cao, as long as Ye Qingken says a few good words for himself, Lü Bu believes that he will definitely gain Cao Cao's trust and use.

Ye Qing said, "Lu Ling, don't be excited, everything is in a hurry!" "

"Now, you can go back to Cao Village, and it is a good thing that the people in the village do not pursue this matter."

"You need to give everyone a little time to look at this, and at the same time you need to settle yourself, change some of your shortcomings, and calm down and think about what you really need?"

"If you are in a hurry to show and want to change your image in the eyes of everyone, then it may backfire, and most importantly, it will make Boss Cao nervous, make people with intentions suspect that you have ulterior motives, and want to overthrow the village committee, set up another team, and seize the leadership and status of Cao Village!"

"If you do this, I am afraid that you will not be killed by the people in the village, but you will also be driven away again, and there will be no place to stand!"

Although Lü Bu couldn't understand some of Ye Qing's terms, the overall meaning was comprehension.

I couldn't help but be startled in my heart, a slight chill hit, and a little sweat broke out in my brain.

Because he really wants to immediately gain a foothold here in Cao Cao and stand out in the limelight, so as to gain Cao Cao's reuse, suppress the other martial generals with his strength, and regain his own status and highlight moments.

Now hearing Ye Qing say this, the evil cold struck, and fear spread, originally from what he had thought and done, it would make him die without a burial place.

Người mua: sabmado

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