"Sir, my father definitely didn't want to overthrow the village committee, let alone set up another mountain in Cao Village!"

Lu Lingqi hurriedly clarified Lv Bu.

Lu Bu also showed horror in his eyes, and said busily: "Sir, I really didn't want to go against Boss Cao, and I didn't dare to have bad thoughts about him." "

"I... At most, I just want to do something for the village!"

"I really still have a dead heart, I want to join the village committee, and I want to be like Cao Cao and them, I can manage some things and do some responsibility." "

Ye Qing said, "I understand what you mean, so I can't rush this matter!"

"Your character is anxious and proud, this is an advantage and a disadvantage, which needs to be precipitated and polished!"

Wait, Lv Bu just didn't want to wait before he stabbed Ding Yuan.

I also didn't want to wait, so I stabbed Dong Zhuo.

He didn't want to wait, so he would leave from Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao one after another and plunder the two "280" counties of Nanyang and Changshan.

"Sir, I understand the reason, but..." Lu Bu asked a little unspeakably:

"How do I settle?"

"How do I polish my nature?"

He is a martial artist, if he knows how to optimize himself, where else will he be mixed up to this point.

Ye Qing smiled and said, "Your question is very constructive, which shows that you have improved." "

"It also shows that you have great potential in the future and have a lot of room for improvement!"

"If you trust me, I can help you precipitate, I can polish you!"

Lv Bu and Lu Lingqi's father and daughter looked at each other, and then looked at Ye Qing together.

"Lu Ling, his father, you didn't always like to fight your own strength in the village before, so you were domineering and unscrupulously offending people, it was nothing more than that there was no one in the village to control you, and there was no one to beat you, so that you would swell, and you had the idea of replacing Boss Cao and other village chiefs. "

In the past, Caojia Village was an era when Liliwei was powerful and fist-big.

Therefore, Lu Da is qualified to claim the title of king.

Now that it is mainly economic construction, Lu Nature will be abandoned by the times.

So what Ye Qing has to do now is to let Lü Bu abandon the traditional concept of respecting strength.

How to change, such a confident and proud person, can only defeat him from the side where he is proud, let him understand that strength is only the future, early development of the economy, more money is king.

Don't think all day about bullying this, bullying that.

"Well, this... Sir, you're afraid you can't do it!" Lv Bu looked at Ye Qing again, Ye Qing's small body, he could blast ten hammers with one hand!

Ye Qing laughed again when he heard Lu Bu's mockery.

"No, you are too confident in yourself!" Ye Qing stood up:

"Lu Da, since you still feel that you are the first heaven under the world, and the king of heaven and Laozi are not comparable to you, then I, today, I will let you know what it means to have a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people; what is called people are not to look!"

Lu Lingqi wanted to say something, but when he thought of Ye Qing's rescue that day, as well as Cao Hong, Dian Wei and others' respect for Ye Qing, he didn't say much.

Mr. may really be a skeleton and not look good.

And his own father should also change well.

Let him understand that in this world, there are people who are stronger than him!

"Sir, how do you want to compare?" Lu Bu was also angry and respected Ye Qing, it was because of Ye Qing's identity and the family he had saved.

But Ye Qing is also too much, this little body still wants to let himself see what it is to have a sky outside the sky.

This is to say big words, to blow a little too much.

"Since we are fighting, then we will stand at opposite ends of the white line, hold each other with both hands, and see who can pull the place over." Ye Qingdao:

"I lose, whatever happens to you in the future, I don't interfere.

If you lose, you will obediently lie down in the village for me in the future, and change your temper and temperament. "

"Good!" said Lu Bu:

"As long as I can't pull Mr. in three breaths, I will lose!" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Lü Bu has enough self-interest.

So I can't think of anything else, and the words are full.

Lu Lingqi had a bad premonition that her father would suffer.

Sir is not a mortal, Daddy you may finish the calf.


On the other side, outside the arch at the edge of the playground at this time, Cao Cao, Chen Gong, Xu Chu, Li Jin, Xu Huang, Dian Wei, Cao Hong and others stood there without entering, listening to the movements on the playground one by one, all a little shocked.

"Master, are you really not going in?" said Li Jin worriedly:

"Lü Bu's power is not an ordinary martial general can parry, this Mr. Ye is too weak, I'm afraid he can't hold it at all!"

I didn't fight Lü Bu for dozens or hundreds of rounds, and I didn't know that Lü Bu's strength was 0...

Although Li Jin could defeat Lü Bu, he did not have the confidence to kill Lü Bu, just as Lü Bu could defeat a group of famous generals, but he could not kill them.

That's why he was worried about Ye Qing, who couldn't help but be weak.

Dian Wei glanced at Li Jin, and then said, "Don't worry, Duke Cao, Sir's strength is far superior to Lü Bu several times.

Lu Bu will definitely be beaten by Mr. Bu!"

Xu Chu also nodded in agreement: "Dianheizi is right, Sir's strength is the first in the world, and he is the real peerless master!"

After speaking, Xu Chu glanced at Li Jin, and it was this glance that made Li Jinyou offended.

I always feel that these two stupid guys are connotating him.

Chen Gong also said: "Lord, you and I have both seen Mr. lift the stone table, even if Mr. is no match for Lü Bu, Lü Bu wants to easily defeat Mr.

Only pull and fight, not tight!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao brushed his beard slightly: "I'm not worried about Mr. Bu, but Lü Bu is too snubbed Mr. Bu, he really didn't listen to Zilian's words, let alone the self-awareness of a descendant!"

Under normal circumstances, Cao Shu is the master of the person and does not want to reveal his true thoughts.

It's just that the people who Lu Bu offended today are not ordinary.

If necessary, he could order Lü Bu to be killed in an instant, and he would not allow anyone to snub and even insult Ye Qing.

No one can compare to Ye Qing's portion.

Not even your own heirs. 4.5 "It's started!" Cao Hong's eyes were focused, ignoring everyone at all, staring at Ye Qing and Lv Bu in the playground.

I saw that the two of them held their hands, compared to one, Lu Bu's hand was thick and powerful, obviously a third or even twice as large as Ye Qing's hand.

But when Lu Bu tried to pull Ye Qing, his face suddenly changed.

From the original Yisong to surprise, then the face was solemn, and then began to tense the body and face, and then the face turned red.

"Lv Bu doesn't seem to be able to pull Mr. Ye across the line!"

Li Jin confided in amazement, if he hadn't seen this scene with his own eyes, and others said that it was heaven-shattering, he wouldn't have believed it.

There are more powerful characters in this world than themselves, and there is also a strange person who is more abnormal than a madman like Lejin and has more abnormal bone meridians! .

Người mua: sabmado

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