"Very good, I understand your principles and bottom line!" Ye Qing praised:

"I'm very pleased that there is a tolerant and generous policy in the village, after all, I am still a villager, there is no need to make you die!"

"There are not many talents in the village, it is very good that your village committee can have such a sober consciousness, I believe that it will not be long before Cao Village will become more prosperous and become a famous and wealthy village!"

"In this way, Lu Da, you should not exist, he will not participate in the affairs of the village for the time being, come to me every day, I will polish his character, teach him the correct outlook on life, values, and re-establish his life direction!"

"When he matures, the village is taking him to common prosperity and develop Caojia Village!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong glanced at each other.

Cao Cao was a little resistant, he didn't need a fierce general like Lu Bu, he was idle in the school, it was too big to be useless!

Chen Gong shook his head slightly at Cao Cao, and motioned to Cao Cao not to think too much with his eyes.

Now there are a lot of generals in Juancheng, don't need to shoot Lu Bu's time bomb.

It's always good to be conservative.

"Well, with Ye Xian's words, I believe that Lu Da will definitely be able to reform and add bricks and tiles to the construction and development of Caojia Village for the assistants in the village again. "Cao Cao is a suspicious character, and Lu Bu has too many problems.

Cao Cao didn't dare to take risks, and finally decided to follow Ye Qing's method.

"Now that the negotiation is over, then I'll go and give Lu Da a few stitches!" Ye stood up and said:

"When Lu Da is sent away, I am telling you the story of the Three Kingdoms!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong both stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. still understands us, okay, we will use good things here here at Mr. at noon today, and listen to what kind of demon method Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms has to deal with Cao Cao." "

Ye Qing's side is a three-meal system.

And Cao Cao and others still maintain the original dining habits of the Han Dynasty, two meals a day.

Even now that there is a high-yield artifact, I don't dare to casually advocate three meals a day.

The consumption is too huge, and in the event of a greater war or famine, the people and the government will have no food to deal with.

Therefore, this case is not good to let go here in Cao Cao.

As for Ye Qing here, the high level of secrecy is a special case, and it is unknown, so it is naturally fine.


A burst of needles is over!

Ye Qingdao: "I negotiated with Boss Cao, and the village agreed to my plan, and you have to stay at home for a long time."

Come to me if you have nothing to do, don't wander around the village and cause trouble.!"

"Yes sir!" Lu Bu said:

"I'll do whatever my husband tells me to do?"

After pulling out the silver needle, Ye Qing motioned for Lu Lingqi to take Lu Bu home.

After that, Ye Qing returned to his own courtyard.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong sat on the stone table outside, as if discussing something.

Seeing that Ye Qing was back, Cao Cao and Chen Gong stopped talking.

"Sir is back!"

"Sir, please be seated!"

Ye Qingdao: "What were you talking about just now, talking so far?"


Cao Cao and Chen Gong were stunned.

I didn't understand what Ye Qing meant!

"Why, isn't it just a topic of crossing, what's embarrassing to talk about!" Ye Qing smiled: "Crossing this kind of theme is a topic of rotten streets in the outside world." "

"Many novels that travel through the Three Kingdoms have written all the Three Kingdoms badly. "

"What crossing Cao Cao is loving me a hundred times!"

"What crossed Sun Ce to dominate Jiangdong at the beginning!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"What, my father-in-law is Lu Bu!"

"I'm for Dong Zhuo, slaughter the Kwantung rats! Cao Jiamangfu, kill Lu Bu with three hammers!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong's faces were extremely rich.

What Mr. Ye said is what he said, it's weird.

Ye Qing motioned for the two to sit down and said:

"So, your theme of crossing into Cao Cao's forces belongs to the group wear, Boss Cao plays Cao Cao, and Accountant Chen plays the strategist Chen Gong!"

"Suppose you have Yanzhou and Yuzhou, and now you are ready to attack Xuzhou Taoqian and swallow Xuzhou!"

Ye Qing's hearing naturally didn't need to be said.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong were discussing this matter just now.

As a result, Ye Qing listened to it.

Ye Qing naturally thought that the two of them were fantasizing about the Cao family group crossing collectively, and then managing Cao Wei's forces and conquering the world.

Where would you have thought that the people in front of you are Cao Cao and Chen Gong, after Liu Bei and Lu Bu have been taken care of once, Cao Cao can attack Xuzhou wholeheartedly, and there will be no obstacles.

It was only a few days before the troops were dispatched.

"Uh... Sir, really... That's right, we are a group wear!" Cao Cao was already treacherous, and immediately followed Ye Qing's words:

"Don't hide it, sir, after our Caojia village group crossed, now relying on the prophet of history, he ambushed and attacked Liu Bei in Qingzhou, and Liu Bei fled to Yecheng to join Yuan Shao. "

"At the same time, we defeated Lu Bu, who came to Yanzhou to occupy the city, and captured Lu Bu alive, so we are thinking about how to fight Xuzhou faster, and there will be fewer dead and wounded soldiers and horses!"

Ye Qing showed an expression that was really like this.

Chen Gong also immediately reacted back and said, "'Sir, if you are also a member of the group, will you suggest that our Cao Village attack Tao Qian?'"

Ye Qing said with a smile: "What other suggestions and strategies do you use for this, isn't it enough to capture Xuzhou?"

"Since your Caojia Village has occupied two states, just use hard power to crush the past and bulldoze Tao Qian to exterminate him!"

"However, there is one thing to pay attention to, after Xuzhou is defeated, Chen Deng's father and son in Xuzhou will be taken away, so as not to cause damage and chaos in Xuzhou. "

It's Chen Deng again.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong glanced at each other and silently wrote it down.

Chen Deng's father and son have appeared and participated in the transfer of power in Xuzhou too many times.

constantly wandering between Liu Bei, Lu Bu and Cao Cao.

"Sir, do you think that after defeating Xuzhou, the group of piercing people will own the land of Sanzhou, and the next thing (Nuo Nuohao) is to attack Yangzhou in the south, completely kill Yuan Shu, and strangle Sun Ce in the cradle in advance.

It is still necessary to take Qingzhou in the east, attack Gongsun Zan with Yuan Shao, and carve up Youzhou Qingzhou.

Or would it be better to cooperate with Gongsun Chan and kill Yuan Shao first?" Chen Gong asked tentatively.

This question is very critical, and the strategic focus and direction behind Juancheng are designed.

Ye Qingyan: "Yuan Shu, the dry bones in the grave, beating him is a waste of expression, Sun Ce can't live for a few years, and he can't offend Jiangdong!"

"Although Qingzhou is close, it involves Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan, and its strategic value is not small, and it can seize Beihai and Donglai and other places, so that it will not be controlled by others in the future, and it can form a sailor division of the group penetrators, and the direction of the future will wave the army north to attack Youzhou, go south to Jiangdong, and block the mouth of the Yangtze River. "

"So to deal with Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan, don't help anyone, and don't form an alliance with anyone, otherwise it's not easy to be blackmailed, easy to be scolded, and you will be betrayed in the name of treachery!"

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