Speaking of crossing novels, Ye Qing doesn't know how much he has read

So it's very familiar.

It's even more of a head-on-the-head.

This is very instructive and hypothetical for the so-called group wear of Cao Cao, Chen Gong and others.

"Okay, so much for the time being!" Ye Qing said:

"Crossing this kind of thing is nonsense, just be happy, don't take it seriously!"

"You guys are here mainly to listen to stories!"

When it comes to the story, Cao Cao and Chen Gong instantly came to the spirit.

What was the result of the surrounded Zhao Yun, was he killed by the chaotic army, or did he escape on a single horse?

"Last time, I talked about Zhao Yun being surrounded by Cao Jun in order to save Liu Chan... Cao Hongbu stabbed Yan Ming to death by Zhao Yun's shot, killed the army, and rushed a road. As he walked, another military horse blocked the road in front. As a general in the first place, the banner is clear, and the big book is Zhang Hao!" Ye Qing slowly began to explain:

"Zhao Yun and Zhang Hao fought for more than ten rounds, and suddenly Zhao Yun connected horses and people and turned into the earthen pit. Zhang Hao took a gun to stab, and suddenly a red light rolled up from the pit, and the horse jumped out of the pit.

Zhang Jaw was taken aback, and was stunned in place, without attacking... Zhao Yun was walking on horseback, and suddenly two generals behind him shouted: Zhao Yunxiu go!

There were two more generals in front, making two kinds of weapons, intercepting the 170 way: Ma Yan and Zhang Yan were in the back, and Jiao Touch and Zhang Nan were blocked in front, all of whom were generals under Yuan Shao. Zhao Yun fought the four generals, and the Cao army arrived together. Yun Nai drew his green sword and slashed indiscriminately, his hand was up, his clothes and armor were flat, and the blood was like a spring. Kill the generals and go straight through the encirclement..."

It's so raw!

No wonder it came in second.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong and the others all showed admiration.

Cao Cao saw Zhao Yun brave and fierce, and asked: Whose general is this, so brave!

Cao Hong's pegasus descended the mountain and shouted: "The generals in the army can leave their names!"

Zhao Yun replied, "I am Changshan Zhao Zilongye, Cao Cao saw this great joy, so he ordered that cold arrows were not allowed to shoot Zhao Yun, but he was killed by Zhao Yun rushing out... Until Hebanpo, Wen Ping led the army to arrive. Zhao Yunren was trapped and lacked horses, and finally Zhang Fei was rescued after breaking and was able to escape!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Cao Cao in unison!

Zhao Yun turned out to be too appreciative of Cao Cao because he was too appreciative, and finally retreated safely.

Big brother, you are an enemy again, and you did the thing of letting the tiger return to the mountain.

"After that, Liu Bei took advantage of his son Liu Chan to encircle Zhao Yun and a group of defeated soldiers, a perfect play, won countless loyal allegiances, and condensed the hearts of the lowly people!" Ye Qing sighed and continued:

"After saying that Wen Ping led the army to chase Zhao Yun to the Changsaka Bridge, I saw Zhang Fei upside down and put up a tiger's whisker, round eyes, snake spear in hand, immediately on the bridge, and after seeing the forest east of the bridge, the dust rose, and after suspecting that there was an ambush, he strangled his horse, did not dare to approach, and finally retreated ten miles in fear.

Zhang Fei seized the meeting and demolished the bridge, and Cao Cao's army lost the best opportunity to kill Liu Bei's army. "

Sure enough, Liu Bei escaped again.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh secretly, Liu Bei's life is really big.

Next, Ye Qing began to send Sun Quan to Lu Su to Jingzhou to inquire about the news.

Later, he led Zhuge Liang to Jiangdong, and most of Sun Quan's troops surrendered, fearing Cao Cao's army, and Zhuge Liang's tongue fought against the crowd, stating that anyone could surrender to Cao, but Sun Quan could not.

Except for Sun Quan, everyone else will be reused and promoted, and the Sun family will be eliminated.

In the end, Sun Quan summoned the four generals and Zhou Yu, and decided to join forces with Liu to resist Cao.

And Zhou Yu saw that Zhuge Liang's scheme was superb and intelligent, and he wanted to kill Zhuge Liang after the trouble.

But Sun Quan did not agree.

However, Zhou Yu did not stop plotting to kill Zhuge Liang, so he had a problem to get Zhuge Liang to sign a military warrant, and Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows from the boat and deceived 100,000 arrows from Cao Cao.

Zhou Yu planned to steal books, and finally planned to kill Cai Yao and Zhang Yun, and get rid of the two generals in Cao Cao's army who knew the most about water warfare.

"This Zhuge Liang is really, a demon, he borrowed 100,000 arrows so easily!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This Zhou (AGFF) Yu is also bad, so easily tricked Cao Cao into killing Cai Yao and Zhang Yun!"

Everyone looked at Cao Cao strangely.

How do you feel that the eldest brother met these two little guys, being deceived every day, and being played with every day.

"Sir, are these two too devilish, or is Cao Cao too arrogant after obtaining Jingzhou?" Chen Gong listened to this story and couldn't help but support his forehead.

Supporting Cao Cao and helping him build a great cause is too strong.

Either it's wrong here, or there.

Can't Cao Cao save people snacks?

"Haha, accountant Chen's question, I can only say that there are both. Ye Qingdao:

"Without mentioning Cao Cao, let's continue with the following story... In order to achieve the fire of the Cao army and the destruction of countless warships in Jingzhou, Zhou Yu pulled Huang Gai to perform a bitter meat plan, so that Kan Ze went to Cao Ying to release a letter of deception, and then there was a phoenix pang Tong who pretended to throw Cao Cao and offered an iron chain plan..."

Finish blasphemy!

Chen Gong and Cao Cao instantly understood Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu's treachery.

This is to set fire to the chain of ships, and as soon as Cao Cao connects the warships with iron locks, and one warship ignites the fire, everything will catch fire.

"Sir, Cao Cao is not going to lose, is it?" asked Cao Hong worriedly.

Ye Qing smiled slightly: "Remember when I once said that the battle of Guandu was the pinnacle battle of Cao Cao?"

The hint is already obvious.

Cao Cao won more with less in Guandu, but when he reached the south, it was not necessarily the case.

Do you have to go downhill after the peak?

Later, Cao Cao thought that Jiangdong was within reach and that there was no problem in taking Yangzhou, so he feasted everyone at night and borrowed wine to write poems: Wine as songs, life geometry: such as Chaolu, go to the day and suffer a lot. It is unforgettable; how can we relieve our worries, only Du Kang..." Ye Qing suddenly stopped talking and asked rhetorically:

"Zhou Yu wants to burn Cao Jun, and he still owes something to succeed, which of you found this thing?"

Cao Hong, Xu Chu, Dian Wei and others scratched the back of their heads.

Chen Gong thought of something, and finally shook his head again.

Li Jin said: "If you want the fire to be strong, you can't lack the wind." "

"Fire can use the wind and the wind to help the fire power, so that the bank of the Shili River can be burned, and even burned to the shore!"

"This wind is directional, it is too difficult to capture, Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu's plan to burn may not be possible!" Cao Cao did not believe it, he would be carried in the hands of the two juniors this time.

Their own army of hundreds of thousands, the strength of the world, was cut off by them in this way.

Although Cao Cao knew that there would eventually be three kingdoms and three legs, he still did not want to see the result caused by this war.

Người mua: sabmado

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