"Is there a possibility that the wind can also be borrowed?" asked Ye Qing leisurely.

Borrow the wind!

Zhuge Liang?

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhuge Liangcaoboat borrowed arrows.

Now it's time to borrow the wind!

"Sir, the wind is no better than an arrow. Chen Gong said with a face ~ doubtful:

"The wind is ordained, how can mortals borrow it-!"

Ye Qing smiled slightly: "What if someone can communicate with ghosts and gods, use life as collateral, and forcibly borrow the wind-?"

Use your life to borrow the wind and communicate with ghosts and gods.

Zhuge Liang will still be this person.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong, and Cao Hong stared at Ye Qing's fairy-like face, and realized something.

"Sir, can Zhuge Liang really borrow the wind?" Li Jin was a little suspicious.

Ye Qing said: "Although it is a bit grotesque to borrow the wind, but Zhuge Liang is familiar with astronomy and geography, and it is not difficult to spy on the weather!"

"So he expects the wind to change direction in a few days..."

The wind will change!

Cao Cao's body couldn't help but tighten.

It's the end of it.

Chen Gong's eyelids jumped, and his face darkened.

It is proper to set fire to the serial ship.

"That night, Huang Gai drove a wooden boat in front and slowly marched towards Cao Cao's navy camp... But he said that Cao Cao was in the great village, discussing with the generals, only waiting for news from Huang Gai. The southeast wind was very tight that day. Cheng Yu said alertly: Today's southeast wind is rising, so we should be wary of it.

Cao Cao laughed indifferently: "The winter solstice is a yang life, when it comes and goes, there is no southeast wind?

Suddenly a sergeant suddenly reported: a small boat from Jiangdong arrived, saying that there was a yellow cover secret book... Huang Gai made a move with a knife, and the front ship was angry. The fire takes advantage of the wind, the wind fuels the fire, the ship is like an arrow, and the smoke rises into the sky. Twenty fire boats crashed into the water village, and the ships in the Cao Village were locked by iron rings, and there was nowhere to escape. The cannons sounded across the river, and the four fire boats arrived, but seeing that on the surface of the three rivers, the fire was flying in the wind, and it was red, and the sky was all over the place..."

It's all over!

Cao Cao's face turned pale, and he actually sweated a little.

Others also looked nervous.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Cao Cao still won the plan.

The burning serial ship was made by Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu.

Such a big advantage was actually burned by a fire.

"Hey, great advantage, this fire will burn the world into a great trend..."

Everyone showed regret.

"Xingsheng, then this fire can burn Cao Cao to death?" Chen Gong asked, and Cao Cao's eyes immediately lit up.

Could it be that if I died in this fire attack, Cao Pi's kid inherited my family base?

"Burn it to death, and continue to listen!" Ye Qing aroused everyone's appetite, and then continued to talk about the battle of Chibi!

The drums shook loudly, and Cao Cao and Zhang Liao led more than a hundred horses to walk in the fire forest, looking at everything in front of them. In the middle of walking, Mao Jie rescued Wen Ping and led ten to ride. Commanding the army to find the way. Zhang Liao pointed out: Only the ground of Ulin is empty.

Cao Cao ran to Ulin. As he was leaving, an army behind him arrived, and Lu Meng shouted: Cao Thief leave!

After Zhang Liao broke off, he resisted the enemy Lü Meng, but saw that the torches in front of him were raised again, and an army was drawn from the valley: Ling Tong is here, and Cao Thief is killed!

Less than ten miles after escaping, shouts rang out, and a big-shaped general shouted: "I am the Eastern Wu Gan Xingba Ye!"

It was the west of Ulin, the north of Yidu, Cao Cao escaped from death and laughed, and then another general came out: I, Zhao Zilong, have been waiting here for a long time on the orders of the army and division!

Cao Cao walked to the South Yi Tomb, walked to the mouth of the gourd and laughed again, at this time another general killed: The thief goes there, Zhang Fei comes to take your dog's life!

Huarong Road path, Cao Cao was on the horse whipping and laughing between Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu's lack of strategy, but he saw a green dragon knife, straddled the red rabbit horse, and blocked the way. When the army saw it, the souls of the dead were terrified, and they looked at each other..." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention Cao Jun in the story, everyone who listened to the story also looked at each other.

All the paths that Cao Cao could take were blocked by Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu.

Cao Cao was slapped in the face again and again.

It really hurts.

Cao Cao's face was completely livid at this time, and he was extremely depressed.

"Sir, Cao Cao is really going to die at Guan Yu's hand!" Cao Cao lamented, he was good to Guan Yu in history.

Ye Qing shook his head slightly: "No, Guan Yu did not kill Cao Cao, returned his kindness, and let Cao Cao leave." "

"Guan Yu is still trustworthy, and he knows that he is much better than Liu Bei!" Cao Cao finally turned into a smile on his face when he heard this.

The others also nodded slightly, feeling good for Guan Yu.

"Hehe, you think it's really Guan Yu who wants to release Cao Cao?" Ye Qing sneered:

"Try to think about it, with Zhuge Liang's IQ will make such a big loophole?"


And the secret?

Hey, it's far from that simple.

"It's not that you don't want to kill, you don't dare to kill!" Chen Gong instantly figured out the joints and sneered:

"After the Sun-Liu alliance did not threaten the Cao army to go south, it would inevitably collapse and become enemies of each other. "

"Before things happened, Zhou Yu wanted to kill Zhuge Liang to get rid of future troubles. "

"After the defeat of the Cao army, Zhou Yu will inevitably plot Jingzhou, and Liu Bei will inevitably entrench Jingzhou as a place of operation if he has no territory, so the contradiction with Sun Quan will be highlighted, and there will inevitably be a battle between the two. "

Only then did everyone suddenly come to a realization.

Cao Cao sneered: "The most important thing is that whoever kills Cao Cao will be hated by Cao Wei, and this feud will be killed, and then Cao Wei will inevitably take crazy revenge and never stop until he kills Liu Bei or Sun Quan." "

The doorway is so deep.

Too brain-burning?

Xu Chu and Dian Wei couldn't figure out the curves.

"Boss Cao and Accountant Chen are understanding people!" Ye Qing praised:

"It was precisely because of some concerns, in order to contain the place in peace, and in order to transfer Cao Wei's contradictions to the other party, so Jiang Dong first let Cao Cao leave, hoping to kill Cao Cao by Liu Bei's hand, but Zhuge Liang was not stupid, and borrowed Guan Yu to return the favor and let Cao Cao go. "

"Cao Cao escaped from Huarong Road, just in time to meet Cao Ren's army to come to the rescue, and then gave an instruction, only then led the generals back to Xudu... Before Guan Yu set off, he had issued a military order, and now that he let Cao Cao go, it was a violation of the military order, and Zhuge Liang saw that he directly ordered people to push Guan Yu out and behead!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qing was not speaking.

Feel your own water cup and moisten your throat through the large intestine.

Chen Gong, Cao Cao and the others were too familiar with Ye Qing's routine.

It was instantly understood that Ye Qing wanted Kavin to be here, leaving it for the next time.

Li Jin listened fascinated, and was wondering if Zhuge Liang would kill Guan Yu, but suddenly he lost the following, and his heart itched, so he asked: "Sir, did Zhuge Liang kill Guan Yuzhi?"

Người mua: sabmado

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