"Zhuge Liang didn't kill Guan Yu. Ye Qing dragged out his words for a long time:

"Only next time I know!"

Eh, next time?

Li Jin was stunned, but seeing that Cao Cao and the others did not have any opinions, he did not dare to say more.

Ye Qing's mystery was something he didn't know at all, and Ye Qing's depth was even more impossible for him to explore.

Ye Qing's strength is also incomparable to him.

I didn't see that Cao Cao had to be respectful when he saw Ye Du.

Xu Chu, Cao Hong, these martial generals also converged their temper and temperament.

Sitting down honestly shows Ye Qing's skills and authority.

"It's time for lunch!" Cao Cao stood up and said:

"Bo Cheng, today you are blessed, sir, the food here is the best, all kinds of food that you can't imagine, all kinds of food, all kinds of things!"

Li Jin has proven the value of "740", and for now, Cao Cao feels that Li Jin is more important than Lü Bu.

"Then I can be regarded as having oral administration, and following Boss Cao is to eat and drink!"

Ye Qing's lunch here was naturally rich, and Li Jin was very addicted to eating.

"Master, if you have a chance in the future, please bring me here more often." Li Jin solemnly asked.

Ye Qing not only has delicious food here, but also wonderful stories, and you can know what will happen in the future.

This made Li Jin addicted and a little addicted.

"Bo Cheng, I will bring you here today, I have this plan!



For Tancheng, it has always been an ordeal.

Cao Cao did not provoke, so that the whole of Xuzhou was full of troops, and as a result, Cao Cao never marched.

Did Zhencheng send troops?"

Tao Qian and the others waited for Cao Cao to attack and were constipated.

As a result, Cao Cao sent troops to Qingzhou to rescue Kong Rong, which Tao Qian really did not expect.

Didn't Cao Cao covet me Xuzhou for a long time?

As a result, he ran halfway to help people put out the fire.

Cao Cao, this traitorous male, has this kindness?

"Back to the Lord, Cao Cao... Only let Cao Ren and other generals lead tens of thousands of troops on the border of Rencheng Lu State, and never violated our Xuzhou. The person who went to find out the information hesitated, thinking about what kind of wording to say, and pondered for a while before saying:

"Lü Bu went south from Jizhou and suddenly entered Yanzhou, and Cao Cao seemed to have learned about it in advance, so he set up an ambush on ten sides and forced Lü Bu to surrender, and all the wolf horses of Hezhou also surrendered to Cao Cao!"

"What?" Tao Qian was stunned for a long time, and then fell backwards.

"How is this possible?"

Cao Cao stopped attacking Xuzhou because Lü Bu had invaded the territory, which was supposed to be celebrated.

But the worst thing was that Lü Bu was forced to surrender without causing chaos and destruction to Yanzhou.

This was equivalent to invisibly enhancing Cao Cao's strength.

The world's first fierce general returned to Cao, then Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, isn't it simpler.

Xuzhou is even more difficult to defend.

"Cao Cao's treachery is combined with Lü Bu's bravery, and no one in the world can stop him!" Tao Qian felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and his expression was also ugly.

After a while, he ordered someone to call the elk Zhu.

"Master, you call me!" asked Elk Zhu as he came in.

Tao Qian said, "Zi Zhong sit first!"

"One thing is trickier?"

Elk Zhu said, "The lord is saying that Cao Cao invaded my Xuzhou, and Lü Bu surrendered to Cao?"

"It turns out that Zi Zhong already knows. An imperceptible light flashed in Tao Qian's upper middle.

Only then did he know that Elk Zhu had already learned.

"Lord, my elk family has business dealings in Yanzhou, and the news of Lü Bu's siege and surrender has already spread in Yanzhou, and Cao Cao has not blocked the news at all!"

This matter Cao Cao deliberately made people ferment, deliberately not blocked, just to make Xuzhou even more frightened after knowing it.

Tao Qian understood Cao Cao's intentions and asked, "Zizhong, you tell the truth, what should I do in Xuzhou?"

Chen Deng's father and son were unwilling to come up with ideas, and other Xuzhou families were not supporting Cao Cao, and other famous men and gentlemen made this matter clear one by one, not wanting to be contaminated with cause and effect, and were misunderstood by Cao Jun.

So now Tao Qian has become a loner, and there is no one to advise him.

Tao Qian had to pin all his hopes on Elk Zhu. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

When Moose Zhu heard this, he fell silent.

This is a difficult question to answer.

In the end, under Tao Qian's last hopeful gaze, Elk Zhu replied: "Lord, in my opinion, Xuzhou is difficult to defend, and if you are an enemy of Cao Cao, Kong has a chance to be destroyed!"

"Our people in Xuzhou are scattered, and there is no foreign aid... If the Lord is willing, I think I can send an envoy to Zhencheng to negotiate with Cao Cao to solve the matter of Xuzhou0..."

"If you can let out a few counties and ask Cao Cao to swing his troops, there may be a chance to turn over in the future!"

In the end, Elk Zhu is a family of businessmen, and his eyes are also investment.

Tao Qian: This is obviously an old sunset stock, and it will only get worse if it is preserved.

The Elk family also needs to regain a new backer.

It is necessary to consider the emergence of the elk family in Xuzhou.

A smashed Xuzhou will only make the Moose family's industry suffer a heavy blow, or even disappear from there.

"Cut the land..." Tao Qian was a little reluctant at first, but after thinking carefully, he said:

"Zizhong, I am willing to make compromises and concessions for the sake of Xuzhou's stability, and I will bother you to send someone to Zhencheng to dredge up this matter. "

The Elk family is a merchant family and has connections in Yanzhou, so Tao Qian simply let Elk Zhu handle this matter.

Elk Zhu was a little embarrassed, but in the end he had to agree.

Because he knows too well how ruthless this little old man is Tao Qian.

If he didn't go, maybe the Elk family would be played to death before Tao Qian died.

So Elk Zhu retreated, returned home, called his younger brother Elk Fang, and asked him to rush to Zhencheng at night.

"Second brother, this time to go to Zhencheng, firstly, to do things for Duke Tao, if you can succeed, you can succeed, and if you can't succeed, you can't force it, and you can't offend Cao Cao. "

"Second, take a good look at the situation in Zhencheng and feel the bottom of Cao Gong, maybe in the future, we will have to rely on it to change the fate of the family." "

Elk Fang 1.0 replied: "It's big brother, I understand, this mission, I will definitely complete the second thing and find the best way to continue for my Elk family." "

Tao Qian's dying person is not worth paying for the Moose family at all.



After driving away Lü Bu, Yuan Shao and the others have been waiting for good news.

See how much trouble Lü Bu can bring to Cao Cao and how big a wave he can make.

Of course, Yuan Shao and Xu Chu have great confidence in this plan this time, and they have high expectations.

"Report! Lord, Hanoi Probe Horse Report, Lü Bu led the army across the Yellow River and killed Chen Liu!"

"Report, lord, Chen Liutai Tanma reported, Lü Bu did not encounter obstacles in Chen Liu, plundered all the way, and has already gone east past Pushui and Kuangting, attacking Zhencheng!"

Người mua: sabmado

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