"This is natural, if Cao Cao wants to stand firm in Xuzhou, he has to rely on our Cao family, otherwise how he will lose what he gets!" Cao Bao nodded slightly, agreeing with Cao Hong's suggestion and Zhang.

The two discussed some more details.

Then each of them went about his own business.

Chen's Mansion!

Chen Deng and Chen Gui, father and son, sat opposite each other.

"Yuanlong, Cao Cao's plan to attack the heart is very vicious, and the city is already in chaos!" Chen Gui said:

"You are the dragon of my Chen family, what do you think our Chen family should do?"

Chen Deng said: "Father, it seems that Cao Cao has become a general trend. Xuzhou must be obtained for it, and the difference is only chronological. "

"I guess Cao Hong and Cao Bao have already given birth to the heart of surrendering to Cao, but they should resist for a few days and surrender in Kaesong~!"

"If my Chen family wants to take the lead and welcome Cao to make meritorious contributions, I need to be one step ahead of the Cao family, and it is best to act tonight and tomorrow. "

"And only our Chen family is a family, it will inevitably offend others, it is better to contact everyone to welcome Cao Cao together, so that not only can Cao Cao be reused, but also become the leader of Xuzhou - sheep. "

Chen Gui smiled gloomily when he heard this: "Yuanlong means that he wants to get rid of the Cao family!"

Cao Cao has Xuzhou, Cao Bao has no talent, he must not be reused, sooner or later he will be resentful and rebellious, it is better to solve it at once, I believe Cao Cao knows it in his heart, and he will thank our Chen family. Chen Deng explained.

This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone, not only to get rid of the Chen family's biggest competitor, but also to gain Cao Cao's favor.

Cao Cao's meritocracy, Cao Bao Cao Hong has no talent, and he will not be reused.

Either be willing to be mediocre and the family will decline, or you will be dissatisfied and take risks, and the family will be destroyed!

Chen Gui said: "If you are late, there will be changes, act early." "

"The first step is to contact Cao Cao outside the city, and the second is to contact other families in the city!" Chen Deng said:

"My father will do the things inside the city, and I will do the things outside the city. "

"Okay!" Chen Gui was also dry.


Night, outside the city!

The man crouching under the city wall suddenly looked up, only to see a black shadow flash in the air.

Then there was the sound of arrows falling to the ground.

The crouching man immediately ran over, searched around, and found an arrow.

Then he picked it up, and immediately the cat's waist disappeared in place.

Soon, there were people squatting in and out of the Cao army's camp, and then handed over the letter arrows they had picked up.

The Great Tent of the Main Army.

"Lord, in the city of Xuzhou, there are constantly people shooting out letters, expressing their willingness to reinforce our army, as soon as our army attacks the city, I will attack from the city to help our army seize the city gate!"

Cao Cao asked, "What are the families?"

Xi Zhicai then read out some of the lists.

Cao Cao said: "Also, waiting!"

It's three quarters!

Someone presented the letter arrow again, and Xi Zhi took a look, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Lord, you have to wait for it!"

So it was handed over to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao took it and took a look, and said with a smile: "What a Chen Yuanlong, it's really cunning." "

"It's a good Chen family, and the plan is very deep, but... At least now it is in the best interest of our army!"

Cao Cao said: "Reply to the Chen family, and say yes!"

Xi Zhicai then put ink on the paper, wrote a reply, and then ordered someone to send it.

Cao Jun's camp, planning and handling, the torches were bright overnight, after dawn.

Liu Ye came to see Cao Cao with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

"Lord, a hundred thunderbolts have been made, please check it out!"

Cao Cao said: "Ziyang has worked hard, I don't have to worry about you doing things, and I ordered someone to push the thunderbolt cannon to the bottom of Tancheng." "

"Order the whole army, after using food, attack the city and take Tancheng!"

As soon as the military order came down, the whole army screamed from top to bottom.

It has been a long time since this day was taken, and it was a great achievement to take Tancheng, and the battle of Xuzhou would basically be over, and you could return to your hometown as soon as possible to reunite with your family.

The smoke is curling, and the rice is cooked and fragrant.

Soon Cao Jun finished eating, and the morale of the whole army was high.

The army advanced step by step towards Tancheng City according to the phalanx.

The four gates of Tancheng were surrounded by water.

All kinds of siege armaments were also pushed to the front, and they only waited for an order to break through Tancheng. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the west gate tower.

Cao Bao's face was dripping like water.

Looking at the posture of the Cao army under the city that was about to start attacking the city, I couldn't help but feel a little worried in my heart.

Can I keep it today?

Cao Bao was deeply skeptical.

Taking a deep breath, Cao Bao knew that he had no way out, and he could only surrender if he held it for at least a day, so that the Cao family could go further, otherwise he would have no future at all in the future.

"Knock knock..."

The drums of war outside the city were raised.

The Cao army began to wave its flags continuously, and the soldiers and horses of each unit advanced according to the established plan.


"Spread the order of the general of the east of the town, and the thunderbolt is aimed at the city gate!"

"Shoot the stone projectile!"

The Xuzhou generals in the city saw that the Cao army under the city launched a new siege machine, and then brought a lot of things like stones.

I couldn't help but be puzzled.

"What did Cao Jun push out?"

"Who knows, I didn't go forward, I was short, and I shouldn't be strong when I looked at it!"

"They're putting a stone behind that thing, can't they be trying to shoot that stone into our city!"

"How is this possible, that stone is so big. If you can throw it up, you have a ghost!"

Just when the defenders of Tancheng were not optimistic about the thunderbolt cars under the city, they only heard a few buzzing.

Then countless stone bullets whistled through the air.

Under the wide-eyed and terrified eyes of the defenders of the city, stone projectiles smashed into the city below and on the city walls, as well as at the head of the city and the inner city.


Countless stone bullets smashed down, and suddenly the sand and stones flew and the broken wood flew sideways.

"Puff puff..."


"Mom, I'm going home!"

"Run, or you're going to die!"

The boulder crashed down, and the power was amazing, like thunder rolling in the sky.

The things that could be destroyed in the city were destroyed one after another, and the soldiers defending the city were smashed into human flesh and blood one by one.

There was panic and fear at the head of the city, and countless soldiers defending the city fled to the bottom of the city.

"Good, good, Thunderbolt really lives up to its name!"

Cao Cao took the newly developed telescope in Juancheng to have an unobstructed view of the situation at the head of the city, and constantly applauded.

Others also have their own telescopes.

While they were all fascinated, their faces were also cold.

The power of the stone bullet was so strong that it was like thunder and lightning, and the city walls were crumbling.

The Xuzhou defenders above and below the city were so frightened that they fled to the city, Cao Bao was harmful and afraid in the city gate tower, and kept scolding the defenders for coming.

"Give the order to the thunderbolt car, and let me knock down the city gatehouse, who can smash Cao Bao to death, and reward him heavily!"

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