"By the way, I am giving Ziyang a big credit!"

Cao Cao added.

Everyone looked at Liu Ye, all envious, and then congratulated.

"Thank you, Lord. Liu Ye said:

"Lord, it should be possible for people to storm the city gate and take the opportunity to attack the city!

I will go to the front, order the thunderbolt chariot to move forward, extend the strike, and create a better opportunity for our army to attack the city as a pawn!"

Cao Cao said, "Go!"

Then Cao Cao said: "Pass the order to the other three city gate guards, storm Tancheng, there will be people in the city to cooperate with them to open the city gates, after entering the city, remember not to burn and loot, the future of Tancheng is our city, the people are our people, whoever messes around, there is no amnesty for killing!"

Soon Liu Ye reached the front, and then ordered a part of the thunderbolt to move forward, extending the projection range to the inner city.

The city has long been in chaos, and the "eight and nine zeros" are each running for their lives, and there are not many people who can stay and die.

And most of them lean against the female wall to avoid stone strikes.

"The former army listened to the order, charged, seized the city head, and landed the city!"

"Hit Mulux, give it to me, blast down the city gates, break the city and enter..."

The former army who heard the order shouted and killed one after another, and then bravely rushed forward, quickly rushed to the bottom of the city, and immediately set up the ladder.

Those who rushed to the hole of the city gate shouted one, two, three, and then slammed the ramming wood in the middle of the city gate.

"It's not good, the Cao army has attacked the city, release the arrows!"

"Get up, hurry up, fight, pour oil on me!"

"Qimu, smash the Yanzhou people under the city for me..."

In the city, Cao Bao wielded his sword and made the best struggle, although he was afraid in his heart, and all thoughts were ashen, but for the interests of the family, he still had to hold on, even if he survived the first round of attack, he could fight for more interests for the family in throwing Cao Cao.

"Boom boom..."

Suddenly, several stone bullets flew towards the city gate tower.

Most of the rubble of the city gate tower was instantly smashed in half.

Half of the city gate tower collapsed, and Cao Leopard was also submerged in it, and his life and death were unknown.

"It's not good, General Cao was smashed to death!"

Suddenly someone shouted and shouted at the head of the city.

All the soldiers looked towards the city gate tower, and sure enough, there was no Cao Bao's figure.

"Withdraw, can't fight, run for your life!"

"The boss is dead, can't stop it, withdraw!"

Seeing this, the children of all the families in the city took the opportunity to take the lead in fleeing, and the Xuzhou soldiers who wanted to resist Cao Cao's army climbing the ladder saw it, they were also stunned, and then fled to the city one after another.

The army was defeated, and the city was lost.

Soon Cao generals rushed to the city, and the Xuzhou soldiers who could not escape threw away their weapons and surrendered.

"Quick, go down to the city cave, open the city gate, and lead our army into the city!"


The Xuzhou battle flag on the city was dropped and the big banner of Yanzhou was planted.

Under the cave of the city gate, the generals of the Cao Cao army opened from the inside, and the Cao army outside the city poured in.


The generals of the Cao army who rushed in rushed into the city and killed the main roads and warehouses in the city.

The West City Gate was lost faster than the other three gates, and Chen Deng and the others who were insiders were extremely surprised.

"Yuanlong, thanks to you for predicting things first, we wrote a letter to Cao Gong last night, otherwise it would not be only Cao Leopard and Cao Hong's family who lost their heads today. "

Cao Cao's army opened the western city gate with its own strength, which made the other families in the city secretly celebrate what they did yesterday.

Chen Deng had a bitter word, and this matter was really not within his expectation.

The West City Gate broke first, which undoubtedly seemed that his Chen Deng and the Xuzhou families were a bit redundant.

The value is greatly reduced.

It's just that Chen Deng can't say, let alone explain clearly.

I had to pinch my nose and laugh along.

Soon Cao Jun killed the prefecture pastoral mansion. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

When Tao Qian heard that the city gate was lost, he was directly frightened and hanged himself.

Because only he committed suicide, he may be able to let Cao Cao spare his two sons and his family.

Otherwise, Cao Cao would inevitably be angry with the public.

But he thought too well.

Before Cao Cao entered, the people who first attacked the prefecture pastoral mansion took the opportunity to avenge Cao Song and slaughtered all of Tao Qian's family, leaving no tail for Cao Cao.

It does not leave hidden dangers for Cao Cao.

Although Tao Qian's two sons are incompetent, they bear the name of Xuzhou Mu's son, and they are easy to be used by people with intentions.

One hundred deaths, the most trouble-saving solution.

"You, how can this be!" after Cao Cao arrived, he scolded the generals who acted:

"Although Tao Gonggong has a feud with my father, I don't have to harm him, as long as he is willing to personally apologize to my father, this matter can be good!"

"You guys... All should be punished, starting today, you will not receive a year's worth of money!"

"It's the lord, I'll wait for the punishment!" Cao Hong, Cao Ren and the others replied honestly0...

Lilu is only useful for small soldiers, and military generals like them do not rely on this little reward.

Cao Cao has punished them now, and in private he will double the compensation.

"Come, pass on our military orders, stop searching for and arresting the defeated generals in the city, allow anyone to leave the city, and do not allow martial law to seal the city!"

"We are here to save hardships and help Xuzhou achieve common prosperity, not to rob, kill and set fire!"

"It's the Lord!"

The lips of the crowd deserve it, but their hearts do not agree.

Common prosperity, only Cao Cao, who is so thick-skinned that he has no home, dares to say it.

"Pass on this order to me again, invite the major families of Tancheng to enter the palace, and I want to work with all the talents of Xuzhou to achieve stability in Xuzhou and negotiate for the common prosperity of Xuzhou." "

Soon, Chen Deng and the others received Cao Cao's summons.

"Cao Cao's movements are really fast, as soon as he took the city, he began to exercise sovereignty!" Chen Gui's eyes darkened:

"Cao Cao is not easy to fiddle with. "

Chen Dengdao: "It is estimated that we want us to immediately fulfill our promise, stabilize Xuzhou 4.5, and not allow chaos." "

"It is also possible that you want to kill the chicken and wait!"

"They even want to drag us into the water and let our Xuzhou family fight and kill!"

"..."Chen Gui.

What is going on in his mind, this son?

Soon, Chen Deng and others came to the prefecture pastoral mansion.

"Chen Deng (Chen Gui) meets Cao Gong!" Chen Deng's father and son deliberately came for a moment, when the other family masters were already present.

"Yuanlong and Han Yu are coming, sit down quickly!" Cao Cao said with a smile: "This time to be able to capture Tancheng, the Chen family contributed the most, Yuanlong's advice was the best, it reduced a lot of losses for our army, and also accelerated the siege of the city, when there should be a big reward!"


Chen Deng's brows frowned slightly, kill!

As soon as he came in, he put the Chen family on the fire and roasted it!

What exactly does Cao Cao want to do?.

Người mua: sabmado

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