This time Cao Cao summoned Xu Yu alone and did not receive him in the hall.

There were no other advisers nearby.

When Xu Yu came over, it was quiet along the way.

It was not until outside the courtyard of the study that I saw a strange set of furniture in the courtyard.

A four-legged square table with high chairs on the north and south sides.

On the square table, there was a set of wine utensils, and Cao Cao sat on one of the chairs and slowly poured wine.

"Ziyuan is here, sit!" Cao Cao didn't look up when he heard Xu Yu's arrival.

Xu Yu was extremely surprised, but he did not expect Cao Cao to treat him with such a heavy courtesy.

Compared to the last time, it is a world of difference.

Suddenly, most of the resentment of the month dissipated.

"Meng De is good Yaxing!" Xu Yu also came over generously, walked to the chair and did not sit down like Cao Cao.

Cao Cao looked up and smiled: "Ziyuan, this is my new furniture in Zhencheng, tables and chairs, table food, extremely convenient, there are chairs to sit, legs are not numb or crispy, and blood can be lived, in the future, it will be popular all over the Han Dynasty." "

Xu Yu half-squinted his eyes and said, "Meng De is very confident!"

"Good things must replace bad things, the times are development and progress553, and things that are beneficial to the country and the people under the world will inevitably be loved and recognized by the world!" said Cao Cao with great confidence:

"Does Ziyuan feel that old and bad things can always occupy positions that they shouldn't occupy and gain positions they shouldn't have?"

"Meng De is still so able to speak well, no wonder he can capture the land of the three states and achieve a hegemony!"

"But Meng De's words I don't agree, old things, have to be useful, naturally should not be replaced, houses are repaired, only renovated rubble, I have never heard of people who want to change beams!"

After speaking, Xu Yu also sat down confidently and felt the sense of security coming from his butt.

Only then did he continue: "If even the beams are replaced, will this house still be the original house?"

"Could it be that Meng De wants to overthrow Liang Zhu and destroy the foundation!"

Cao Cao smiled and said nothing, and pushed the glass wine glass towards Xu Yu.

Only then did Xu Yu notice that the cup holding the wine turned out to be a glazed and strong vessel.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he was shocked.

"Meng De, this is..."

A trace of greed flashed in Xu Yu's eyes.

Cao Cao was so rich that he used such a valuable thing for drinking.

Especially treat yourself, this specification, this treatment.

Xu Yu instantly got a little on top.

"It turns out that my status in Cao Cao's heart is so high!"

Xu Yu was inexplicably moved.

Is this still the Cao Ah Qiao he knows?

"Ziyuan, Hugh wants to say something else, come, today the two of us rarely have leisure, not drunk and not returning!" Cao Cao picked up the glass wine glass very casually and invited Xu Yu to drink.

Xu Yu was also on top when he heard this, and carefully held up the glass wine glass, for fear of bumping it.

The value of this thing is very high, I am afraid that all his family wealth will not be able to reach this wine glass.

Therefore, Xu Yu was extra careful and did not dare to be careless.

Cao Cao took Xu Yu's attitude into his eyes, and laughed coldly in his heart.

Xu Yu Na Xu Yu, hehe, if you know that this thing is called glass, it will definitely not show such ugliness.

"Meng De met warmly, did not dare to shirk, respect Meng De!"

After speaking, Xu Yu carefully brought the wine glass to his mouth, and then took a sip.

It's a great taste.

Drinking with glass, I am afraid that only princes and kings have this treatment! (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Yu took another sip greedily.

The same wine, drunk by the glass, tastes another experience.

"Meng De, this wine is good!"

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Ziyuan, there are better ones!"

"Ice in the wine, it's refreshing!"

So Cao Cao opened a thermal box on the table, cold air came out of it, and then used bamboo chopsticks to clamp an ice cube and put it into Xu Yu's glass wine glass.

I saw the fusion of that (AGFG) ice and wine, and in the transparent glass, a different kind of wind shadow appeared.

Cao Cao took another ice cube for himself and put it in his wine glass.

When the ice dissolved, there was already a cooling sensation on the outer wall of the glass.

Only then did Cao Cao raise his glass again: "Ziyuan, come and drink ice wine, it is more comfortable!"

Xu Yu immediately held the wine glass, a trace of coolness came from the glass, sent to the mouth, the cold wine into the throat, the experience of cold and fire, the taste is endless.

"Comfortable, this wine is delicious enough, and the artistic conception is long!"

"It is really no regret to be treated like this by Meng De in this life!"

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes half-narrowed: "This is where to go, it's just a dish."

I also have stronger medicinal wine, tonic sake, and light and delicious sake here, which I promise to let Ziyuan drink for a year and a half. "

Xu Yu's face was already red, and his eyes were already a little twitched by the ice wine.

Cao Cao's wine here is really strong.

This is just a cup down, I can't stand it.

"Meng De, wait for the drink, I came to Zhencheng, I have a big matter to discuss with you!" Xu Yu shook his head, forcing himself to calm down.

Cao Cao said, "What's more important to drink!"

"Come far away, one cup is not enough, we have another drink, today is not drunk and will not return!"

Cao Cao drank while leaking wine into his sleeve.

After a cup, it is very good to be able to really drink one-tenth of it.

Xu Yu was difficult to persuade, so he had to drink another cup, his eyes were suddenly confused, and the whole person was not awake.

"No, no, I really can't drink it, you are on top of this wine!" Xu Yu tried to stand up, but Cao Cao grabbed Xu Yu's hand with both hands, preventing him from getting up.

"Didn't Ziyuan just say that there is something important to talk about, let's talk about it, what are you going to talk about?"

Xu Yu said smoothly when he heard this: "Let me explore your next strategic direction, whether it is to Yangzhou or the west, or to plot Qingzhou." "

Cao Cao said: "Of course, it is the west, Your Majesty is in trouble, the local fertile land of Guanzhong is rich, and the people are rich in property, but we are harmed by the thieves and bandits of Western Liang, Your Majesty is still in the abyss, how can we, who are courtiers, sit idly by and let Your Majesty be bullied by thieves!"

"I want to invite Benchu to go west together, and then go to the alliance of princes, and Honchu is still the alliance master!"

Xu Yu was extremely happy when he heard this, and his hands danced unnaturally: "Meng De has a heart, as long as Meng De does not seek Qingzhou, the army originally placed on the border of Dongxian will not go south to attack Zhencheng!"

It turned out that Yuan Shao wanted to threaten me with force, and he was already in the north of Dongjun.

Yuan Shao Na Yuan Shao, while you deal with Gongsun Zhan, you still have the spare power to subdue me?

Cao Cao sneered in his heart.

However, he said, "What did I want you to talk about?"

Người mua: sabmado

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