"Ben originally asked me to come over, I want to take a batch of high-yield grain from Zhencheng and introduce it to Jizhou for planting!" Xu Yu burped, and the hand holding the glass in his hand was slightly strengthened:

"I said at the beginning, high-yield grain must be obtained, otherwise I won't have to go back to Yecheng!"

When Cao Cao heard this, his eyes shot gold.

"Ziyuan will not return to Yecheng, there is wine to drink and eat in Zhencheng, I, Cao Mengde, am willing to reuse Ziyuan, and Ziyuan will stay to plan for our army!" said Cao Cao inductively.

When Xu Yu heard this, he immediately opened his eyes that were almost drunk, rolled his eyes and snorted coldly: "Don't go back to Yecheng, what kind of joke!"

"The original is the king who will rule the world in the future, the prince of the world, who in the world can reach!"

"Jizhou has many generals, and the strategists are like clouds, which is enough to crush the world. "

"As for Zhencheng, it is only a temporary gain of power, and Cao Cao is only relying on high-yield divine objects, so that there is no shortage of food and food under his rule for the time being, and the military strength can be stable, and if Jizhou also has the same high-yield agricultural materials, Cao Cao's advantage will be weakened." "

"The most important thing is ... Hehe, Meng De, your family lineage is not good, you are an official eunuch, if you get this world, how will the famous men in the world deal with it, and how should the world be dealt with!"


Cao Cao wants to curse!

Xu Yu's words deeply stung the most vulnerable point in Cao Cao's heart.

This is a time of family life.

His own family lineage has brought him a lot of inconvenience.

In the process of hegemony, he was repeatedly despised and even despised by these famous men and these families.

ability, vulnerable in the face of family lineage.

This is also the main reason why Cao Cao is determined to be talented.

If this barrier is not broken, how can the Cao family become a place where everyone in the world supports and gathers.

Cao Cao is giving the people of the world a chance, and at the same time giving the Cao family a chance.

The so-called no conditions, then create conditions!

"Does Zi Yuan really think that family lineage is so important?" asked Cao Cao coldly:

If the world can be unified by relying on family lineage, then how can the royal family fall apart, and why has the Son of Heaven become a plaything in the hands of thieves and bandits?"

Xu Yu drank high at this time, it was really a mantra after drinking.

I saw him stand up and said leisurely: "Of course, if the family lineage is not important, why did he get Jizhou in the first place, why did the highway get Nanyang, why did Liu Biao get Jingzhou, why did Liu Yu get Youzhou, and how could Dong Zhuo be attacked by the people of the world, and finally die at the hands of Wang Yunlübu?"

"Although you Cao Mengde has talent, you... It's really not worth my follow, if one day I offer you advice and use it, it is only a temporary commitment, and there is nowhere to go!"

After speaking, Xu Yu picked up the glass wine glass, and then faced the empty cup and drank towards the sky.

After drinking for a while, he felt that it was not enough, so he exclaimed angrily: "Ah Qi! Ah Qiu! "

Cao Cao also stood up, and then grabbed Xu Yu's shoulder and said, "Xu Ziyuan, you have drunk too much, and you are also drunk, and go to my study to rest." "

After saying that, Cao Cao ignored Xu Yu's struggle, and then dragged Xu Yu to his study.

Late afternoon.

Xu Yu woke up groggily, only to feel that his head was about to explode yesterday.

"Hey, drinking misunderstanding! Drinking misunderstanding!"

Xu Yu muttered in annoyance, "I didn't tell Cao Cao about the original thing after getting drunk, did I?"

"Probably not, my mouth is so tight, Cao Cao Xiu wants to get half something out of me!"

Xu Yu looked at the glass wine glass still held in his hand, and the greed in his eyes rose again.

"It seems that Cao Cao wants to bribe me with this thing!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But... How can I buy it like this!"

"Cao A, look down on me!"

Xu Yu held the glass wine glass tightly, and his eyes roamed the study.

Soon, I saw a large white paper on the desk and walked over curiously.

Quickly attracted by the content on the white paper.

It was hand-drawn with a map of Guanzhong and Cao Cao marked the counties.

There was also a book on the side, Xu Yu glanced towards the closed study door and the half-open window, and saw that there was no one around, so he opened the booklet.

"It turned out that Chen Gong suggested that Cao Cao conquer the western pass, occupy the land of Lao Qin, capture Western Liang, gain a strategic high ground to conquer the world, and then swallow Nanyang to occupy Jingzhou, and in Yangzhou, and finally fight with Benchu in Hebei. "

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth flashed with mockery: "Chen Gongtai is just like that." "

Xu Yu also saw Cao Cao's annotation behind him, as well as the response, and Cao Cao agreed to Chen Gong's play.

Xu Yu smiled: "Cao A conceals, Cao A conceals, it's really short-sighted." "

"When you take Guanzhong, you will have already taken the land of Qingzhou, and when the time comes, send troops south, and your Zhencheng, your Xinxu County, and your Sanzhou land will all return to Yechengye!"

"There is Qingzhou you don't take, but you are really frightened by the primordial, you deserve to live in the shadow of the primordial all your life, this is the suppression of the family lineage, the family of eunuchs, you can't become a big thing!"

Xu Yu immediately took Chen Gong's booklet into his arms, searched around the study, found some other valuable information, and then opened the door of the study, pretending to be drunk and still not awake, and shouting Meng De Meng De in his mouth, and the sound of a pot of drying, gradually left the courtyard door and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Master, this plot of Jiang Gan's book theft has let Xu Yu act!"

Xu Yu did not know that Cao Cao deliberately led him to the study and saw the hand-drawn map of Guan, as well as the book of his own prefecture.

As soon as Xu Yu left, Cao Cao, Chen Gong, and Guo Jia walked out from the shadows.

Cao Cao said: "Xu Yu is a talented person, but even if his mouth is a little smelly, he has a dirty heart, why don't I give him this opportunity!"

Chen Gong said, "I'm afraid Yuan Shao won't believe it?"

Cao Cao said: "Yuan Shao will definitely believe it, but there are many advisers under Yuan Shao, and it is inevitable that someone will see the problem." "

"Like Tian Feng, you can see the flaws at a glance!"

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Tian Feng is rigid and straight, even if he can see the flaw, Yuan Shao will not believe it, but will do the opposite of what Tian Feng said!"

"I have been in Yuan Shao's place for a few months, there are many advisers, but they are indecisive, there are many factions of advisers and martial generals below, it is difficult to work together as a rope, and work together in one direction, the lord does not have to worry much!"

Cao Cao stroked his beard and bowed his head slightly.

Chen Gong said, "Fengxiao, how is the movement of soldiers and horses on Yuan Shao's side, and where did his son Yuan Tan attack?"

Người mua: sabmado

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