Guo Jiadao: "According to our Qingzhou personnel report, Yuan Tan and Tian Kai fought in Jinan State, Tian Kai was defeated and retreated to Dongpingling, and all north of Jishui returned to Yuan Tan!"

"Yuan Tan occupies most of Jibei and Le'an, and is preparing to launch an attack on Dongpingling, the capital city of Jinbei!"

"I estimate that Tian Kai will still be defeated, but Dongpingling is not so easy to be captured by Yuan Tan, because Yuan Shao transferred the main military generals to deal with Gongsun Zhan, and did not take Tian Kai to heart at all, so there are not many military generals and advisers left for Yuan Tan. "

"In this way, within a month or two, Yuan Tan will not be able to capture Qingzhou, at most to the Linzi Kingdom!"

"At that time, our summer harvest was basically over. Xuzhou's soldiers and horses have also completed training and integration, and they can send troops from Langxi and enter the North Sea first. "

"You can also order Guan Hai and others to lead a Qingzhou partial army to re-infiltrate the "023" Ling Mountain Range in Qingzhou, and block Yuan Tan from penetrating into the hinterland of Qingzhou in the name of the yellow turban, even if Tian Kai is defeated, Yecheng still wants to occupy Qingzhou and form a pincer on our Yanzhou and Xuzhou. "

Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia: "What has Kong Wenju done recently?"

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Kong Wenju is also worried about the war between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan now, no matter who wins or loses, he will eventually seize Beihai County, so Kong Rong's situation is not much better than Tao Qian!"

"Kong Wenju sent a delegation to my city, and he was halfway through, he should have thanked the Lord for sending troops to help, and at the same time wanted to discuss the future of Qingzhou and Beihai with the Lord!"

"Oh!" the smile on Cao Cao's face grew even stronger when he heard this.

"When did Kong Wenju become so familiar that he leaned towards me and wanted to discuss the future of Qingzhou with me?"

"The Lord does not know something, Cai Yong has written three letters, inviting Kong Wenju to come to Zhencheng to prepare for the establishment of Cai's Academy and cultivate young talents in the world!"

"Kong Wenju had a big intention, but in the end, he still couldn't let go of the obsession of the Kong family, and at the same time, he still had illusions about the position of the Taishou of Beihai, so he didn't come over!"

"However, in my opinion, in the future, he would rather enter the court of Chang'an in Guanzhong than go to Cai's Academy!"

The inheritance of the Kong family has been characterized, only connected to the imperial court, and does not need the Kong family to have any real talents or skills, as long as the imperial court needs, it will naturally continue to add officials to the knighthood and give various rewards.

Therefore, Kong Rong is going to Cai's Academy to accept apprentices to expand his influence, which has no meaning.

Unless, he is really obsessed with education and is dedicated to teaching and educating people.

"That's it, if you don't come, you won't come, the descendants of Kong Sheng, there may not be many true talents!" said Cao Cao sourly.

If Kong Rong affirmed Zhencheng, it would inevitably bring about an unprecedented increase in Cao Cao's prestige.

Even the descendants of Kong Sheng recognized it.

Who in other families dared to despise Cao Cao and did not wait to see him.

Therefore, Cao Cao said that his mouth was hard, and his heart was somewhat uncomfortable.


Guanzhong Chang'an!

Li Wei called Guo Qiang.

"I heard that Lü Bu voted for Cao Cao, and Cao Cao took Lü Bu!


All big and small matters are decided by Li Wei and Guo Qiang.

"I heard. Guo said:

"Now that it has spread all over Guanzhong City, Cao Cao not only took Lü Bu, but Lü Bu's family was also hidden by Cao Cao. "

"That guy Cao Cao still wants to lead troops to attack Chang'an and fight for the Son of Heaven, it's really abominable!"

Li Wei said, "Then what do you want?"

Guo Xiao said: "The two of us are in the court, Zhang Ji is outside to respond, he is closest to Cao Cao's Yanzhou, let him send troops to rob Yanzhou, and teach Cao Cao a lesson." "

"I heard that Cao Cao has high-yield agricultural materials there, and the whole Yanzhou is extremely rich, and the land is full of grain, so why don't we send troops to grab a handful?"

Guo Xiao shook his head slightly: "Let's go, won't Chang'an be empty, in case someone moves his mind and takes the little emperor away, aren't you afraid?"

Hearing this, Li Wei suddenly shook his head and dismissed his plan to send troops east and plunder Yanzhou.

The food is good, and it can arm more Qiang people as pawns.

But if the little emperor is lost, then he Li Wei and Guo Xiao will be nothing.

The so-called gains outweigh the losses, because the small loses the big.

Guo Xiao naturally understood it.

"Just relying on one Zhang Ji, I'm afraid it's not Cao Cao's opponent!" Li Wei said worriedly: (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lü Bu is too brave, you and I both know, and we have to send others to attack Cao Cao!"

Guo Xiao said: "This is simple, call Jia Wenhe first, he has always been resourceful, and he has his own clever plan to deal with Cao Cao!"

So Li Wei immediately ordered someone to summon Jia Xu0...

Jia Xu knew about the rumors in Guanzhong earlier than Guo and Li.

Moreover, Cao Cao never broke contact with him, and sent five people to invite him to Yanzhou.

From time to time, some souvenirs are brought over.

Let Jia Xu sigh with emotion.

There are still people in the world who know that they are full of talent.

And in order to attract himself, Cao Cao was able to do this, and this courtesy and appreciation really moved Jia Xu.

However, he has always been focused on saving his life, and he will not move lightly when Chang'an is still a safe place.

Cao Cao can only be said to be a choice for the future, not a choice for the present.

Soon Jia Xu came to the hall.

Li Wei and Guo Xiao explained the rumors, and then asked: "Sir, Cao Cao is a great calamity, I want to get rid of it, can Sir have a good plan?"

Jia Xudi calculated deeply, obviously guessed it earlier, but showed a look of surprise, and after the color was silent for a long time, waiting for Li Wei and Guo Xian to be impatient, only then did he open his eyelids and say:

"Two generals, have you ever wondered who spread this rumor?"


Who spread the rumors?

The two instantly understood most of it.

No one pushed the waves, how could it be spread so that both of them knew it, and they were afraid to bear 2.0.

"Sir means that someone deliberately did it to make us attack Cao Cao so that we could profit from it?" Guo Xiao was more intelligent than Li Wei, which is why he asked.

Jia Xu nodded slightly: "Don't rule out this possibility, some people want to kill people with a knife to get rid of Cao Cao, or use Cao Cao to lead two generals and all the Western Liang generals to the east, so as to invade Guanzhong and Chang'an!"

"Who should be so bold and dare to use us! I will kill him all over the house!" Li Wei stood up and said angrily.

Jia Xuan said, "There are three places that dare to do this!"

"One is Liangzhou, Ma Han and the two have coveted Guanzhong!"

"The second is Yuan Shu, in order to avenge his personal revenge, so that he can send troops north to retake Yuzhou!"

"The third is Yuan Shao, in order to weaken Cao Cao, make his southern face worry-free, and avoid Cao Cao from sitting big, he had to make this decision, killing two birds with one stone!"

Người mua: sabmado

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