Ma Teng Han Sui, Yuan Shu Yuan Shao!

Guo Xiao and Li Wei looked gloomy, three directions, this is not easy to guess.

"Sir, who do you think it is?" asked Guo.

Jia Xu shook his head: "I don't know!"

"If I know, I don't need to analyze, ask the two generals to strike directly!"

This is too!

Guo Li agreed and believed Jia Xu's nine points!

Guo Xian said: "Sir, Cao Cao's taking in Lü Bu is always a scourge, Cao Cao is connected to my Guanzhong, and there is a favorable location to start troops to advance westward, so we must guard against it." "

"There is a clever way to cut it!"

It can be seen that Guo Xiao is very jealous of Cao Cao.

If he didn't kill Cao Cao, he was uneasy.

As for who spread rumors and killed people with knives, that is a matter for later.

Now we will discuss how to deal with this threat from Cao Cao.

Jia Xu's eyes narrowed, and the old god began to be there again.

It seemed to be deliberating, and it was also like an old prisoner falling asleep.

Guo Xiao and Li Wei saw that they didn't blame Jia Xu for this situation, so they didn't dare to urge.

06 waited for a long time before Li Wei called: "Sir!"


"Eh!" Jia Xu opened his eyes slowly: "When people are old, they are easy to sleep!"

Mani, you're really asleep!

Guo Xiao and Li Wei cried out in their hearts.

This old thing really dares to sleep.

"That gentleman can think of a way to solve Cao Cao in his dreams!" asked Guo Xiao directly.

Jia Xu's old face was not red, still slow, raised his eyelids, and then said with an amiable face: "The way of controlling the princes, there is nowhere to call like Dong Xiangguo, provoking a fight between the princes!"

"Yuan Shu wanted Yuzhou to make him Xuzhou Mu and make him attack Xuzhou; Liu Biao wanted to protect Jingzhou from occupying Nanyang, so he made him Yuzhou Mu.

If Yuan Shao wanted to weaken Cao Cao, he would give him Jiyin County, but Yuan Shao wanted Qingzhou again, so he gave Qingzhou to Cao Cao, so that they could eat dogs, what would they gain and what would they lose?"

When Li Wei heard this, he stroked his palm and laughed: "Okay, good, or Mr. Wen He is powerful, this plan will make the Kanto rats fight more fiercely!"

After Guo Xiao listened, he was not as happy as Li Wei.

Instead, his brows furrowed slightly: "Sir, Yuan Shao is at war with Gongsun Zhan, the two are fighting for Qingzhou and Jiyu, and where is Yuan Shao and the remaining soldiers going south to fight with Cao Cao."

If you give Qingzhou to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao may not fight with Cao Cao!"

Jia Xu smiled and said, "General, you two have the Son of Heaven, Chang'an is the imperial court, can't you send angels, send envoys to Ji Yu, and mediate in the middle?"

"This will not only free Yuan Shao's hand to deal with Cao Cao, but if Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan strike and truce, won't it show the prestige of the Chang'an imperial court, making the imperial court's orders respected by more people in the world." "

"At that time, the two generals can get the support of more people in the world, why worry about the big thing?"

When Guo Xiao heard this, his brows finally stretched this time.

Only then did he respectfully say: "Sir is a great talent, or Sir is a master, and he can clearly see the general trend of the world!"

"Since Sir has a good plan, then we will immediately enter the palace to find the Son of Heaven and send a holy decree!"

Guo Xiao shook his head speechlessly, but still followed out.

Jia Xu looked at the bar hall alone, and after Guo Li and the two of them left, a touch of essence shot out from his cloudy eyes.

After a long time, Jia Xu left slowly.

Stay back at the mansion!

Immediately, a housekeeper came in and reported: "Master, that person is here again, this time he sent half a white paper, a small altar of medicinal wine, a dressing mirror, and a small packet of spring and summer tea!"

Jia said, "Where are the people?"

"Already gone, still living in the original side house!" the butler replied.

Jia Xuan said: "This is a shrewd merchant, who wants me to be accommodating, go and invite him here, I Jia Fu must not lose my courtesy." "

The butler nodded when he heard this.

Not long after, a robe entered Jia Xu's mansion. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In Jia Xu's study.

"That's the thing, you can go!" Jia Xu only said a word, and then chased the people away.

People are not annoyed, Jia Xu's words are worth thousands of dollars.

The investment that has been taking so long has finally paid off.

So he quickly took his leave.

This time, he did not return to the house he had bought as a merchant who had been living, but came to a remote house in the south city gate.

"Quickly report the lord, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu want to harm the lord, spread rumors in Chang'an, and attract Guo Li!"

"This is the content of Guo Li's request, write it down and burn it, people can die, and the news cannot flow out!"

The person on the other side hugged his fist and replied: "No!"


"Sir, your strength is so great and your martial arts are also strong, why don't you give full play to your talent, become a strong man respected by everyone in the world, earn fame and wealth, and marry Bai Fumei!"

Lü Bu has been on duty here in Yeqing for quite some time.

Some novel terms have also been learned.

Talking with Ye Qing is no longer the original restraint, more open and casual.

Although he still couldn't enter the inner courtyard where Ye Qing ate and lived, he could enter freely on this side of the academy.

Ye Qing's class also listened to a lot, greatly increased his knowledge, and broadened a lot of horizons.

It turns out that the world is so big!

It turns out that the big man is so small!

It turns out that there are so many barbarians!

Originally...... Himself so weak!

Ye Qing said with a smile:

"Do you know low-key?"

"To deal with people, you have to keep a low profile, high-profile is easy to die, because you never know how many people are stronger than 810, which corner will jump out of an iron plate, you can't kick!"

"Indecent development, don't shoot guns, quietly enter the village, is king."

Only when you are at a low point, when you are in trouble, can you really find a good partner, those who only value your fame and pull wealth, most of them are vain, fly faster than anyone in the face of disaster, and even quietly send you a green hat!"


Lv Bu still has some uncleavage.

Wealth does not return home, like a brocade clothes walking at night.

It is really strange that some status is not dazzling, some meritorious fame is not famous, and some are not rich.

Ye Qing seems to be too faint of fame and fortune, and he is no different from the legendary real Ascot.

This also convinced Lu Bu.

Mr. Ye's character is not exactly what he needs to learn at present, which is exactly what he has precipitated and honed.

"What Sir said is heartwarming, although I can't understand it all, I also love it a lot!" said Lu Bu very respectfully.

"Sir, you said that martial arts is not the way after all, it will be abandoned by people slowly, science and the like will be prosperous, and Gewu can strengthen the country and the people, revitalize Longteng Huaxia, develop Cao Village, improve transportation, and speed up the flow of information!"

"Then my martial arts, don't I have no chance to display it, let alone become the ability to provide for my family, what is the difference between me and a wasted person?"

Người mua: sabmado

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