Lu Da!

The obsession is still deep.

Ye Qingshu said, "Not necessarily, your strength is still useful!"

"Now there are short videos and jokes in big cities outside!"

"In the future, if the village is electrified, connected to the Internet, and has a signal, everyone has money, buy a mobile phone, take a video of you practicing martial arts, upload it, and you will definitely get a certain amount of attention!"

"Maybe if you become a rural martial arts Internet celebrity, you can also be popular for a few years and make money and make hemp!"

Electrified to the Internet?

Hand chicken!

Holding a chicken in your hand, can you video?

Lv Bu was even more ignorant.

"Sir, let me show my martial arts to the people of the whole world!" Lu Bu seemed to suddenly understand something, but suddenly his face was difficult to see:

"Sir, I'm not like a singing advocate!"

"All rely on face color tips to get a living?"

If that's the case, it's better to kill yourself.

I'm going to be reduced to that point.

"Hehe, why can't you wipe face!" Ye Qing said with a smile:

"In essence, making short videos and opening live broadcasts is to sell food and singing, and tips are one of the main sources of economic gain!"

"However, you can also not give tips, make meat with your heart, show your martial arts, show your strength, bring fire to the village by the way, and then live broadcast and bring goods, promote the organic agricultural products in the village, generate income for the village, and also reflect your own value, so that you will not feel embarrassed!"

Live streaming!

How did this become a businessman again?

Although a little better than the advocate, it is still a splash industry.

Lu Bu's breathing was a little short.

Sir's positioning for my future is this, isn't it... Got it wrong!

"Of course, not only you, but also Xu Ba and Dian San can also broadcast live together, you group a few PCs, show your true skills to fight, promote the real traditional martial arts, and let the world know what is called Chinese martial arts." Ye Qingdao:

"Several people combined together, the probability of success will be greater, and there will be no embarrassment, so you dare to shoot short videos, and dare to live broadcast goods!"

What the?

Dian Wei and Xu Chu also want to make short videos and live broadcasts.

Suddenly, Lu Bu was a little receptive.

This is the case with man, who suffers from inequality rather than from the few.

Xu Chu Dianwei, like himself, seems to be much more balanced.

"Sir, is this true, Dian San, Xu Ba will they be willing?"

Ye Qingdao: "Not only Dian San, Xu Ba, Xu Fifteen, Guo Da, Chen Accountant, and Boss Cao can all shoot short videos, and they can all go live to bring goods for Caojia Village." "

"As long as you can fire and do a good job in the content, Caojia Village can also engage in tourism in the future, the natural resources here are very good, I believe that the famous accommodation and the deep mountain ancient village will have a big fire!"

"At that time, we will all wait to get the sacks for the money!"

Lu Bu stared at Ye Qing's handsome face, a little incredulous?

Chen Gong and Cao Cao are going to live broadcast!

To sing along too?

It seems... It's a bit of a crooked spirit.

But it made Lu Bu feel extremely good in his heart.

If Cao Cao is willing to sing, what are he afraid of?

But Mr. Ye doesn't leave the money in three sentences, isn't it too philistine!

The gentleman is an elegant person, not very much like a love of money.

Lv Bu was a little confused.

Next, Ye Qing chatted with Lu Bu about something else.

After solving a lot of doubts in Lu Bu's heart, it can be regarded as the completion of channeling.

"Sir, I'll go home for dinner first, and I'll talk tomorrow!" Lu Bu looked at the sky, and then bowed and retreated. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Lv Bu just walked on the front foot.

The carriage of Cao Cao, Chen Gong, Guo Jia and others stopped at the door.

"Master, it seems that Lu Bu has just returned to his mansion, and the gate has just ended!"

Everyone glanced at the gate of the mansion where Lu Bu lived opposite, and then looked at the gate of Ye Qing's mansion that was concealed.

"Boss Cao, at the end of the night, you won't be hot to eat at night!" Dian Wei saw Cao Cao and the others coming over, without Xu Chu, and the smile on his face suddenly became brighter.

The two have always shouted and fought when they met.

Cao Cao said, "Dian San, otherwise, you go to General Zhendong's mansion, and I will take you with me on future expeditions."

Anyway, now Lu Bu can already stand guard for Mr. Ye and guard the mansion!"

Dian Wei shook his head: "Don't don't! What's so fun about fighting, it's better to follow Mr. , there is food and drink, and stories to listen to, and you can increase your skills, and the most important thing is not to kill people!"

Don't look at Dian Wei as a fierce and evil look.

At heart, he is still a kind and honest guy.

If it weren't for the bad way of this world, ordinary people, who want to take up arms, take the lives of others, and become a cold-blooded executioner!

The sentence of not killing people deeply shocked Cao Cao, Chen Gong, Guo Jia and others.

Born in troubled times, no one wants to kill people, and no one wants to rush people's lives.

Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, more than a dozen prefectures and more than 100 counties, the war has been endless, and I don't know how many people have died.

The population has dropped at least three floors, countless fertile lands have become wasteland, countless villages have become scorched earth, and many cities have been ruined and barren, standing in the lonely wasteland.

"'Okay, if you like it, then stay with Sir!'" Cao Cao couldn't take Dianwei, and he also had some helplessness in his heart.

The high-ranking official Houlu is indeed less important than Mr. Ye's bodyguards.

"Sir, I have to add food and ingredients today!"

When Cao Cao and the others entered the arch of the backyard, they saw Ye Qing raise his head in the direction of the sky, and then a small dragon erupted from his mouth.

It's about two feet tall.

Cao Cao and the others were stunned.

"This, this..."


Can Ye Qing spew fire out of his mouth?

To hell with it.

When Ye Qing heard the movement, he hurriedly collected his powers and closed his mouth.

Ran (Zhao) then made a return dantian action.

"Hehe, juggling tricks!"

"The fire-breathing technique on the rivers and lakes is just a trick, don't be surprised!"

Ye Qing really wanted to complain in his heart, how Dian Wei guarded the door, and actually let Cao Da and them in.

Caused himself to practice fire breathing and was discovered.

Fortunately, this thing can be a lie, and there are many people who play tricks on the rivers and lakes.

So Ye Qing thought he had done a perfect cover-up.

At the same time, Ye Qing also complained in his heart, last time to Boss Cao they finished talking about fire burning chibi, and they rewarded a fire breathing technique, and Xi Zhi could gather the fire element between heaven and earth for his own use.

With a certain amount of practice, it is possible to spit fire dragons in your mouth.

After practicing for so long, Ye Qing could only spew out a small dragon fire about two feet in length, and there was still a way to go.

"Directly reward me with a fire-breathing skill, practicing this fire-breathing technique is too throat-draining!"

Người mua: sabmado

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