"Sir, with countless great skills, it is really enviable and admirable!"

Cao Cao withdrew his astonished gaze, and then said with a smile.

After speaking, he looked at Chen Gong and Cao Hong.

Could it be that Mr. Ye has already recovered some of his mana.

Even the way of fire has been restored.

In this way, the day when true strength is restored and the light is reborn is not far away!

Instantly, Cao Cao felt that his pressure had increased.

Conquering the world is even more urgent!

"Hehe, I want to learn, I'll teach you in the future!" said Ye Qing with a smile.

The principle of juggling he knew was to shout wine, and then set fire to spit out.

However, this rhythm is difficult and requires frequent practice.

If you don't let the fire burn into your mouth, you're done.

Therefore, Ye Qing was just talking, and did not dare to really teach Cao Cao and others the juggling of breathing fire.

"Sit down, I'll tell you a paragraph before the meal is ready!"

Chen Gong and others praised one after another: "Sir understands us, Sir, please speak, let's listen!"

"Sir, last time I said that Guan Yu was ordered by Zhuge Liang to be pushed out of 010 to ask and behead!"

"Yes, sir, has Guan Yu been beheaded!"

Although everyone knew that Zhuge Liang could not really kill Guan Yu, after all, this was Liu Bei's righteous brother and the two fierce generals who could fight the most in Liu Bei's army.

If this is killed, it is a self-severed arm.

However, everyone still has some expectations, it is best if Zhuge Liang messes around, kills Guan Yu, messes with Liu Bei's camp, and reduces obstacles for Cao Wei to dominate the world!

But he said that Zhuge Liang wanted to cut off Guan Yu, and Xuande personally interceded: When the three of Xiwu were married, they swore to live and die. Although Jinyunchang broke the law, he could not bear to violate the former alliance. Hope Quan remembered, Rong will atone for his sins. So Zhuge Liang let Guan Yu go, and did not kill him!" Ye Qing said with a smile:

"In the future, there was a person who also violated the military order, but he did not have such treatment, and was ruthlessly killed by Zhuge Liang to calm the military heart and stabilize Zhuge Liang's position!"

Guan Yu really wasn't killed!

One suspense was solved, and as a result, Ye Qing threw another one, which immediately caused Cao Cao, Chen Gong and others to itch.

Who will Zhuge Liang cut next time?

Moreover, Cao Cao was defeated (agdh), and Zhou Yu and Liu Bei both had the intention of taking Nanjun, so the two sides agreed that whoever captured Nanjun, Nanjun would be owned.

Zhou Yu was full of anger and chose to attack first... As a result, Cao Ren used Cao Cao's tricks to shoot and wound Zhou Yu in Wengcheng! "

"Later Zhou Yu took advantage of the fact that the arrow was in a bad body to tempt Cao Ren to send troops to attack, laid an ambush on all sides, and defeated Cao Ren, but when the Jiangdong soldiers and horses directly took the city of Nanjun, Liu Bei had already had Zhuge Liang's plan and ordered Zhao Zilong and others to take the city. "

"Zhuge Liang ordered Zhang Fei to take Jingzhou City, and Guan Yu to take Xiangyang City!

When everyone heard this, they all scolded Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang for being shameless, tricking Zhou Yu into attacking and beating in front, attracting Cao Ren and other soldiers and horses, and as a result, they picked up ready-made ones in the back.

It's really shameless!

"Sir, Zhou Yu and Sun Quan, if you can bear this breath, I'm afraid you will break with Liu Bei and have a good fight!"

Ye Qing said: "It should have been so, but Lu Su persuaded Zhou Yu, he said that Sun Quan had been attacking Hefei for a long time, and now he fought with Cao Cao, but he only won one battle, and he didn't hurt Cao Wei Root, if he attacked in chaos, he would be seized by Cao Cao, and then I was afraid that Jiang Jiang would have a chance to be destroyed, so he took the initiative to go to Liu Bei and ask for an explanation..."

Next is the classic Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou, Zhao Yun stabbing to death Lingling general Xing Daorong!

Guiyang Taishou Zhao Fan dedicated his sister-in-law, Guan Yu took Changsha war veteran Huang Zhong!

Wei Yan offered the city to fall, Zhuge Liang wanted to kill and then quickly! (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhang Liao fought Sun Quan, and Le Jin shot Sun Quan to kill Song Lian, and Tai Shici sneaked up on Zhang Liao and was killed by an arrow.

Zhou Yu's clever plan tricked Liu Bei into going to Jiangdong, marrying Sun Shangxiang, losing his wife and breaking the army, and Zhuge Liang was angry with Zhou Yu.

"Zhou Yu, this is stealing chickens, not eroding rice!"

"Sun Quan is really scum, he was defeated by Zhang Liao, Le Jin and others, and even lost several generals, it's a pity for Shi Ci!"

"Hey, Liu Bei, this dog thing, actually spoiled a young girl, it's really unfair!"

Liu Bei kept abandoning his wife and son, and as a result, some girls hit him one by one, leaving everyone speechless.

"Zhuge Liang is also too careful, why do you think that Wei Yan will rebel, sacrifice the city to invest, and as a result, he will behead people!

Ye Qing ignored everyone's words, and his nose moved slightly: "The meal is ready, you can enjoy the evening meal, eat and drink, let's continue!"

"Sir please. When everyone heard this, they also came back to their senses, and the temple of the five internal organs in their stomachs had rebelled.

Use the dinner well, brew the tea, and the light fragrance is fragrant.

The courtyard is silent, the cool breeze is practiced, the moon and stars are bright in the sky, and the river Han is brilliant!

After a cup of tea, warm the stomach and drink it like a sweet spring, refreshing people's hearts.

"Shutan!" Ye Qing drank a small half cup and smashed his mouth before saying:

"Where did we just talk?"

"Sir, before the meal, you talked about Liu Bei taking Sun Shangxiang, and then Zhuge Liang Er Qi Zhou Yu. Chen Gong replied.

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and then continued: "But it is said that Cao Cao was defeated and returned to Xu Capital, Chang Si took revenge, and he was worried that Sun Liu would unite again, so he built the Tonque Platform, and the assembly was in Ye County... In the south, Zhou Yu had a plan in mind, took the opportunity of Xichuan, and actually sent troops to capture Jingzhou, but the result was seen by Zhuge Liang, laid down a large array, and surrounded on all sides. "

"Zhou Yu's arrow sores cracked and fell under the horse... Later Zhuge Liang sent a letter, and after reading, Zhou Yu died of anger, shouting before death: "He Sheng Yu, He Sheng Liang." "

Zhuge Liang three breath Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu under the recurrence of the old injury, a whine!

Everyone really didn't expect that the merry Zhou Yu would die like this.

The Governor of Eastern Wu died quickly!

"It's only six out of thirty, it's the prime of life, and Zhou Yu is a bit of a pity!" Cao Cao couldn't help but feel sorry when he heard this.

Chen Gong said: "Zhou Yu is small, he can't be counted as Zhuge Liang, but he wants to forcibly demonstrate, and in the end, Zhuge Liang has repeatedly fallen for his tricks!"

If Jiangdong loses this commander of the army and horses, I am afraid that the situation will be unstable, and Cao Cao may have to go south to retake Jingzhou!"

Người mua: sabmado

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