Seeing Sun Liu pinching each other for so long, it's almost time for Cao Wei to appear!

The crowd thought the same and looked forward to it.

Zhuge Liang's wisdom is as high as a demon, and he is beating all parties throughout the process, and as a person on Cao Wei's side, he is not very comfortable in his heart.

"Jiangdong has no internal turmoil, Sun Quan is not strong in battle, almost all foreign wars are defeated, and the scumbags are a horse, but they have a very good set of internal control!"

"Before Zhou Yu's death, he recommended Lu Su as the governor of Jiangdong, and Sun Quan followed Zhou Yu and ordered Lu Su to be the governor of the capital and command the soldiers and horses. "

"But Sun Quan didn't use the phoenix Pang Tong, so Pang Tong voted for Liu Bei in Jingzhou, and Liu Bei was also light, so as to entrust the county to order Anzhi... Later, after Zhuge appeared's persuasion, Liu Beifang worshiped Pang Tong as a lieutenant general of the deputy military division. "

"In the Xu capital, Cao Cao heard that Liu Bei was recruiting troops and training soldiers, and he was afraid that there would be a mistake in the west, and Ma Teng came to attack, so he used Xun Fu's scheme to lure Ma Teng into Beijing... Later Ma Teng was killed by Cao Cao. "

"Thinking that he would solve the troubles, Cao Cao wanted to march south, and heard that Liu Bei wanted to take Xichuan in the west, so he asked the advisers of the people, and Chen Qun offered advice: Liu Bei and Sun Quan are married, and if Liu Bei wants to take Xichuan, the prime minister can order the general to raise troops, meet the people of Qi, and take Jiangnan, then Sun Quan will ask Liu Bei for help;

Liu Bei intends to save Sun Quan in Xichuan; Sun Quan will lack strength and decline without help, and the land of Jiangdong~, will be obtained by the prime minister.

If you get Jiangdong, then Jingzhou can be flat; Jingzhou is flat, and then Xu Tuxichuan: The world is determined-!"

Chen Qun! Another strategist!

Cao Cao silently noted it in his heart.

Cao Hong said, "Sir, if you hit Sun Quan first, can you succeed?"

Jiangdong is no better than other places, with the Huai River and the Yangtze River as a barrier.

It's not easy to take it.

After all, Cao Wei did not have Jingzhou, and there were no warships, what would he take to break through the hinterland of Jiangdong?

"Sun Quan's side has a detailed return, Cao Cao raised an army of 300,000 to go south, and he was also frightened, so he quickly convened a discussion of Wen Wu!"

Zhang Zhao suggested that he give Lu Su the book and let Lu Su communicate with Liu Bei to help defend against Cao Cao. Ye Qingdao:

Sun Quan then wrote to Lu Su, and Lu Su went to Liu Bei to ask for help, and Zhuge Liang offered Liu Bei to repair the book to Ma Chao in Western Liang, and used Ma Chao to contain Cao Cao... Hou Ma Chao and Han Sui raised the army of 200,000 Western Liang, went south to attack Cao, and killed Chang'an!"

"Zhong Xiu, who guarded Chang'an, was defeated by Ma Chao and Han Sui, and lost to Tongguan... When Cao Cao heard that Chang'an had been lost, he did not dare to go south to Yan to ask for it, so he had to first let Cao Hong and Xu Huang lead more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to Tongguan for first aid, and then lead the army to it, but Cao Hong couldn't resist Ma Chao's insults to go out to attack the enemy, so that Tongguan was also lost!"

I lost Tongguan!

Cao Hong was stunned when he heard this.

Cao Cao glanced at Cao Hong, then gently patted him on the shoulder, signaling Cao Hong not to panic.

Cao Hong must have scolded Ma Chao too badly, so he couldn't help but send troops.

"After Cao Cao's army arrived, Ma Chao led the army to rush to kill, Cao Jun Yu Ban was not an opponent, and he was defeated in eight and nine battles, and Zhang Hao came out to meet him, and he was also defeated in the battle of Twenty He.

Li Tong came out to greet, after the super number of combinations, he was stabbed by a shot and died, and after Ma Chao attacked Cao Cao's central army, Cao Jun could not resist, and finally took off his robe and fled..."

Ma Chao is so brave!

Yu Ban and Zhang Hao were not opponents, and Li Tong was easily killed.

The combat power is simply terrifying!

Even after killing Cao Cao, he took off his robe and fled, and Cao Cao was too embarrassed.

Cao Cao himself was embarrassed and ashamed when he heard it, he would have such a embarrassed time to escape.

"Sir, this Ma Chao is so fierce, this person is the fifth place in the list of famous generals!" Cao Hong was very unhappy in his heart, so he asked.

One Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei, four passes, five horses, six Zhang Fei.

There is only one surnamed Ma, and it is almost this Ma Chao!

Ye Qing nodded slightly: "Xiao Hongxue is smart, he guessed it so quickly!"

It's really Ma Chao! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No wonder no wonder!

Cao Cao's heart clicked.

The fifth place in the list of famous generals, I actually formed a mortal feud with him.

Hey, what a mess.

"Sir, Zhang He, Yu Ban and the others are not opponents, so what about the rest of Cao Wei, isn't there a single one who can subdue Ma Chao and keep him arrogant until he can't beat Xu?" asked Xu Chu with disbelief when he heard this.

As for Dian Wei, well, he probably also understood that he died in battle in Wancheng.

So there is nothing to fight, because according to the original historical development, he cannot meet Ma Chao.

So there's no need to fight.

"Later, Cao Cao ordered Xu Huang to lead an army of 4,000 soldiers and horses all the way north to cross Hexi, and in the attack from Hexi to Hedong; Cao Cao led his army to prepare a warship to cross the river to attack Ma Chao, and Xu Chu accompanied the ship to protect and safely withdraw... Later, Cao Cao drove his soldiers to carry soil and splash water, and built an ice and soil city in one night..."

"The next day, Ma Chao and Xu Chu fought each other for 230 rounds, and the weapons were broken, so that the broken things hit each other... After Xu Huang set up a village in Hexi, he formed a pincer attack on Ma Chao and Han Sui, and Han Sui was afraid and wanted to retreat... Cao Cao's strategist Jia Xuan devised a plan to erase the book and divide the book, so that Ma Chao and Han Sui had internal strife, and took advantage of the internal strife Cao Cao to attack the Ma-Korean coalition army and break the Western Liang army!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qing stopped.

Everyone recalled the storyline just now.

"Hehe, it has to be Xu Chu to deal with Ma Chao, Xu Chu is really brave!"

Xu Chu praised himself.

I didn't blush at all.

However, in this battle, Xu Chu did perform well.

Saved Cao Cao and fought with Ma Chao, regardless of victory or defeat, which can be regarded as containing Ma Chao's sharp energy.

"Piling up soil and splashing water to build a city is really a great magic method!" Chen Gong said:

"This law is greatly beneficial to the northern frontier, and can enable the Han Dynasty to build a defensive offensive in all parts of the northern frontier in a short period of time!"

"If the army of the Han Dynasty goes out to conquer northern Saibei, it can also follow this law and build a city in the wild to control the grassland barbarians!"

Cao Cao listened, his eyes shone, it turns out that this method can still be used like this, it is really wonderful.

It will be much easier to deal with barbarians in the future.

"Jia Xu, this old man is vicious, this divisive scheme, very clever and wonderful, it is a half-yang scheme, ordinary people are really difficult to get rid of!"

"Sir, Ma Chao Han Sui was defeated, the Western Liang army was submitted, did Cao Cao take the opportunity to directly kill Liangzhou, attack Ma Chao Han Sui, and unify the four realms under his name!" asked Cao Cao.

Ye Qing shook his head: "None!"

"Just when Cao Cao wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and destroy Ma Chao and Han Sui, there was a rebellion in Hejian County, and Cao Cao was worried about the safety of the rear and did not dare to go on an expedition, so he had to lead the army back, leaving Xia Houyuan and Zhang Hao and other famous generals to guard the key points, in case Ma Chao and other people!"

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