There are people rebelling in the river!

What a coincidence!

Missed opportunity.

Cao Cao and Chen Jun were both stunned, but they didn't expect that Ma Chao and Han Sui would escape like this.

"If the horse does not die, it will be the affliction of Cao Cao!" Cao Cao shook his head lightly, a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

Ma Chao is another weakened version of Lü Bu, and Lü Bu has not plagued Cao Cao, so Cao Cao has this word.

"That's not enough, although Ma Chao is strong, he will not cause any too substantial damage and threat to Cao Cao after that!"

"In the seventeenth year of Jian'an, shortly after Ma Chao's defeat in the Battle of Tongguan, although he quickly annexed the counties of Longshang, Zhang Lu also sent his general Yang Ang to help Ma Chao, gathered more than 10,000 people, and besieged Liangzhou Shi Weikang's city in Liangzhou's seat of Jicheng, and occupied Liangzhou for a year.

Then he was besieged by Wei Kang's old subordinates Yang Fu, Jiang Xu, Jiang Yin "Four Four Three", Zhao Ang, Yin Feng, Yao Qiong, Kong Xin, Li Jun and Wang Ling of Wudu, and finally Ma Chao's troops were defeated and fled to Hanzhong. "

Although Ma Chao later led Zhang Lu's soldiers and horses to retake Liangzhou, he still failed, and finally happened to meet Liu Bei entering Xichuan to capture Yizhou, so he switched to Liu Bei and helped Liu Bei capture Yizhou and destroy Liu Zhang. "

After that, Liu Bei was afraid of Ma Chao's prestige, so he did not give any real power and official positions, and Ma Chao did not do much, and Ma Chao was a rather tragic figure. "

Ye Qing also said with a regretful face.

Ma Chao is his favorite character, and he is also the favorite character of the Three Kingdoms Hobby.

Although there are not many scenes, the part where he pursues Cao Cao is a classic and is often talked about.

Ma Chao finally voted for Liu Bei!

Cao Cao's heart suddenly became uncomfortable, and such a fierce soldier also returned to Liu Bei.

In the top six, there were actually four fierce generals Liu Bei.

Liu Bei He De how able to gather so many fierce soldiers, this luck made Cao Cao jealous and envious.

Chen Gong was even more stunned, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Liu Bei was the protagonist of the story, the son of destiny.

Cao Cao was a foil instead.

Liu Bei repeatedly lost battles, and then repeatedly won the fierce soldiers, which is also too exaggerated.

"Sir, after Cao Cao put down the rebellion between the rivers, was he attacking Jiangdong and killing Sun Quan?" asked Li Jin.

This time, Cao Cao can be regarded as having no worries!

Ye Qing's expression suddenly became grim: "Cao Cao, the first time I told Cao Hong to Boss Cao that he had two major problems. "

"First, Xi Woman, I believe everyone is clear!"

Cao Cao was a little embarrassed, and everyone's faces changed slightly, and hearing the bad words of the big leader made people panic.

Cao Cao forced a smile and signaled that everyone didn't care.

Happy women are not a mortal sin, but a moral issue.

As long as I have no morality, others can't kidnap me!

"Sir, what is Cao Cao's second big problem?" Chen Gong seemed to have guessed, but he had to be a qualified audience.

"The second biggest problem with Cao Cao, as you can see, is that he is easy to be proud and complacent, as long as he is confident and arrogant, he will immediately be confused and do wrong things!" Ye Qing counted with his right hand:

"Attacking Xuzhou and letting Lü Bu sneak attack Yanzhou can be regarded as once!"

"Attacking Wancheng to fight Zhang Xiu, losing his son and nephew and the war general Dian Wei can be regarded as once!"

"After welcoming the Son of Heaven, he played Liu Bei, listened to Liu Bei's words, thought he could subdue him, and then caused an army to be taken by Liu Bei, Liu Bei occupied Xuzhou, and Cao Cao was killed again!"

"Going south to attack Jingzhou, obtaining the Jingzhou Water Master and the counties, overconfident, on Zhou Yu's bitter meat plan to beat Huang Gai, causing Chibi's defeat is another time!"

It's all four times!

Cao Cao does not teach lessons, and repeats mistakes!

Cao Cao's face turned green.

This is a heart-piercing pain, and every time it cuts the general trend that Cao Cao has built up with great difficulty.

This greatly delayed Cao Wei's domination of the world.

When Cao Cao heard this, he also felt it deeply. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"So, this fifth time..." Ye Qingtuo took a long syllable and said slowly:

"Cao broke the squad of the Ma-Korean coalition army and returned to the dynasty, proud and confident, drinking and feasting every day, and nothing happened... Yizhou Liu Zhang wanted to get rid of Zhang Lu and sent Zhang Song as an envoy, and Zhang Song came with a map of Yizhou, but Cao Cao despised Zhang Song and drove Zhang Song away.

Zhang Song then took the map of Yizhou to Jingzhou to find Liu Bei..."

This, this, this!

Cao Cao's heart ached instantly.

After breaking Ma Chao by himself, he was confused again...

Look at the word Mr. used.

Zhang Song brought Tu to invest, but as a result, he snubbed him with contempt, and Sheng Sheng pushed the land of Yizhou to Liu Bei.

With bitter hatred!

With bitter hatred!

Cao Cao's face was complicated, one would be blue, the other would be black.

Chen Gong's eyes were full of black lines when he heard this.

Lord, you are like this again!

Such a good opportunity, you actually gave it to Liu Bei.

If nothing else, Zhang Song is also a talent, not forgetting, well-informed and knowledgeable.

You are a little arrogant because of the ugliness of people's parents, you don't like people, what is your original intention?

How can you take people by their appearance!

It's really... Ay!

Chen Gong sighed secretly.

Li Jin was also stunned for a long time before muttering: "With Liu Zhang's cooperation, it is not difficult to take down Hanzhong."

In the Hanzhong, it will not be difficult to use Zhang Song to offer a map, and it will not be difficult to go south to attack Chengdu!"

"Take Yizhou, go down the river, you can break Jingzhou Yangzhou in one fell swoop, the world... Definitely!"

From Li Jin's eyes, it can be seen that Cao Cao has completely lost the general trend of unification.

This mistake is no smaller than Chibi.

"Liu Bei, this guy, this can pick up heavy treasures!" said Cao Hong rather unpleasantly.

If the eldest brother doesn't want it, Liu Bei can pick it up.

"Don't say, Liu Bei's luck of 5.2 is indeed good, this is probably fate, even if he has a thousand bad things, his luck is strong, not comparable to ordinary people." Ye Qing smiled, and then continued:

"We continue to say that Zhang Song, who went to Jingzhou, Zhuge Liang had already learned about it in secret, so he told Liu Bei, Liu Bei welcomed Zhang Song with a big gift, Zhang Song was moved, offered a map of Jizhou, and was willing to respond internally, instigating Liu Bei to enter Xichuan and capture Yizhou!"

"Before leaving at last, Zhang Song also recommended Fa Zheng and Meng Da and Liu Bei!"

"Back in Yizhou, Zhang Song's clever words tricked Liu Zhang into taking Liu Bei into Xichuan in order to reject Zhang Lu and Cao Cao;"

"Liu Zhang's mastermind Huang Quan and Wang Lei successively advised Liu Zhang to lure Liu Bei into Sichuan, which was a plan to kill himself. Liu Zhang did not listen, and insisted on sending Fa Zheng and Meng Da to lead Liu Bei into Yizhou. "。

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