"Father, this is the cement that Mr. Ye mentioned in the past!"

The excited flush on Cao Ang's face still did not subside.

After listening to Cao Ang's return, Cao Cao's eyes were also shining.

Whisker laughed loudly: "Good, good, really a good thing." "

"With this cement, the roads in various places will no longer be potholes, and it will be faster to dispatch grain and grass or send out armies!"

"Building a city pass will also be faster and stronger!"

Although cement was not yet used, Cao Cao already knew that cement could be versatile.

Cao Ang said: "Father, my husband said that you can build taller buildings with cement, ten floors and eight floors are the norm, and a skyscraper with more than one hundred stories can reach the sea of clouds and touch the sky. "

Most of the buildings of Longteng Huaxia take a broad road, extending in all directions, and the buildings made are magnificent and majestic.

So it's basically not high.

But that doesn't mean that builders don't have the foundation and experience to build tall buildings upward.

"Build a tall building up?" Cao Cao heard for the first time.

"Can you really repair hundreds and ten layers and reach the sea of clouds?"

If this is done, it will be a big deal.

Such a towering building does not show its authority and promote its prestige.

It is 100 times stronger than Tongjakutai, which is 293 times stronger.

Cao Cao was greatly moved, his heart was surging, and he imagined infinitely.

I built this tall building.

No, to build in Xudu, to Luoyang!

"Father, when Mr. Ye said something false, if he said yes, he would definitely do it, if it didn't work, it was just that we couldn't!" said Cao Ang with certainty and extreme superstition.

Cao Cao was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Yes, what Mr. Ye said can still be false!

"Okay, I'll immediately ask Wen Ruo to approve the money and grain craftsman, the cement workshop should be built as soon as possible, and the cement should be manufactured as soon as possible!"


The forecourt of the Zhendong General's Mansion.

Lü Qian took Kong Rong's envoy Zuo Chengzu into the palace.

"Fight, yes, yes, that's it!"

"Xu Chu is really black, he actually sneaked up on Dian Wei Xiapan!"

"Dian Wei is the same, he actually wants to insert Xu Chu's eyes!"

In the front yard, countless officials in the palace were surrounded, as well as the civil and military generals who came to find Cao Cao.

They all stood there, talking and watching with relish.

Lu Qian also squeezed over, and saw that Dian Wei and Xu Chu were fighting, and the two were normal competitions and could not tell the winner or loser.

So he began to make yin moves, and his subordinates became darker and darker, one by one.

Naturally, it was an eye-opener for the onlookers.

It turns out that the competition of masters can also be so bad.

"Mr. Lu, why is Duke Cao's mansion here..." Zuo Chengzu was a little refreshed.

Lu Qian explained his confusion: "These two, the one with a black face is called Xu Chu, and the one with a fierce face is called Dian Wei!"

"The two are fierce warriors who are invincible, and every time they meet, the two are either literary or martial fighting, and they must be divided into each other, which will be a big shot. "

"But just get used to it. "

The two members are fierce generals, and they will pinch when they meet.

So fierce!

With such a martial style, how can Cao Cao's army not be strong?

With these two divine generals, I am afraid that Yuan Shaogongsun Zan is not an opponent of Zhencheng.

Zuo Chengzu suddenly had a plan in his heart!

"Let's go, Mr. Zuo, my lord is still waiting for you!" Lu Qian led the way in front and led Zuo Chengzu to the hall!

Not long after, Lu Qian took Zuo Chengzu to the door of the hall! (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lu Qian walked in first.

"Master, Kong Rong's envoy has arrived!"

Cao Cao immediately signaled Cao Ang to go down.

Then said to Lu Qian: "Let him in!"

Zuo Chengzu then came in and worshiped: "Beihai Zuo Chengzu greets Cao Gong!"

Cao Cao raised his hand slightly: "You don't have to be polite here!"

"Sit down!"

"Lord Xie!" Zuo Chengzu hurriedly thanked him.

After sitting down, Cao Cao said, "Wen Ju sent a distinguished envoy to come this time, but there is something important to discuss!"

Zuo Chengzu replied truthfully: "Back to Cao Gong, my Lord sent me here for two important things, one is to thank Cao Gong for his rescue last time!"

Cao Cao said with a smile on his face: "This matter is not enough, Kong Beihai is really polite!"

Zuo Chengzu then said: "The second is because of the Qingzhou matter, presumably Cao Gong also knows that Gongsun Bogui and Yuan Benchu are contending, and they are looking at my Qingzhou tiger, and they are bound to win."

This is the fire at the city gate that affected the fish pond, and my Lord is worried about this!"

Cao Cao had known this for a long time, but he still pretended to be surprised.

"Oh, this matter... It's quite tricky, and Cao Shen understands the difficulties of Kong Beihai!" Cao Cao had an expression that I understood, but did not take the initiative to say anything else.

Zuo Chengzu saw that Cao Cao was not in the stubble, so he had to continue: "My lord once said that Cao Gong has the spirit of a majestic lord, and he is a powerful minister in the world to control chaos.

There must be a way to rescue Qingzhou and work for the well-being of the people of Qingzhou. "

"Hehe, Wen Ju lifts me up too much!" Cao Cao shook his head slightly:

"At the beginning, he and Bogui were two people, a rich prince, countless civil and military generals; one with 100,000 troops, with the world's elite horses, unparalleled combat power, the two will win, how can they seize the beauty of people, take advantage of people's danger!" Cao Cao still refused, Qingzhou is easy to get, but it is also easy to trap.

Zuo Chengzu was anxious, everyone knew that the current Qingzhou was a land of right and wrong, a hot potato.

Whoever rashly intervened would offend Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan.

Zuo Chengzu saw that Cao Cao still did not enter the pit, so he had to bite the bullet and say: "Duke Cao, Qingzhou has reached the point of being extremely anxious, if there is no one to help, without a hero like Cao Gong, it will be obtained by jackals." "

"At that time, the people of Qingzhou will also be in dire straits. "

"And once it is obtained by Gongsun Bogui or Yuan Shao, it will pose a threat and restraint to Cao Gong's Yanzhou Xuzhou in the future, is this what Cao Gong wants to see!"

When Cao Cao heard this, he pretended to be pensive.

It seems to be considering Zuo Chengzu's words.

So Zuo Chengzu continued to strike while the iron was hot: "If Duke Cao is willing, my lord can raise Beihai and Donglai to welcome Duke Cao. "

"Cao Gong Deqingzhou, then there are four states, the territory is vast, the population is large, the soldiers and horses are numerous, and the world can be conquered, and the world can be controlled."

Cao Cao stared at Zuo Chengzu, and the atmosphere in the hall was a little quiet for a while!

"I'm afraid you didn't mean Wen Ju by this!" Cao Cao sneered:

"Kong Beihai, who has always cherished his reputation and behaved in good manners, how can there be such a righteous thing to serve the wind!"

Kong Rong Nasi, Cao Cao is still extremely clear.

Then he is not a sycophant.

It's very high.

"This..." Zuo Chengzu's face was embarrassed.

After a while, he said, "Cao Gongmingjian, my lord really can't say this, but that's the general meaning!"

"Cao Gong's talents will surely benefit Qingzhou, make the people of Qingzhou better and make Qingzhou more prosperous." "

"My Lord thought that if the North Sea could not be defended, it would be okay to give it away, but... I thought Cao Gong was the best person to take over Beihai and Qingzhou!"

Người mua: sabmado

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