That's right!

Kong Rong is such a person.

There is no one better than the family lineage of the Kong family, after the Confucian saint, who does not give a thin noodles, want to be an official is not simple.

Such a disciple of a big family, it doesn't matter to him whether he should be the guardian of Beihai.

Cao Cao said coldly: "Since it is your idea, how can you - represent Beihai and Qingzhou!"

"I have no disagreement or grudge with Wen Ju, how can I seize his land and accept his people!"

"Go back, Qingzhou's affairs will be arranged by heaven! The people of our three prefectures are all in peace, how can they be in the midst of war because of Ru's words." "

Zuo Chengzu saw that Cao Cao was about to drive people away, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed with his head: "Duke Cao, what I wish is also the wish of everyone in Qingzhou and Beihai."

Qingzhou's heart to welcome Cao Gong has been for a long time, Mu Cao Gong's people are many, and they are prepared for danger in peacetime, Cao Gong please Mingjian, you must not disappoint the hearts of the people of Qingzhou and Beihai, whether you take it now or not, you will be burdened in the future!"

After speaking, Zuo Chengzu slammed three times.

Cao Cao didn't really want it, so he glanced at Lu Qian, who was accompanying him.

Lu Qian immediately understood, and also stood up and played: "Master, I thought that Mr. Zuo's words were very good!"

"The people's will must not be violated, we have managed the affairs of Qingzhou once, if we do not care about this time, the first time will not be in vain." "

Zuo Chengzu immediately raised his head when he heard this, and his eyes were full of wisdom: "Duke Cao, if you don't care, wouldn't it be many times to give aid last time!"

"Save people to the end, please Cao Cao have mercy on my Qingzhou people and find a way for them to live!"

When Cao Cao heard this, he had to stand up with a long sigh and said:

"This matter, let me discuss with the generals of the Wen Wu, saving Qingzhou is a small matter, but this is quite troublesome, I hope you can understand!"

"Thank you Cao Gong!" When Zuo Chengzu heard this, he knew that things had become seventy percent.

So Cao Cao asked Lü Qian to take Zuo Chengzu down.

When the person left, Guo Jia came out from behind the screen.

"How about filial piety!" asked Cao Cao with a smile.

Guo Jiadao: "Congratulations to the Lord on winning Qingzhou!"

"Kong Wen raised this as a temptation, intended to investigate the situation of the Lord and my Zhencheng, although Zuo Chengzu is his staff, but he is different and has his own plan, it should be the voice of all walks of life in the North Sea!"

Kong Rong can be high, but he can not be too guarded, because he has a good family.

Because he is after the Kong Saint.

So he doesn't care where Beihai goes.

Big deal, pat your ass and leave.

But the small family below, and the officials of Qingzhou, they have to survive in Qingzhou.

You can't walk away.

These people naturally have to plan a strong backstage for themselves.

That's why Zuo Chengzu said this.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and smiled: "Very good, those who follow the will of the people are prosperous, I, Cao Cao, are actually liked by the world!"

Guo Jia secretly rolled his eyes, where people like you, what your family likes is the food in your hand.

If there is no high-yield agricultural material, Qingzhou can be prosperous, will those people in Qingzhou make such a choice?


Jizhou Hejian Country!

Xu Yu finally found Yuan Shao!

"Ziyuan, but brought back good news?" Yuan Shao has not been in a good mood recently.

After winning four consecutive games, because he was in a hurry, he was ambushed by Gongsun Zan and lost for a while.

Now Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan's army are facing off in the Hejian River, and the two sides are deadlocked.

For a while, no one can help anyone. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Xu Yu replied: "Master, I have already figured out Cao Cao's intentions, he wants to go west to Guanzhong, take back the Son of Heaven, solve the bandits in Western Liang, and occupy the Guanzhong Plain and other fertile soil to grow grain for him!"

Yuan Shao looked suspicious, "Is this serious?"

"Lord, please see, this is what I picked up in Cao Cao's study!" Xu Yu lied without a red face and took out the stolen music book.

Yuan Shaobei glanced at Xu Yu meaningfully, did not poke him, took the booklet, and after flipping through it, the smile on his face also thickened.

"Good, good, I didn't expect that Cao Cao and Chen Gong were short-sighted, and they abandoned Qingzhou and coveted Guanzhong. "

Xu Yu said, "Master, Cao Cao is not all short-sighted when he does this!"

"I thought there were two reasons!"

"First, I am afraid of the Lord and dare not make enemies of my Yecheng. "

Cao Cao has been your follower since he was a child, and family affairs are not as good, and everything must follow Yuan Shao and be careful.

Just like when he killed the Ten Constant Attendants and attacked Dong Zhuo together, Cao Cao had a great advantage, but he could only cede the initiative to Yuan Shao, with Yuan Shao as the leader.

Yuan Shao was extremely useful when he heard this, after all, this was a thing.

Nor is it Xu Yu touted.

Then Xu Yu continued: "Cao Cao has enough money and food, and has always wanted to build a larger cavalry to suppress the major princes, but the horses of the northern realm are no longer available, and he must find a place for horses."

In the western attack on Chang'an, one can remove the threat of the bandits in Western Liang, the two can accept its troops as cavalry troops, and the three can connect Liangzhou and buy good horses to gain the advantage of dominating the world!

I see.

Dahan has only three horse source areas.

One is Youzhou, which was stuck by Gongsun Zhan.

As Yuan Shao's ally junior brother, how could Gongsun Zan allow Cao Cao to buy war horses in the direction of Youzhou.

The second is Union Prefecture, now in Yuan Shao's own hands, he will not allow Cao Cao to sit big, and he will inevitably have to jam the source of his war horse.

So Cao Cao could only set his sights on the third place, which was Liangzhou.

Xu Yu was able to analyze it like this, and it was also based on the music book and Cao Cao's approval, so the automatic brain made up everything.

Yuan Shao was also convinced.

"Good, good, so Cao Cao is not a worry, after I solve Gongsun Zhan, it is estimated that he will also be tortured by Guo Li and other Western Liang bandits!"

A big threat was lifted, and I felt much better.

It was here that Han Heng, who had sent an envoy to Yangzhou, also hurried to Yuan Shao's camp in the river.

"Lord... The minister failed to complete the things handed over by the lord, the minister is guilty, please ask the lord to punish!" Han Heng bowed with a guilty look.

Yuan Shao said, "Zipei, what does this mean, and how does the highway recover?"

"Back to the lord, the highway does not agree to form an alliance, and he also said that the lord wants to keep the chess pieces in Yangzhou, and Yangzhou will be his own from now on!" Han Heng said with a bitter face:

"He threw out his subordinates, and said that the lord was a villain, murdered his own subordinates, was despicable and shameless, and did not speak of faith, and he was ashamed to deal with Cao Cao with the lord!"

"He also said that Xuzhou can be taken by his own soldiers and horses, and Yuzhou can also be taken back from Cao Cao, and if the lord really worries about Cao Cao's Zhencheng, he can attack Yanzhou on his own, and he will not interfere in the ten more than ten things!"

Người mua: sabmado

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